Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 575: Lu Yao Pursuing Happiness

Chapter 575: Lu Yao Pursuing Happiness

Everyone has a bit of a bad thing, as if everyone has a bit of a problem, and there are almost no people without any diseases...

Uh, except for those who open and hang up.

Anyway, as long as he is a normal person, he will have some diseases on his body, and as long as he is alive, he will also have some troubles.

Lu Yao usually has a lot of troubles. He has to face all kinds of people at work. He must be careful not to step on the line or be deceived. He must grasp various scales.

However, generally speaking, she still enjoys it. After all, she prefers this line of work, so although things at work are difficult, she is still very happy.

But the pressure from the family is what gives Lu Yao the most headache. It seems that the family always wants her to marry the son of a certain chairman, the boss of a certain group.

Some people are even more than 20 years older than Lu Yao, almost fifty.

Lu Yao is also powerless to complain, if you want to find those little girls, some of them want to marry rich people and don't care about their age.

She didn't want to get married casually, she didn't want to either become someone's vassal, or the two of them seemed to be inseparable, except for a certificate.

She has seen too many such couples.

She is living a good life now, and she doesn't want to ruin her happiness because of getting married.

What she yearns for is the kind of marriage of ordinary people, without any intrigue, just three meals a day, ordinary, picnics together during breaks, and usually go home after get off work every day for dinner.

I don't think about any property, and I don't want to notarize the pre-marital property before marriage. It seems that I am preparing for divorce in the future.

She doesn't think this kind of thinking is very naive, because although she has seen a lot of marriages of intrigue, in fact, she has seen more ordinary marriages.

So she didn't think it was something difficult to achieve.

Last year, she was perfunctory, but this year, after all, she is one year older, and she has taken another step towards the goal of 30 years old. Naturally, the family will pay more attention to her marriage.

"So... the result of paying attention to your marriage is to let you marry a 49-year-old man?" Li Shuyao's mouth grew wide when she heard Lu Yao's story, and suddenly she was a little thankful that she didn't have such excellent parents, otherwise she would have lost her life. pissed off.

"He is the director of Huayu Group." Lu Yao spread his hands helplessly: "Besides, he is not an old man. He is well maintained. He looks like he is in his 30s."

"What does he know? He doesn't know anything. Doesn't he know how old he is?" Li Shuyao was speechless: "No matter how well maintained it is, it won't work when it shouldn't be used."

"Ah? What can't be used?" Lu Yao looked blank, then rolled his eyes speechlessly: "I suspect you are driving."

"I'm telling the truth. You're not short of money. It's good to find someone of the same age. Even if it's a little older, don't be more than 6 years old. It's ridiculous that you are in your 20s." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth.

"Yeah, I might as well find someone who earns a dead salary and has a stable job. Anyway, I don't lack money. I don't get married for money. Marriage is obviously the pursuit of happiness. Since I know that I will marry Happiness, why should I get married."

Lu Yao spread his hands and said:

"I will get married, but I want to find someone I like. This is not ideal, and it is not as exaggerated as the news and the Internet. There are so many families in this world, and most of them are ordinary and happy. Because of this, That's why those outrageous things have repeatedly made the news..."

Li Shuyao looked at Lu Yao chattering here, but also smacked her mouth helplessly.

She also understood that Lu Yao didn't want to reason with her, but just wanted to vent.

This New Year's Eve forced her to "run away from home", and it seemed that she was really upset. It was the first time Li Shuyao saw Lu Yao's mood fluctuate so much.

"Okay, old sister, let's have dinner at my house today." Li Shuyao patted Lu Yao on the shoulder.

"It's so old, it's really speechless to still think like this..." Lu Yao sighed.

"People of each era have their own ideas. Maybe after 30 or [-] years, young people at that time will still say that we are old-fashioned, haha." Li Shuyao is very open-minded: "It doesn't matter, put It’s okay to be rotten, anyway, once your family is in order, you will be rotten, and no one will care about you if you come and go, can they still tie you up to get married?”

"They can force me and force me out of this industry." Lu Yao shrugged: "Of course, it's definitely not enough."

"Good guy, the plot of the novel is here, haha." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "Okay, okay, let's set up a studio directly after a while, and work for ourselves, and other people love whoever they want."

"Okay..." Lu Yao nodded: "You go to the live broadcast."

"Okay." Li Shuyao nodded, and the two walked out of the room. They couldn't leave the live broadcast room there for too long.

Then when she came out, she found that a certain kitten was quietly stretching out its paws to hook the croquettes in the basin...

At this time, the barrage is basically full of sauce and purple drops:

"Oh, this little cat is so cute."

"come on, come on, come on."

"Kitten, run, the female ghost is out!"

"Haha, little greedy cat."

"Yaoyao, there are cats stealing food here."

"Is the big cat directing from the side? Haha."

"Why don't you let the kitten broadcast live, haha, it's really interesting."

"I want to see the big cat, the little cat is so smart, the big cat must be smarter."

"The so-called mother is a bunch of fools. You look stupid with your big head. This mother must be smart."

"I seem to hear a cat meowing, is it a big cat beside me?"

"Hahaha, look at it and stand up, it's so interesting."

"Obviously the little cat stole the meatballs and gave them to the big cat. Otherwise, why would you take them out?"

"This big cat is so smart that he didn't even appear in the mirror."


Li Shuyao was speechless. She decided that it was a bit bad for her to leave the live broadcast room here, so she hurried over after chatting with Lu Yao, only to find that her live broadcast room had been taken over by Shuping...

Although Brother Gou was outside the camera, what Shuping did was obviously instigated by Brother Gou, and Xiaohong was also watching eagerly beside Brother Gou...

Well, Xiaohong and Brother Gou even smacked their mouths and licked their chins while watching. It seems that they have secretly eaten it before!
"Aha, it turned out to be a thief cat." Li Shuyao walked over with staring eyes, and then grabbed Xiao Shuping who was holding two meatballs in her front paws.

Xiao Shuping was a little flustered, but she still hugged the two meatballs and kicked her hind legs.

Li Shuyao couldn't help but put Xiao Shuping aside, and served a bowl of meatballs to the family of three.

So, the three little cats surrounded the bowl of meatballs and began to eat them.

Li Shuyao ran over to look at the pot, and then continued to cook live.

After Lu Yao walked out of the house, he leaned against the door frame, looking at Brother Gou's family of three in a daze, and Li Shuyao who was busy cooking beside him.

She smiled slightly.

This is the real world, an ordinary, warm world.

So she will always be more comfortable here than in that home.

(End of this chapter)

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