Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 561 Breaking Through the Darkness

Chapter 561 Breaking Through the Darkness
In the end, Brother Gou chose to forgive Li Shuyao... Well, he forgave him in his embrace...

Then what should I do, people don't want to forgive her, but her arms are really comfortable!
Anyway, Brother Gou lay in Li Shuyao's arms with a smile on his face, this place is me today!Damn Shuping, don't take my place!
After stepping happily all night...ah no, after sleeping peacefully in Ma Ma's arms all night, Brother Gou is completely on Ma Ma's side.

Li Shuyao rubbed Brother Gou's head happily.

Sure enough, the child is disobedient and beaten up... Ah bah, it should be said that it should be hugged well, is it as meaningful as fighting a war all day long?Totally pointless!

Well, it's been a long time since I rubbed Brother Gou's head seriously. It feels really good to rub it like this. I lifted up the kitten and rubbed it on my face.

Anyway, the kitten is bathed and disinfected every day and vaccinated regularly, so it is not an exaggeration to say that this cat is one of the three cleanest cats in a radius of hundreds of miles.

Uh, the other two are Xiaohong and Shuping.

So, of course, there is no need to worry about what little things on the cat will hurt Li Shuyao's delicate skin...

To say that her skin might not be delicate at all, she would upgrade her "defense" if she couldn't sleep, and now she can pull it with a knife without any problem.

Anyway, if he dared to suddenly jump out and rob with a knife, maybe Li Shuyao could beat him to such an extent that he doubted his life.

Originally, Brother Gou was a little confused by being rubbed, but when he saw Xiaohong and Book Review under the bed looking at him eagerly, he suddenly felt good.

Sure enough, it depends on the comparison.

"Get up, get up, Fang Xuening, get up."

Rubbing Brother Gou here, pushing Fang Xuening there, Li Shuyao kept both hands free.

The main reason is that Fang Xuening came back to lie down on the bed and went to sleep after breakfast for a while. The speed was astounding. If it wasn't for the obsession with standing for half an hour after eating, he would have already started raising pigs up.

"Oh, what are you doing, I just fell asleep." Fang Xuening shook her arms and turned around to get ready to go back to sleep.

"My anime is posted, don't you want to watch it, come on, let's watch it together." Li Shuyao continued to shake.

"Oh, it's okay, don't worry, I'll watch it when I wake up, there's no barrage just now." Fang Xuening waved her hand.

"First of all, Sister Lu posted it a long time ago, but we were sleeping at that time." Li Shuyao said, "Look, there are already so many bullet screens. Besides, such a good video, right? You have to read it without the bullet screen, then read it again with the bullet screen, then read the comments below, and then repeat the above two operations with the comments.”

"Watch it four times?" Fang Xuening opened her mouth: "Who watched the anime so many times? It's not a song. I can watch the MV at most twice."

"It's different this time, really, you'll know it after watching it." Li Shuyao made a fool of herself, and after picking up Fang Xuening, she turned on the video.

Fang Xuening helplessly opened her eyes and rubbed her whole body up, then leaned her head on Li Shuyao's shoulder, squinting at the tablet in her hand.

At the beginning, it was a pitch-black picture, paired with some desolate music, a stream of flames crossed the sky from the upper left corner of the video, bringing a glimmer of light to the dark world.

As the stream of flames continues to descend, a desolate world comes into view, with mountains of rubbish and ruins rising one after another, telephone poles swinging from side to side, and high-rise buildings collapsing randomly.

This seems to be a scene of the end of the world.

In the picture, there is a little figure with a luggage on her back. She turns her back to the camera, staring at the falling flames, and finally falls to the ground, bursting into a burst of fiery fireworks.

The world is brighter again.

The camera gradually turned to the front of the villain, and she was holding a monocular to observe the place where the flowing flames fell, and her cheeks that seemed to be made of metal reflected a trace of flames.

The animation suddenly inserted a theme here, and four large characters appeared in the middle of the screen—Break through the darkness!
"This is the story of Wasteland." Fang Xuening said with a little surprise.

"En." Li Shuyao nodded.

Soon, Fang Xuening gradually became immersed in the animation story.

She, who looks like a robot, keeps looking for parts in the ruins, and takes them one by one to a camp. In the camp, there is an old man with four mechanical claw arms on his back, repairing something that looks huge.

She found parts from the ruins again and again, and faced the old man's regretful sighs again and again.

The old man gave her a set of blueprints, and she turned around and faced the strong wind to search for them day after day, among the "losers" who fell from the sky.

Finally one day, she found a part on the drawing, she ran back excitedly, and handed the part to the old man.

The old man also brought the parts back excitedly. After some research, he succeeded. He walked back, rubbed her head lightly, then moved his lips slightly, and then swayed towards her own thin hands.

With a slight smile, he turned around and climbed up the tall building. After entering the highest floor, the surrounding shelves were scattered, and what the old man was researching turned out to be a rocket.

Without a moment's hesitation, the rocket soared into the sky under her gaze, heading straight into the sky.

However, the crude rocket made by one person encountered various problems as soon as it took off. Various instruments in the rocket were buzzing. Section by section fell, and the rocket was still rising firmly into the sky.


In her eyes, the last section of the rocket carrying the old man slammed into the sky...

There is actually a veil covering the sky.

She looked at the permeating gunpowder and lowered her head sadly, and just when she thought the old man had failed, a ray of light shone on her.

This is not a fire, nor a lamp, but soft and natural sunlight.

When the sun shines into this dark world, countless "people" look up at the irregular hole in the sky, which is the light that the old man knocked out with his life.

The light shone on her metallic cheeks, beautiful...

For a moment, she seemed to hear something.

She looked up and saw a rocket that was the same as that of the old man before, and then turned her head to see that countless rockets were flying into the sky at this moment, as if they were following in the footsteps of the old man, and seemed to be countless pioneers, preparing to spend their lives , bringing light to the world.

At this moment, Li Shuyao felt that a certain white hair was holding onto her clothes tightly, with tears in her eyes.

Li Shuyao curled the corners of her lips proudly. In fact, it was not only the ambition of these countless people who were ready to sacrifice themselves, but also the music that suddenly became aroused.

The music paired with the picture is what can arouse people's emotions the most. For example, if you match a horror movie with a good's not scary at all.

Indicating that adding appropriate music at the appropriate time can add a lot of color to the entire video.

Obviously, Lu Yao and the others are doing pretty well!

Basically, it is similar to the video in Li Shuyao's memory.

She still remembers the shock when she watched this video for the first time.

Looking at it later, I was even more moved.

 This is an anime at station B, the name is Breaking Through the Darkness, if you are interested, you can go and watch it, it is still very good, I cried and chatted excitedly when I watched it.

(End of this chapter)

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