Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 585 Wild Parkour

Chapter 585 Wild Parkour
Perhaps because of the legacy of ancient genes, human beings are always very enthusiastic about wild adventures. Even if they can't go by themselves, they can watch others go, or read people in novels.

Don’t you see that the variety shows or videos of outdoor adventures are very popular. They build a small house in the wild and survive in the wild.

In fact, Li Shuyao's picnic can also be classified into this category, but it is relatively marginal, and it can be regarded as just setting up a little edge.

This kind is also the most popular among everyone. Not everyone likes the kind of extreme wilderness survival. It is the so-called mean, right, anyway, everyone can accept this kind of thing.

When Li Shuyao put on her clothes and came out, everyone thought that a special forces member came out of the car, this one in a small camouflage pattern, it looked, uh... anyway, it was a bit hard to recognize her.

"I'm going, are you going to fight?" Brother Yu was stunned for a moment, and after watching for a long time, he recognized that it was Li Shuyao.

"Haha, I'm going to go on a jungle adventure, try my equipment by the way, look, this is a kettle, this is a compressed biscuit, this is a sapper shovel, this is a dagger, this is a rope, this is a water purification potion, this is a satellite Telephone……"

Seeing Li Shuyao taking out one by one, the friends were all stunned.

"No, you're going to stay for a few days. Why do you still bring compressed biscuits? And three water bottles?" Tantai Jingyi opened her mouth. You really can't find anyone in the jungle with a camouflage cat.

"I'll take a look and come back, haha, if it's not too far away, I guess I'll be back soon, these are mainly for pretending to be X, haha." Li Shuyao laughed haha: "It's okay, you don't have to worry about me, if you are worried, tell me I make a satellite phone call, and it is said that it can be connected on the Himalayas.”

"Why don't you say that you can receive it in the space station." Tantai Jingyi was speechless: "Would it be too dangerous for you to go alone?"

"What's the danger here? This is not a deep mountain or forest, and it's not far from the city. There are still people there. Besides, isn't this Xiaohong's hometown? I can't do if Xiaohong can survive?" Li Shuyao squeezed In order to pinch her own wrist, she is now tightly wrapped up and down.

There are gloves on the hands, hats on the head, masks on the face, ear protectors on the ears, and goggles on the eyes, which can be said to protect the teeth.

"Uh, what are you?" Xiao Lu pointed to a stick on Li Shuyao's back and said.

"Oh, this one, the nine-cut whip can also be used as a stick. It can be soft or hard, and it can be retracted freely." Li Shuyao said with a smile and gave a thumbs up.


Everyone gasped. What was this man going to do? Did he carry so many murder weapons? He didn't have a gun, right...

"Meow meow meow." This side is still chatting, Xiaohong is getting a little impatient, hurry up, what are you waiting for?It's a long way, so what if you won't be able to come back for dinner in time.

At this time, the paint on Xiaohong's body has been wiped off by Li Shuyao, and the color of her hair is a bit darker red due to the remaining paint, but it is about the same color as when she first came out.

"Haha, Xiaohong can't wait. I'm leaving. If you want to contact me, use the satellite phone on the table. I left the contact information on the table. Let's go." Li Shuyao turned to Xiaohong after speaking. Walk.

Seeing that Li Shuyao was following, Xiao Hong yelled at Brother Gou, then picked up Xiao Shuping and ran out, looking like a small red lightning bolt.

Xiaohong's speed is not slow at all, it's just a bit slower than Brother Gou.

Brother Gou yawned, and then jumped out, staying by Xiaohong's side.

Then Li Shuyao also jumped out quickly, following behind Xiao Hong with ease, and seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

Brother Yu and Mrs. Baojian, who just came back from their stroll, were a little stunned when they saw the three things jumping past in front of them. Brother Yu looked at the light yellow faction who was also in a daze and they asked in confusion: "This... What did you jump over just now? Why does it look like...a big green monkey?"

"What big green monkey, what look in your eyes, isn't that Yaoyao!" Mrs. Baojian pointed at the back of Li Shuyao who was about to disappear from their sight.

"Huh? That's Li Shuyao? This... this is running too fast." Brother Yu opened his mouth: "Let me tell you, if you let me approach science to take a picture of the picture just now, at least I can tell you Three episodes."


Li Shuyao ignored their surprise. It's not incomprehensible for her to run fast. It's something like her electric discharge that shouldn't be exposed casually. If she slaps a bolt of lightning...

This thing is really hard to explain.

Xiaohong ran very fast. After all, it was her hometown, and she was very familiar with the roads. Soon Li Shuyao felt that the surrounding vegetation gradually increased, and the resistance to running was also increasing.

But this didn't affect Li Shuyao and the others at all. Whether it was the two cats or herself, they were walking quickly through the woods. At this time, Li Shuyao was really like a special soldier who was used to drilling through the woods. These flowers and trees were completely absent. hinder her progress.

If there is a camera nearby to record, this can be taken out directly to make a movie.

Li Shuyao didn't pay attention to these things, holding an engineering shovel in his hand, and if there was any obstacle in the road ahead, he would just swipe the shovel over.

At this time, Li Shuyao felt a little sweaty all over her body. Anyway, there was no one around, so she couldn't help but started yelling.

Every time she swung a shovel, she would cry...

It seems that being in the wild is a bit of a way to restore wildness.

After running, the road started to get a little rough, or there was no road at all, and it felt like it was still winding upwards.

But the speed of one person and two cats is still very fast.

Xiao Shuping was somewhat stunned by the bump, and she was somewhat afraid to move, so she was just being held in her mouth like this.

Then it felt that it might be a little unsteady, so it gradually raised its two front paws, and hugged Xiaohong's chin as if surrendering.

Destiny is in your own hands!
Li Shuyao was very happy running, probably no one would run like this in the forest without anything to chase her, her brain was running at high speed at this time.

Where to stay, where there are stones, where there are small animals, where need to be hacked...

The brain directs the limbs, the whole body is like a high-speed machine, and she is like a martial arts master. When the surrounding trees gradually increase, she jumps onto the tree and starts jumping from tree to tree... …

Uh, she felt a little tired after dancing for a while, but with the continuous energy provided by the system, she could always feel the feeling of a martial arts hero leaping with ease.

Brother Gou and Xiaohong also jumped onto the tree. Xiaohong felt that it was a bit difficult to carry Shuping like this, and then she heard Brother Gou barking, then shook her head and threw Shuping over.

Shuping flicked her tongue in the air with a frightened expression, and there were two strands of dark red hair on her two front paws...

Uh, it should be on Xiaohong's chin.

Looks like fate still hasn't caught it...

"Ahh..." When Shuping was flying in the air, she suddenly felt that she had been bitten again on the back of her neck, and then she seemed to have missed the bite. After letting go, the second bite directly landed on its right leg...

Just like that, Shuping was dragged forward by Brother Gou.

Shuping was somewhat speechless, she wanted to say that she could run by herself, and the speed was not too slow.


Children don't have cat rights Wow, woo woo woo.

(End of this chapter)

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