Chapter 547
Although there were countless things in her heart that she wanted to vomit, Fang Xuening still held back, mainly because she was really curious about the delivery of kittens, or she had her own curiosity about childbirth.

Isn't this the birth of a new life? Isn't there another soul in this world? It's quite a miraculous thing to say.

Generally speaking, she will always receive information that childbirth is painful and difficult, so it is amazing for Brother Gou to sneak in like this, and then yelp twice after a while, saying that he has finished giving birth.

Also, how did Li Shuyao know that it was not a dystocia after giving birth?
Brother Gou eats so much every day, even though he is pregnant with a kitten and has such a big belly, it is very likely that he will have a dystocia. Why is it so smooth and came out without a word?

Are you having a baby or having sex... Uh, this metaphor is not very good, what metaphor do you use?

Forget it, it's important to watch the children!

Both Li Shuyao and Xiaohong were lying next to the delivery room, and they could see the situation inside by opening the lid from above. Fang Xuening also came over, and when he looked up, he saw Brother Gou looking at the little red meat next to him in distaste. group.

Well, the little meat ball has not yet opened its eyes, and it is screaming with its mouth open, but the voice of the screaming is not so loud, and it is not so real to hear outside.

Li Shuyao didn't seem too daring to touch this newborn little life.


Brother Gou, why do you look at your little cat with such distasteful eyes, saying that you shouldn't lick it now...

"Meow..." Brother Gou glanced at the little red meat ball in front of him, and thought why this guy is so ugly, he is not small, but his body is still covered with a layer of paste...

But, instinctively, I stuck out my tongue and licked it.

Then the kitten also instinctively accepted the mother's licking, howling and preparing to taste its first mouthful of milk after birth.

Seeing that the situation here seems to have stabilized, Fang Xuening said with a smile: "Sure enough, no matter what kind of creature is born, it's ugly when it's just born."

"Haha, yes, but after two days, she will become cute." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

Speaking of which, she feels like opening a blind box now, and she is quite looking forward to what kind of genes this kitten will inherit from Brother Gou. After all, it seems that it has inherited its father's red hair.

"You didn't seem to be worried about Brother Gou having a baby before, and you didn't make any other preparations... and Brother Gou is outrageous, so you just... gave birth?" Fang Xuening asked with a question mark on her face: "Is this a bit of a problem? Outrageous."

"It's okay, what's the matter." Li Shuyao blinked her eyes: "What is there to prepare for just a kitten, isn't it born with a puff."

Fang Xuening: "..."

What a puff, you use this adjective really well!
Forget it, the birth is over anyway, you don't care what happened before, anyway, it's born now!

Li Shuyao can't say that Brother Gou is so talented, his physical fitness is unbelievable, and this guy has some special abilities. It is not a problem for him to have children.

"Since the baby is born, why don't we give this baby a name." Li Shuyao rubbed his chin and said.

When the name was mentioned, Brother Gou and Xiaohong were all excited.

Brother Gou quickly whined a few times, and then Xiao Hong nervously patted Li Shuyao's arm with her little paw...

Well, now Li Shuyao is also lying on the delivery room, so Xiaohong can hook her arm.

"Haha, look at you, both of you are nervous now, so let me come up with the name." Fang Xuening rubbed her chin happily and remembered.

"Meow... Meow..." Xiaohong quickly turned around and patted Fang Xuening next to her.

Big Brother, don't laugh at Second Brother, your name is not very good.

"Hahaha, look at you, people don't trust you, haha." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth: "So I should come up with the name."

"What's wrong with me?" Fang Xuening's eyes widened: "Look, Meow, Mimi, what a nice name."

"Meow..." Xiaohong patted Fang Xuening in despair, big sister, let's not name her.

"Tsk tsk, listen to the name you mentioned. How is it different from Zhang Wei? If you shout it on the street, eleven out of ten cats will turn back."

"Huh? Why are there eleven?"

"There is also a spectator, wondering which little fool is calling the cat here, hahaha."

"I fought with you!"

"Hahaha, come on, come on!"

Brother Gou and Xiaohong are getting used to seeing them hugging and tickling again. Generally speaking, Li Shuyao should be the winner. Very likely.

Sure enough, it was the same this time. Comrade Li Shuyao, relying on his strong strength and his status as the newborn's "grandmother", successfully obtained the naming right, and then directly suppressed Brother Gou and Xiaohong who wanted to refuse.

"Well... Let me think about it, I still have to be serious about this name." Li Shuyao rubbed her chin and began to ponder.

"Don't you need to be so anxious, I read online that newborn kittens are named after the kitten opens its eyes, and then it can be called whatever name it responds to." Fang Xuening tugged at her body. A little wrinkled pajamas, and then leaned over and said.

" have a big head?" Li Shuyao was taken aback for a moment, and then the two of them laughed together.

Then Brother Gou and Xiaohong became desperate...

Fuck, what is this name? With this name, the cat can still have it, why not just throw it away!
"It can't be called this name... Haha, I'm a kitten who is still going to show it, and we don't want to shoot pet videos..." Li Shuyao laughed haha, and then suddenly stopped: "How about... call it out Hands? Let's take a picture of that cute pet video too?"

"Hahaha, stop making trouble, why do I feel that brother Gou's eyes are not right when he looks at the kitten now, why do I feel like he wants to go back and bite and wash it." Fang Xuening smiled and covered her mouth.

"Well, forget it, this little cat was born when we were in class, or... just call it a dog class student?" Li Shuyao rubbed his chin and said.

"Hiss... how did you come up with such a god-defying name... I won't talk about the students, why did you add a dog?" Fang Xuening gasped, Li Shuyao's ability to name names was so terrifying!
"Oh, isn't Brother Gou's surname Gou? Isn't that his last name?"

"You're such a dog, don't talk about it, I feel like brother Gou is going to talk."

"Okay, okay, brother dog, don't pretend, I don't know you yet, are you willing to bite your daughter?"

Well, that's right, brother Gou gave birth to a kitten, and after licking off the membrane, the kitten is already a bit cute.

However, Brother Gou still squinted at Li Shuyao, who had the courage to bite and wash it if you dare to name it randomly.

"Since it was born during class, let's just follow my one-character book, and it's a little girl, so... let's call it Shuping..." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "How about it, this name is quite satisfactory. "

"Book review?" Fang Xuening blinked her eyes: "You also said that you don't read novels, so write a book review for others."

Li Shuyao: "..."

 I feel that my naming skills have improved!
(End of this chapter)

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