Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 576 No one can stop me from eating and drinking!

Chapter 576 No one can stop me from eating and drinking!

Lu Yao has longed for the concept of home since he was a child. After all, he was born in that kind of family, and he seems to have become very indifferent to such things as family affection.

So Lu Yao got rid of the family arrangement and came out to find a job by herself, and got rid of the blind dates arranged by the family again and again. She didn't have any extreme ideas of cutting off ties with her family, she just wanted simple happiness.

Three meals a day, simple tea and light meals.

The evolution of this sentence has actually become a spirit of pursuing ordinary happiness. It is not that in order to correspond to this sentence, it is necessary to have a simple meal in the actual sense.

Why most of the anchors or up masters in Lu Yao's hands are more Buddhist, and why Lu Yao feels very comfortable when he is with Fang Xuening and Li Shuyao is because of this personality.

Of course, she is often capable at work, but the core is still the same.

This is not to say that this person is not self-motivated, but that what everyone pursues is different.

Lu Yao is very envious of Fang Xuening and Li Shuyao's current state of enjoying life. No matter whether they have money or not, life is so long. If it is hard to live once, then live well.

After all, no one knows what happens after death.

People who know it can't come back and tell you what it's like after you die.

It probably disappeared completely.

In the vast universe, since my existence is only a tiny moment, let me live comfortably in this tiny moment.

Lu Yao was also very excited to see Li Shuyao put so many dishes on the table. She was never the kind of person who was obsessed with the past and complained about herself.

Now that things are like this, let’s live the present. Anyway, it’s a day to be unhappy, and it’s also a day to be happy. Yes, I have fought for what I should fight for, and I have worked hard for what I have to work hard for. No one can stop me from going big. Stop eating!

Look at the table of dishes, hehe, I knew it was the most correct choice to come here today, as for those messy things, get out of here!


Li Shuyao, who was about to see how the soup in the pot was cooking, suddenly caught a glimpse of a sneaky little hand, reached into the bowl of fried meatballs, grabbed a handful of meatballs and ran away.

Regarding this phenomenon, the barrage exploded immediately:

"Wow, shit, shit, what's going on?"

"I seemed to see a hand just now, is there a hand? I feel like I saw it!"

"Hiss, it really started to get ghostly."

"No, are all the ghosts so rampant now? There are still firecrackers set off outside!"

"I have a bold idea, is the kitten turned into a human!"

"Hiss, brother, a thought of yours suddenly makes me a little excited."

"Mysterious cat girl?"

"Didn't everyone tell you that that is Sister Lu, she should be Li Shuyao's manager."

"Hahaha, I knew that Yaoyao's live broadcast room could always be different."


Li Shuyao filled the soup into the casserole and put it on the table. Seeing that the barrage had gone towards the direction of the cat girl, she said a little dumbfounded:

"That's Sister Lu, not some cat girl..."

"Okay, today's New Year's Eve dinner is almost like this. The rest is to serve dumplings. I will order dumplings later, and then eat them when I watch the new year. It depends on the habits of each family. You can also eat now. Next, and eat with these meals."

"So, that's the end of today's live broadcast. We're going to move to the second floor for dinner later. Haha, I won't be watching the New Year with everyone today."

"You should also accompany your family members, watch the Spring Festival Gala, or pay New Year's greetings at station B. By the way, I also have a New Year's greetings contribution this year. It should be a new song. Haha, New Year's greetings will be online by then. When the time comes, it will be launched on NetEase Cloud simultaneously, so everyone can listen to it too.”

"Haha, yes, it's been promoted these two days, hey, the speed of this new song may be a little faster, I feel that I will release it later, haha."

Faced with a series of question marks in the barrage, Li Shuyao laughed haha:
"Well, in the new year, I should rest for a few days and make some preparations. Then in the new year, there will be some new live broadcast and video formats. I will prepare recently, but it should be normal in two days. It will take some time to talk about the live broadcast and the new video format.”

"Haha, I mainly want to rest and touch fish during the Chinese New Year in these two days, haha."

"Okay, happy new year everyone, the new year will be smooth and successful, those who want to get rich get rich, those who want to fall in love fall in love, those who want to get promoted, in short, I wish you all the best of luck."

"Then, goodbye, everyone."

After speaking, Li Shuyao waved her hand at the camera, smiled sweetly, and then decisively turned off the live broadcast.

If she was alone today, she could watch the new year with everyone on the live broadcast.

But it's inconvenient for Lu Yao to be here, and he still has to talk to Lu Yao, yes, let's make a guest appearance as a bosom big sister... Uh, the younger sister is also fine, it doesn't matter, anyway, she doesn't choose.

In this case, it is not very convenient to open the live broadcast.

After all, Lu Yao doesn't show up on camera, and it's not convenient to talk about those personal matters.

"Should we... want to eat instead?" Lu Yao watched as Li Shuyao turned off the live broadcast and said while chewing on the meatballs in his mouth, "Oh, these meatballs are so delicious."

"Meow." The three kittens next to her also nodded along.

"Let's go up to eat. It's so comfortable to watch the video while eating." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "This is for everyone to see during the live broadcast before. The table above me is ready, just put the dishes on it."

"OK, let's go." Lu Yao picked up two dishes and ran up.

Li Shuyao hung baskets on the two big cats slowly, and then fixed the whole pot of fried food such as croquettes, French fries, and fried shrimp chips on the baskets.

Uh, anyway, if you look at it from the above angle, you basically see two moving pots...

A normal kitten would definitely be unable to do it under so many things, and it should not be able to hunch, but who made these two kittens not normal.

"If you want to eat, you have to work. Although some things are hard for you to memorize and easy to throw away, there are still some things you can take." Li Shuyao patted the dog with a stinky face and smiled, and then went to Juice is ready.

When she was finishing a big glass of juice, two kittens came down with empty baskets on their backs.

So Li Shuyao fixed two big glasses of fruit juice on the basket, one watermelon juice, one lemonade, two baskets, one for each family, just right!Two cups can also be plugged next to it, which is better fixed.

Then two large moving cups appeared.

Shuping stared at it in a daze. Just now, there was a large table of delicious food, but after a while, the effort was gone.

When Li Shuyao and Lu Yao brought up all the rest of the dishes, Shuping remained in place, looking at the last meatball in her bowl, somewhat hesitant.

To be honest, it's kind of filling...

It was just a little kitten, and just now it ate a lot of meatballs, shrimp crackers and so on. At this time, it feels almost the same, and it wants to sleep!
It thought for a while with the last meatball in its mouth, and prepared to run to its nest.

As soon as he jumped off the table, he was held down by Brother Gou, randomly picked up the back of its fateful neck, and threw it into the basket behind him with a flick of his head.

Then Shuping watched helplessly as her little meatball rolled on the ground far, far away...

 The dream I had last night was a reasoning that I put myself in, it was outrageous, it was very brain-burning, all kinds of reversals, I wanted to write down the plot in my dream, but I really couldn’t remember it after waking up , Many details have been forgotten, but I just remember that it seems to use poison to achieve the effect of continuous reversal.

  But, at the end of the dream, I still have some memories. I seem to have recognized two emperors of the era as my father. One of them seems to be the first emperor, and the neighbor is Li Er...

  This community is full of emperors of different ages, and several emperors gathered together to discuss the poem Qinyuanchun Snow, which is a bit like a chat group for emperors.

(End of this chapter)

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