Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 587 Slap a slap and give a sweet date

Chapter 587 slap a sweet date
The fight between the two cats didn't last long, and Xiaohong gradually gained the upper hand.

Among other things, after being raised in Li Shuyao's house for such a long time, he has already eaten smooth and smooth food, his physical strength is much stronger than before, and some of the original injuries on his body have also been healed long ago.

Therefore, Xiaohong's health is much better now.

Moreover, Xiaohong hasn't been fattening up every day for a while. She does Tai Chi with her in the morning. When Li Shuyao isn't around, she practices with Brother Gou.

The improvement of this back and forth is more than 01:30 points.

Look at those moves, but there is a method!
Although these little wild cats are said to be beasts, they may be stronger when they are fighting for life and death, but their physical strength is much weaker, and their schedules and meals are not regular when they are hungry and full.

In addition, you will be injured when hunting, so there are actually a lot of hidden injuries on your body.

Even if one or two of these red cats are fierce, anything can happen in the wild. No matter how fierce the beast is in the wild, it will be injured, and the dirty and messy environment will make them sick.

Therefore, the lifespan of beasts is generally much shorter than their limit lifespan, and various diseases and scars will cause them to die early.

Death is the end of life.

Both sides seemed to understand this truth, so they fought for a while, and then the two cats separated. Xiaohong seemed to have finally won the opponent, and raised her head proudly, as if she was patrolling her own territory. stroll in front of.

The little cat that was fighting with it was obviously a little depressed, obviously it didn't expect that Xiaohong, who had always been his defeat before, would win this time.

"Hey, my child is not sensible, please bear with me."

When the little guy was depressed, a voice suddenly rang in its ears. It looked up, and the big green monkey handed it a chicken leg in its hand.

It was stunned for a moment, then sniffed the drumstick lightly, and took two steps back sharply.

"Meow." Xiaohong came over, patted the little cat's shoulder, and then put the chicken leg under the little cat's mouth.

This is made by me, it's delicious, let's eat it.

Seeing that the other party tried to take a bite, and then started to gobble it up, Xiao Hong's mouth was about to burst from laughing, I beat you up, and then I gave you something delicious, not only to let you know how strong I am, but also to let you know how strong I am. You know my generosity.

Sure enough, this is the legendary Shihuang touching the wires—it's numb.

"Meow meow!" Brother Gou walked to the front and kept meowing, then looked back at Brother Gou, and after getting Brother Gou's approval, he turned his head and continued to meow. turned to look at Li Shuyao again.

Li Shuyao: "..."

You don't think I can understand your meow, do you? I'm not Tantai Jingyi, I can understand your meow?
But it's too late to make a call now. Xiaohong, Gouge, Shuping and a bunch of kittens are staring at her eagerly. If she behaves not so gregariously at this time, will it affect her next actions?
At this time, the considerate brother Gou ran over, jumped up and patted the backpack behind Li Shuyao.

Well, apart from Li Shuyao's own supplies, this backpack is basically filled with all kinds of meat and a few bags of cat food.

This is also what she prepared before, can you go empty-handed when you go to someone's house?You're not allowed to bring something or something, so what's the most important thing for a pack of feral cats?
That must be cat food!
Brother Gou conquered the wild cats in the park with bags of cat food. She didn't need to conquer them, she just went to have a look out of curiosity, so it would be nice to give them some cat food.

Seeing Brother Gou's performance, Li Shuyao suddenly realized, then took off the backpack, took out cat food and barbecue, and nodded to Xiaohong.

Xiaohong immediately turned her head and started yelling at the other cats.

Then Brother Gou and Shuping walked out.

Soon, they seemed to be divided into two groups, one group was big cats, the other group was kittens, the big cats basically stood in front of Brother Gou, and the kittens almost all stood in front of Shuping.

Of course, most of the kittens gathered here were dark red-haired kittens, and there were also a few cats of other colors who were discussing and exploring their brains, looking silly.

It seems that there is indeed a big gap between genes.

But... Li Shuyao was also full of question marks.

This... what is it for?
Didn't you agree that everyone will eat cat food happily together?What is this for?Waiting in line to eat?
Before Li Shuyao could think about anything, the kitten in front of Brother Gou ran up to Brother Gou and waved its paw, but before the paw landed on Brother Gou, Brother Gou covered it with lightning speed. The momentum of the ears, the jingle of bells, and the momentum of a paw slapped aside.

It's the same with Shuping. Xiao Shuping has learned a lot from her parents recently, and her physical fitness is many times better than those wild kittens. Slapped a kitten flying.

The two cats that were shot flying didn't do much, and they came straight to Li Shuyao's side.

Li Shuyao was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the two kittens looking at her warily, but eagerly looking at the barbecue in his hands that exuded a real fragrance.

Li Shuyao understood completely at this time.

Okay, these two have a great time playing, line up to compete with Brother Gou and Xiao Shuping over there, and come over for dinner after the fight.

The good guy was arranged clearly.

One or two of those guys are also very smart, they are all looking at this side eagerly, and they don't go up to discuss with Brother Gou and Xiao Shuping.

After Li Shuyao distributed the cat food and barbecue to the two kittens, the rest of the cats also started rushing to get beaten one by one... No, it's time for a sparring.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, unknowingly, she became a tool man, surrounded by a group of kittens, this feeling is really somewhat unbelievable.

Are these cats a bit too smart? You have evolved language, and you can communicate in such a complicated way.

No wonder people always want to study you, one and two of you are hanging on the wall!
Li Shuyao was speechless and became a food-sharing robot with no emotions. Now basically, a kitten came out of the other side, was beaten aside by Brother Gou or Shuping, and then the kitten slowly stood up and walked here Stare at her.

Then she has to share meals with others.

Before Li Shuyao came, she really did not expect that the final painting style would become like this.

She had thought about a group of cats attacking her, and then she led Xiaohong and Brother Gou to kill all directions... Uh, just beat them all down, and then comforted them one by one, and then gave them things.

She also thought that the other party ran away after seeing her, and then she couldn't see a cat hair.

But she never expected that she would become someone's auntie. Aren't you wild animals very vigilant? Aren't you all rushing towards the weak and the strong?

Well, there is a little too much for you, shaking hands... Well, take back a little.

What to see!Didn't you see that there are so many kittens waiting to eat? They just lead your things up and eat them!
(End of this chapter)

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