Chapter 556 Slow Life
In the next few days, student Fang Xuening became busy. She was going to participate in the rehearsal of the New Year's Eve party at Station B, and also participated in the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala of a certain station, so she became busy all of a sudden.

Speaking of it, maybe this is one of the reasons why many people think that the Chinese New Year has no taste of the New Year. After all, a long time ago, because it was winter during the Chinese New Year, everyone basically rested, but now many people are still busy after the Chinese New Year. , I have to work overtime, so it is even more uncomfortable.

After all, the mentality of going to work during the holidays is different from that of going to work at ordinary times.

In addition, the winter of farming civilization is mostly static, and as the saying goes, eat dry when you are busy, and eat thin when you are free. After you are free, everyone has already drank porridge for a long time, so in time for the New Year, everyone has a good meal together. The sense of happiness is directly bursting.

Only when there is a contrast can you stand out. When you have been having a hard time and the New Year is going well, you will always look forward to the New Year. In fact, this expectation is the real taste of the New Year.

So now not only are many people busy during the Chinese New Year, but also because everyone's life is already very good. Apart from looking forward to rest during this holiday, basically there are no other higher expectations.

Some people even get tired of visiting relatives and lucky money during the Spring Festival.

Under the ebb and flow, many people feel that the taste of the year is getting weaker and weaker.

In fact, the expectation is gradually decreasing, and some boredom is gradually increasing, so the Spring Festival has gradually become one of the many holidays in the eyes of young people, and it feels a bit obsolete.

Of course, for some people who can make a lot of money during the festival, this Spring Festival is very necessary.

The holidays are naturally the time for the entertainment industry and businesses to revel. Everyone is on holiday, so they will naturally spend time and money on entertainment and shopping.

Fang Xuening is also one of these people, so although she is quite busy, she is still looking forward to it.

Li Shuyao counts as half. After rejecting all party invitations and commercial advertisements, she is actually just an ordinary anchor, and everyone is busy with their own affairs, so she is like an empty nest... No, staying behind... No It was so appropriate, since she was basically the only one left in the family anyway.

So she had an idea, and installed a swing on the big tree in the backyard. It was not too heavy, just two ordinary ropes and a board.

She even installed it herself.

Uh, sure enough, when I have nothing to do at home, I'm quite idle. This big tree is always suffering what it shouldn't bear...

Like a family of ten squirrels, like Gouge and Xiaohong who occasionally jump around, like Li Shuyao who is sitting on a swing right now...

When Li Shuyao is sitting on the swing, she always likes to look up at the sky. At this time, there is a sense of weightlessness, which is very interesting and makes you feel as if you have traveled to another world.

Although she has traveled through time, she didn't feel much when time travel before, but now she continues time travel, which feels great!
At most, there is such a slight dizziness.


"Oh... hiss, my tailbone." Li Shuyao was dizzy and fell straight down, her two feet were still hanging on the swing, and her buttocks were already sitting on the ground. Fortunately, she had long legs...

Well, since you fell down, let's lie down by the way.

Li Shuyao took advantage of the situation and went down to the ground, swaying casually with the swing board hanging on his feet, and then continued to look at the sky.

Anyway, it has already fallen off, and I have to wash clothes and take a shower anyway, so I might as well be lazy for a while.

"Phew... that's great." Li Shuyao let out a long breath, her current life rhythm has completely slowed down, and besides the live broadcast every day, all she thinks about is how to make herself happier.

She thinks that those who commit suicide should be in this state. There is no pressure in life, and they just think about doing something all day long, commonly known as the full-fledged type.

Naturally, Li Shuyao would not commit suicide. As a good-natured young man with such upright outlooks, how could she commit suicide... The most she could do was bully Brother Gou.

In the past few days, under her persistent "education", Brother Gou has finally become a good wife and mother who loves his job and works... Well, anyway, he just gestured his teeth to someone's neck when he was free.

The little cat has also become familiar with the smell of Li Shuyao these days, and knows that this creature, which is much better than his mother, is his real backer. Not only can he catch himself, but he can also suppress his mother.

So now Shuping is very kind to classmate Li Shuyao, even occupying the place where Ma Ma used to sleep...

Well, Li Shuyao often sleeps with Xiao Shuping in her arms at night, the whole dog brother is very depressed... What the hell did it give birth to, it always feels like it was born to compete with her.

I will never give birth again!

Li Shuyao was relaxing here, when a weak voice rang in her ears, she turned her head to see a little milk cat was poking its head in front of her eyes, and pointed at her with its pink and tender nose. Rubbing on his face, a pair of big sapphire blue eyes are very beautiful like two sapphires.

That's right, Shuping finally opened her eyes. After opening her eyes, she stopped bumping around so much. The way of perceiving the world changed from simply bumping her head to seeing with her eyes.

"Oh, isn't this Shuping?" Li Shuyao smiled and rubbed Shuping's head.

"Meow..." Shuping pushed Li Shuyao's hand with her small head, but she didn't feel any problem at all.

But, if it looks back at the dog brother who turned his head and ran away now, maybe it will run with it.

Li Shuyao is now lying on the ground, obviously going to take a bath soon.

It's really unwise to go up at this time... This is obviously going to be dragged to take a bath together!
If you don't run at this time, when will you wait!
However, at this time, Brother Gou suddenly felt that it would be good to have a baby, and he could do whatever he wanted by giving birth to a gadget for Ma Ma to play with.

Sure enough, the real essence of having a baby is to play for one's mother!
On the other side, Li Shuyao kicked the swing to the side, then grabbed the little milk cat and a carp in his right hand and stood up straight, sideways avoiding the swing that was swinging back.

"Elbow, let's take a bath!" Li Shuyao nodded the little milk cat's forehead, and ran back smiling.

"Mi..." The little milk cat yelled, and then it was quietly held by Li Shuyao in her hands. Obviously, she had never been beaten by the society, and thought she was going to play something fun together again.

Brother Gou hid in the corner and turned into the color of the base of the wall, then quietly followed Li Shuyao, watching one person and one cat enter the bathroom.

So Brother Gou lay at the door and listened to the wall.

After a while, Brother Gou heard Li Shuyao's eerie laughter, and the slightly frightened meowing of a little milk cat.

Xiaohong walked over lightly, looked at Brother Gou curiously, then put her ear on the door and listened, then looked at Brother Gou in shock.

Seeing Brother Gou nodded, Xiao Hong lay down on the door and started meowing.

Let go of my daughter!
Brother Gou looked at Xiaohong in shock, he didn't die like you, then turned around and ran, don't pull me if you die!

Just as he ran away to hide, Brother Gou saw the bathroom door open...

(End of this chapter)

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