Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 546 Chapter 545

Chapter 546 Chapter 540
As Li Shuyao and Lu Yao had expected, after the song failed to be released, although the public opinion could not be completely reversed, it turned around to a large extent, or a fork appeared.

Some people who didn't understand began to understand, and more people gradually began to accept after these two days of digestion. After all, they are the up masters who sing and post videos.

This thing is supposed to gradually fade over time, and it's not some earth-shattering social event... In other words, even that kind of social event will gradually fade over time.

Everyone should go to school, go to work, and the days will continue. Although education is popularized now, and there are more and more people who worry about the country and the people, but more people just express their opinions and then live their own lives. went.

It's hard to say what it is like, after all, it's easy to say a few words on the commanding heights of morality, but when it comes to actually doing it, most people don't have the ability.

After all, life must go on.

Therefore, those who can give up their small family for everyone when the nation is in crisis will become heroes and role models.

"Do you understand?" Li Shuyao pushed the black frame on her face, holding a small black stick in her hand, which is also the periphery of a certain magical animation in this world.

Fang Xuening bought a big figurine to keep at home, and the little stick on that figurine was naturally requisitioned by Li Shuyao when he was in class.

The content of Li Shuyao's class today is naturally following the public opinion of the past two days, and then citing scriptures, telling everyone how people responded when some major events occurred in history.

"So, why do you want to use you?" Fang Xuening said helplessly, "Obviously I'm the only one here, okay?"

"Meow meow!" Brother Gou patted his bulging belly dissatisfied, why don't we mother and son count.

"Meow meow!" Xiaohong was also a little dissatisfied, what's the matter, she looks down on our family!
"Look, look, I'm not satisfied. This is not only giving you a history lesson, but also giving them prenatal education. Seeing that the due date is coming soon." Li Shuyao pinched her waist and said with a smile.

The expected date of delivery of the kitten is about 30 days. Li Shuyao is also looking forward to what kind of thing these two guys will give birth to. She is also a little curious about how much of Gou's bright and blind genes can be passed on...

In fact, Brother Gou is already a little late. It has been more than a month since Li Shuyao came back from the base. He went to the pet store for a prenatal checkup, and they said that it should be 40 days. Now Brother Gou may give birth to a little guy at any time.

Well, that's right, Li Shuyao went to see it a few times, and she was pregnant with one.

I don't know if I should say that because the genes are too strong, it is more difficult for offspring.

Fang Xuening looked at the blue sky out of the window unrequitedly, Ma Dan, obviously you dragged me to this class, why did it become prenatal education again.

Who knows why I have to take some ideological and political courses after I have graduated. If I have this time, I will watch anime and TV series, which are not good.

"By the way, how is your cartoon?" Fang Xuening said after thinking about it.

"Ang, it's okay." Li Shuyao blinked.

"Is it a comic? Can I read the one in advance?" Fang Xuening asked curiously.

In the past two days, Li Shuyao didn't care about the announcement of the boy's song at all, leaving it to Lu Yao and the others, otherwise Lu Yao wouldn't be so busy now.

So these days Li Shuyao is painting when she is free.

"Not this time." Li Shuyao shook her head.

She didn't plan to publish the whole manga from the beginning, after all, generally speaking, Li Shuyao is still very unfamiliar with the manga business.

And she really can't think of Guoman...

One hundred thousand bad jokes?

Should I say it or not, she has read American comics and Japanese comics before, and what she reads in Chinese comics are basically adaptations of novels. Now that their novels are clearly displayed on a certain website, she is not good enough to change them by herself. I'm painting.

Then what she can draw is either Marvel, DC, or the big Japanese manga.

Marvel and DC don’t quite fit into the cultural circle here, and even some legends are more Western, not as good as Japanese comics, because the myths and legends there originally came from here.

But pinch, Riman's cultural style is too obvious, and she doesn't want to make it so obvious, so it's actually not easy to copy. In other words, after thinking about it, it seems that the easiest ones should be One Piece or Steel Refining.

Just make some modifications.

But pinch, she finds it troublesome again, so let's draw again when I have a chance.

Or draw a giant and change the ending?

Uh, she thinks that the ending of the original work is broken, and it's not bad for her to change the ending to a happy ending based on her previous experience in reading novels.

After thinking about it, she stopped doing it for the time being, and she was going to make a short animation first.

This was also an anime she had watched in her previous life. There was not a single line from the beginning to the end. Generally speaking, it was more suitable for her to try the water first.

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening were chatting about anime one after another, Brother Gou suddenly got up, and then rushed into the delivery room...

Well, this delivery room is next to its cat litter, and Li Shuyao specially bought it to put it here in the past few days, and she also agreed with Brother Gou that if she wants to give birth, it will be in this delivery room.

Li Shuyao is not on the second floor even if she is in class now, she just set up a whiteboard on the first floor. Anyway, giving lectures is something she can do easily.

Whether it's Brother Gou, Xiaohong or Xiaobai... Uh, no, it's Fang Xuening!

Not to mention that these three levels are about the same, anyway, they are all about the same, no matter what she said is right or wrong, as long as she speaks out the core idea.

So Brother Gou is also very close to the delivery room, he rushed in as soon as he turned around, and closed the door after entering.

Although Brother Gou didn't have much privacy in front of Li Shuyao, he still chose to close the small door of the delivery room at this time, and even howled twice, asking Xiao Hong to guard the door.

"Brother Dog is... going to give birth?" Fang Xuening asked curiously.

"It should be." Li Shuyao nodded, then went directly to the sofa next to her and sat down: "Wait a minute, it will be all right after a while."

"Hey...then do we need to do a favor or something? I always feel that having a baby seems like a big deal. Will Brother Gou bark for a while? Will it be scary at that time? what……"

Fang Xuening also walked to Li Shuyao's side, but she didn't stop talking.

It seems that between the two of them and the two cats, she is the most nervous.

"It's okay, Brother Gou is giving birth for the first time, but I believe in him." Li Shuyao waved his hand, and then stared at Xiaohong who was squatting outside the delivery room.

Fang Xuening: "???"

Why do you trust others? Although it seems that there is nothing wrong with saying this, it always sounds like something is not right. Hey.

Fang Xuening was nervous, and after a while, he heard the dog brother meow meow twice.

"It's born." Li Shuyao laughed, then stood up and ran to the delivery room: "What did you give birth to?"

Fang Xuening: "???"

How did it come out, so fast?
How come you know it when it groans twice after it was born?
What else was born... What else can cats give birth to besides cats?

(End of this chapter)

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