Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 557 It's New Year's Eve

Chapter 557 It's New Year's Eve
In the end, Li Shuyao, the big devil who opened the door, still grabbed Xiaohong and Brother Gou tightly in the bathroom. Li Shuyao could easily see through Brother Gou's disguise, so he took Brother Gou with him.

This family just wants to be neat and tidy.

Anyway, after taking a bath, Shuping's kitten became completely honest, and she stopped running around at home, and became very obedient. The whole cat became "friendly".

Therefore, Li Shuyao took the opportunity to take a video camera to take a lot of videos of the kittens, and then gave them to Lu Yao, asking them to save them first. In two days, she prepared the videos of the whole cute pet.

Anyway, they are planning to set up a studio, so naturally they have to get used to Li Shuyao's rhythm.

Now Li Shuyao somewhat understands that before, it was purely because she was thinking too much, not to mention anything else, that is, Lu Yao's team is relatively stable, and other teams in the company change people frequently, and they are not people in the system. It is common for this family to feel uncomfortable and go to another family.

Anyway, for those who are truly skilled, there is naturally no shortage of jobs, and what they care more about is the treatment.

That is to say, if you, Li Shuyao, can give you better treatment, they will be so happy to change jobs. Even if the studio can't continue in the end, then their resumes will also write that they have participated in the incubation of tens of millions of fans. account.

Well, even though Li Shuyao currently doesn’t have tens of millions of fans on a single account, the account on station B is almost 700 million, and she lost a lot of fans because of her retirement...

But it’s not that several accounts add up to tens of millions.

Anyway, when the time comes, the resume will still be as beautiful as it is written. Besides, this is not the beginning. Who knows if it will continue to increase in the future and break through tens of millions.

After taking a bath, Li Shuyao lay leisurely on the small balcony on the second floor to bask in the sun. Although it was winter, the morning sun was still pretty good.

Put the tea set on the coffee table, and then slowly wash and make tea. Although she also knows that she is here to take pictures of cats and tigers, the process should be wrong, but after all, she is entertaining herself, so it shouldn't be counted. Arty too.

"Huh... Sure enough, only idlers have time to fiddle with these things."

Li Shuyao looked at the complicated tea set in front of him, holding this "History of Yuan Dynasty" which was much thinner than "History of Song Dynasty" in his hand, somewhat moved.

Suddenly she was very grateful for the strength of the country...

Sometimes, this is a very natural emotion. If you live comfortably, you will naturally be grateful for the strength of the country, and if you are unhappy, you will naturally complain.

As for those who are complaining despite living a good life, they are more or less greedy, and may even have bad intentions.

After thinking wildly for a long time, her body is almost dry. Anyway, when she is alone at home, she still prefers to simply wipe it off after taking a shower and then let it dry naturally...

Just, very comfortable.

At this time, it is natural to drive the kittens to the first floor, mainly because the eyes of these goods are rather strange, and they cannot be treated simply as kittens.

And just after "Liwei" took a bath, several kittens hid in the nest and dared not come out tremblingly, so naturally no one disturbed Li Shuyao who was relaxing at the moment.

Needless to say, it is really relaxing to dry naturally...

It was almost time to rest, so Li Shuyao went downstairs to cook a sumptuous lunch for herself, Brother Gou and Xiaohong also ate together.

According to what I said before, Shuping stopped making cat food every day when she opened her eyes, so now Brother Gou and Xiaohong have resumed the mode of eating food.

Seeing the three kittens and a row of little squirrels eating on the small table next to her, Li Shuyao curled her lips, her family is almost catching up with the animal world.

But these little squirrels are also very interesting. Except for occasionally coming in when eating, they basically don't come in at other times, and they don't usually nest in the big tree. They always wander around during the day.

Speaking of which, this litter of little squirrels should have been separated, but who made Li Shuyao's nuts so delicious.

"Hello everyone, oops, today is the last day of December, haha, today I will celebrate the new year with everyone."

At around 7 o'clock in the evening, Li Shuyao started broadcasting on time on the small balcony on the second floor. Looking at the big table in front of him and the hot pot in the middle, he was very happy!
It's not a waste of an afternoon!

Today she was at home alone, Fang Xuening and Lu Yao went to the New Year's Eve party, Tantai Jingyi was busy with family affairs, I heard that she would use the bonuses and wages saved this year to give to her parents in her hometown Change a house.

Jingyi's salary is not low, plus the bonus for winning for a year is quite a lot. The house price in her hometown is not expensive, so she should be able to buy a nice big house.

The spring season will start in two days, and if CR announces the roster, there may be some small-scale discussions about her.

But it should only be in a small area, and it has been discussed during this period of time.

After rejecting the Golden Bell Awards and the All-Star Awards, she "disappeared" on the Internet for a while, and many things happened every day, except for everyone in the live broadcast room and the audience who watched her videos , other people basically don't care much about Li Shuyao anymore.

Well, at most, listen to music.

Now when a certain sound is turned on, basically all the songs released by Li Shuyao are used as the BGM.

Li Shuyao's attitude towards song adaptation and secondary creation is basically relatively open, unless it is a relatively large-scale variety show that will charge a relatively high copyright fee, and the copyright fee for online singing and cover songs is also charged. Very low, a little symbolic.

Not to mention the live broadcast room, several live broadcast platforms have signed agreements with Li Shuyao...

That's why Lu Yao said that he earned a lot from the copyright fee alone.

"Today... What are you doing today... How about we watch the New Year's Eve party at Station B today? Haha, Fang Xuening will also go up and sing."

"Uh, why don't I go, am I lazy, haha, you guys don't know how cool it is to touch fish, ouch... besides, I'm not painting for a while, haha, I'll be in two days It will be my first pure animation work."

In fact, the previous MVs of Li Shuyao's songs were already considered half anime. Although they were short, they were well-produced.

And because this product provides a large number of original paintings, the production cost is not as high as imagined.

Of course, it's definitely not as cheap as Li Shuyao making it herself, but she doesn't want to do everything by herself, so she won't be exhausted in the future.

"Come on, come on, let's start, haha, our New Year's Eve party at Station B is getting better and better, look at this picture, right, look at this environment, it looks very comfortable."

The New Year's Eve party at station B probably had a different filter and shooting angle, but it looked more comfortable anyway.

"Tsk tsk, student Fang Xuening is the opening, haha, this is because I am in a hurry to come back to eat hot pot..."

As he said that, Li Shuyao simmered the thin slice of beef in the boiling tomato pot, and then used sesame sauce as the base, mixed a bunch of various ingredients such as beef sauce, mushroom sauce, cumin oil, and garlic oil. , chili sauce, green onion and coriander, crushed peanuts, oyster sauce, fermented bean curd juice and other ingredients are mixed with a layer of dipping sauce, and then put it in your mouth happily.

"Huh~ cool!"

 My feet have been a little swollen for the past two days...

  Last night I slept a little sore and woke up several times in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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