Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 562 In the dark, the heart is in the light

Chapter 562 In the dark, the heart is in the light

"It's very beautiful, this...isn't this, that big hood that was buckled here, and then everyone is inside this hood, and then everyone wants to go out, and they all want to find the real light..."

After Fang Xuening read it once, he started talking here:

"Then this little girl, and those people who appeared, many of them are robots, they are all created by humans to help humans break the hood, right?"

"And humans are old people, and everyone else is robots, which means they've been trapped here for a long time, and young people have become old people."

"However, he still didn't give up, and those meteors falling in the sky are all people who chose not to give up, but they failed."

"In the end he found the core part to break through that obstacle, and then drove a tattered rocket into the sky. Even though the rocket almost fell apart on the way, he still worked hard to maintain it. In the end, he sacrificed his life and smashed into the light. .”

"Although he is dead, his career is not over. The countless similar rockets that rise in the end are the people who saw the light he smashed and then summoned up the courage to follow in his footsteps!"

Li Shuyao looked at Fang Xuening like looking at the New World: "Yes, I didn't expect you to see all of this? Although it may not be so comprehensive, the main idea has almost come out. Do you still have the ability?"

"Ha, look down on me, I told you a long time ago, I have graduated from a serious university anyway, although I didn't study history so deeply, but I still listened carefully to this idea." Fang Xuening laughed He smiled and said, "How about it, did I hit the mark? You must be implying that period of history is right."

"It depends on what you think. If you insist on thinking that way, it's okay." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "I don't admit it, and I don't deny it."

"Ha, what kind of diplomatic rhetoric are you talking about with me?" Fang Xuening's little hand gradually jumped under Li Shuyao's arm, and just about to do something, Li Shuyao grabbed her...

Fang Xuening murmured and withdrew her hand, then stretched out her claws towards Li Shuyao's chest...

Then he grabbed Brother Gou.

"Meow..." Brother Gou called out speechlessly, I am feeling the warmth of Ma Ma's chest, why are you grabbing me?
"Uh... I forgot that Brother Gou is here." Fang Xuening raised his hand and threw Brother Gou under the bed, then arched his head and got in.

Brother Gou slapped and fell on Xiaohong's body, seeing Shuping's strange eyes, Brother Gou slammed his paw on Xiaohong's face.

"Meow." Xiaohong looked confused, why did she hit me?

"Meow meow meow meow." Brother Gou has a serious face, I can't beat the above two, Shuping is still a child and can't hit casually, then if you don't hit you, hit anyone!

This is called beating the father and showing it to the daughter!Show Mama back!Show that white hair back!

Anyway, you resisted the beating, and I also vented my anger by the way, how good this is!

What an honor you beat!

Xiaohong: "..."

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening ignored the dramatist below, they opened the barrage, ready to watch the barrage again this time.

"Treasures, treasures, collect them quickly!!"

"Like first, watch later."

"Yaoyao beef beer!"


"What do I want this coin for!"

"Look again."

"I always firmly believe that there will be light in this world, even if it is dilapidated at this time."

"The treasure of the town station."

"What is this? Is it a new song? It's so long?"


As soon as the video was opened, a large number of bullet screens floated over. The thickness of the bullet screen was as thick as that of Li Shuyao's new song.

In the beginning, there were some bullet screens talking about other things, but as the video continued, the plot gradually unfolded, and the small talk basically disappeared, and gradually began to focus on the content of the anime itself.

"The sound of the explosion and the fire appeared at the same time, and the distance should be within 340 meters."

"When will this movie be released?"


"Technical version of the boiler grandfather."

"I want to cry a few times after watching it."

"The boy chasing the stars."

"The people who went on and on."

"Is this going to leave here?"


"A true lone warrior."

"Flesh and blood are short, and the machine soars!"

"Hmph, don't lie to people with movies!"

"Those who look up at the starry sky will eventually return to the starry sky."

"No knife, no knife."


"Break out of the cage and finally see the dawn!"

"Burn out yourself, just to break through the darkness!"

"A tribute to the dead."

"Courage is the most beautiful hymn of mankind."

"In the dark, with the heart in the light."

"I would like to turn into a bullet and smash the darkness of this dome!"


"This is not fleeing, this is resistance!"


"With my body and mind, it is very fortunate to open up the light of future generations."

"A single spark can start a prairie fire!"

"Hail to the pioneers."

"At this moment, the seeds of hope have been planted in human hearts."

"Look at the stars that drive away the darkness!"

"Scalp tingling."

"Cow beer!"

"These are the people who have prepared their rockets and ambitions to die long ago, just waiting for the hope to break through the darkness."

"For the sake of sacrifice, dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky!"


It can be said that the barrage at the back is more touching. At this time, the picture, music and barrage are all integrated together. With the "commentary" of countless water friends, this video has been pushed to another level.

At least, Fang Xuening couldn't help crying a little while watching it.

Li Shuyao let out a slight breath. In fact, this should belong to the Chinese people. Foreigners may also feel emotional about this sacrifice, but it is a bit difficult to be as yearning and excited from the heart as they are.

For the Chinese, that period of history cannot be circumvented and absolutely cannot be circumvented. Taking history as a mirror is the wisdom left by our ancestors.

Those who say that they can’t learn lessons from history are foreigners. Chinese people have been learning from history since ancient times. Although there will be some idiots in each era because of the relatively large population base, but generally speaking, each era will be the same as the previous era. The end of the curtain and alert yourself.

And once it enters the prosperous age, it will start to use the entire Chinese history as a vigilance, and constantly adjust its bow.

For people at this moment, that period of painful history is naturally our wake-up call, and those pioneers who went on to break through the darkness are naturally the heroes in our hearts.

So Li Shuyao was deeply impressed by this animation, which was originally a graduation project, and it was reproduced in this world.

Of course, some fine-tuning has been done on the screen. For example, the slightly stiff movements in some places in the original animation have naturally eased up a lot.

But after all, the team is still a small team. Even if Li Shuyao draws a lot of original paintings, the production time and presentation quality are still not as good as other big animation production companies.

"Well, it's not bad." Li Shuyao said with a chuckle, "I told you, it's definitely not a loss to get up and watch this video."

"Yeah..." Fang Xuening nodded, then picked up her mobile phone and commented below: "It's a great job, when will the next issue come out? Otherwise, it's okay to make a movie."

Li Shuyao: "..."

 Although these two are faltering, they still persist in the unit. What kind of spirit is this!I'll be touched for a while~
(End of this chapter)

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