Chapter 586

This parkour in the woods lasted for more than half an hour. The speed of leaping in the trees is much faster than running on land. Li Shuyao feels that she is more like a monkey than a hero ...

Anyway, it is basically the kind that uses both hands and feet. It is basically impossible to jump between the treetops in a chic way. There is such a thing as light work, but it is not as exaggerated as it is in film and television dramas.

She didn't know how far she had run, but if it was that kind of field expedition team, it would probably take three or four hours to walk.

Now she has the feeling that she has gone deep into the mountain. Although the mountain is not that big, it is still a mountain, right? This gives her a magical feeling of "just being in a cage and returning to nature".

But nirvana, soon she just had a feeling for a while, and soon she was shattered by all kinds of magical insects. The human world is really the best. Wow, this kind of wild animal world is not as good as it looks. My home is good!

No matter how it is now, it is winter, there are still fewer creatures, and the woods are not so dense, otherwise the feeling may be even worse.

Sure enough, this thing is just to watch other people wandering in the video, and it is still a bit painful to come here by yourself.

This is her, and the others probably won't be able to run to such a deep place.

The reason why Li Shuyao considered being a monkey in the tree was actually because the road on the ground was really not easy to walk.

Basically, no one came here, and Xiaohong also went to the difficult places, so it would be a waste of time to walk on the ground.

It's a pity that Li Shuyao can't fly, it should be faster if he flies directly for you.

Or the genes of the whole bird?
Li Shuyao thought for a while, and white wings spread out behind her...

Hey, it's better not to become a birdman, it's good now, if you can't fly, you can't fly, anyway, you can't use the skill of flying very much.

After walking through the forest for almost an hour, Li Shuyao felt a little bit moved by how Xiaohong ran so far before, and then she suddenly found that the surrounding trees gradually became denser, and there were more small animals.

Anyway, she doesn't know how many things like snakes, insects, rats and ants have been shot to death. Li Shuyao basically shoots small animals and so on, and she basically shoots all insects to death.

The double standard is obvious.

Seeing Xiaohong fall from the woods, Brother Gou and Li Shuyao also fell down.

Li Shuyao looked at a fairly flat boulder in advance, and then landed on it steadily.

Brother Gou also put down the little Shuping whose mouth was full of saliva, then licked Shuping's messy hair blown by the wind, and grabbed the back of Shuping's neck when he wanted to leave by himself.

It's better not to let it run away by itself in this kind of place, the wild is still too dangerous for children, it's better to stay with Ma Ma.

Turning her ankles, she felt that she might retire with honor this time when she went back to this set of clothes, especially this pair of shoes, which wear out a little faster in the jungle...

Uh, well, she admits that maybe it's because she's really running too fast, and maybe it's one of the reasons.

Li Shuyao looked up and felt that there should be a small valley here, but it was hard to see because the forest was relatively dense.

I didn't expect there to be such a place between the two cities.

"Meow..." Xiaohong turned her head and yelled at Li Shuyao and Brother Gou a few times, then walked forward little by little, signaling Li Shuyao and the others to follow.

Li Shuyao watched Shuping in Brother Gou's mouth gradually turn into red hair, and knew that she was about to reach the place.

Walking slowly, she suddenly found some movement in a certain small forest.

In the woods, she brought her superhuman five senses to the extreme, and no disturbance could escape her ears and eyes.

She keenly discovered that there seemed to be something small hiding there, and then... also seemed to be dark red hair.

If the eyesight is not good, or if the distance is relatively far, it may feel that this is a small black thing, but Li Shuyao has good eyesight, and there is an example of Xiaohong...

She was a little excited, and sure enough, these things were still in groups.

She had previously thought that Xiaohong's appearance should not be a cat. With such a silly and flirtatious appearance, it must be difficult for her to live as a cat.

"Meow... Meow... Meow..." Xiaohong stood in front of Li Shuyao and yelled a few times, announcing her return forcefully...

So this cat is a bit stupid now, it seems that cats seldom yell like this except when facing danger or wanting to mate.

Li Shuyao didn't let Xiaohong lead her in directly, after all, it's a basic etiquette to knock on someone's door...

Uh, although it seems unreasonable to say etiquette with a group of wild beasts, but seeing how smart Xiaohong is, her family members should not be too far behind.

Facing smart people... cats, she still felt that she would be suspected of being provocative if she had to use the way of smart people to break in directly, and if a fight broke out...

Uh, just as Li Shuyao was thinking, Xiaohong got into a fight with him.

The big cat, which appeared from nowhere, moved a little bit in the jungle, and then was seen by Xiao Hong, and then rushed forward as soon as he got excited.

Then the two cats whined and started fighting.

Li Shuyao could feel that the cat must have been taken aback. This cat was a bit bigger than Xiaohong, and its fiery red fur looked like a burning flame.

And this cat should be quite clean. Although it is still a little dirty compared to Brother Gou and Xiaohong, it is undoubtedly much cleaner than some of the little cats poking around behind.

However, at this time, Li Shuyao still deeply felt that cats and dogs are indeed completely different species. If two dogs fight and there are other dogs around, basically the group of dogs can fight or something, and then they will be separated by two miles. You can hear a group of dogs whining and whining all over the place.

But it is very interesting for a group of cats to watch two cats fight. They are really just watching and have no intention of coming to help. Some even yawn and lick their paws while watching.

Seeing that these guys didn't seem to react unexpectedly at all, Li Shuyao took it for granted that these cats would have to fight every time they came back from outside...

Uh, of course this was purely Li Shuyao's misjudgment, of course she couldn't have imagined that Xiaohong was too excited now, and then ran up to fight by herself.

The cat fighting with it now is somewhat confused.

This cat hasn't come back for a long time, I thought it died outside, but now it seems that it hooked up with a girl outside!He also came back with sister paper and kid paper!

Oh, and a big green monkey.

Hmph, you started to provoke me when you came back, yes, you started to show off, yes, then let's have a fight!

Xiaohong was very excited about the fight, meowing and meowing non-stop. Before, she couldn't beat the cat on the opposite side, and now the opportunity for revenge came!
However, although the two kittens were fighting fiercely and were still cursing, they still didn't stretch out their paws, so everyone didn't care. This was obviously a competition.

 In the past two days, I have been concerned about national affairs until late at night, tsk tsk, I am somewhat sleepy...

(End of this chapter)

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