Chapter 588
"At the beginning, it's very narrow, but it's easy to understand people. After walking for dozens of steps, the land is flat and wide, and the house looks like..."

Ahem, although there is no house, no traffic, and no acquaintance, Li Shuyao is still stunned by the small valley in front of him.

After she worked as an aunt in the cafeteria outside for a while, she managed to feed this group of little cats. Anyway, now the little cats don't have much rejection of her big green monkey.

When Li Shuyao was feeding her, she was thinking, is it because the gap between her appearance and human beings is a little bit big, so these kittens are not afraid of her?

Hiss, it's not impossible.

Anyway, Li Shuyao felt fascinated after coming here, fascinated from the inside to the outside, these cats don't behave like cats, and they all feel better than children.

Xiaohong looked like a winner, with Shuping on the left and Brother Gou on the right, and then a group of kittens walked into the valley behind her, and when she walked, she yelled at Li Shuyao for her to follow.

Anyway, at this time, Li Shuyao knew that this guy had returned home in good clothes, and his little head was almost on his back.

And the little cat who was defeated by Xiaohong was still a little bit unconvinced anyway, woo ah woo in the back, Li Shuyao didn't need someone to translate, she knew that this guy must be swearing.

Li Shuyao also thought it was quite amusing. This group of kittens was really interesting. Those who didn't know it thought that these kittens were about to evolve into some kind of tribe.

Then she followed them into the valley.

At the beginning, the road was very narrow, the surrounding forest was dense, and the mountain wall was also very narrow, barely allowing a person to pass sideways.

Uh, Li Shuyao's figure at this time... Well, there are some troubles, but they can still be overcome!

The main one is not too far away. The road is a bit radial. The front is very narrow, but it gradually becomes looser.

Now Li Shuyao is very thankful that the suit she is wearing is very wear-resistant, well, there is nothing wrong with it anyway, there is a zipper in the front, and there is no need to worry about buttons being worn off.

As the road became wider and wider, Li Shuyao also expressed the emotion in "Peach Blossom Spring", because as she kept walking forward, she gradually turned around and her eyes became brighter and brighter.

Soon, she came to the end of this small canyon, and then she really felt a sudden enlightenment.

How should I put it, the area of ​​this valley is not small, anyway, she can't see the end at a glance.

"This can really be called the landscape of aquatic plants." Li Shuyao sighed.

What catches the eye is not the look of the house, but the luxuriant grass.

Different from the outside, the grass here is tender and green, which is very attractive under the sunshine.

Occasionally there will be little squirrels, little rabbits and so on running through the grass, and these little animals seem to be of wrong color...

Walking forward for a while, some shrubs with small fruits of various colors appeared on them. Li Shuyao guessed that there might be some medicinal materials here, but she didn't know the names.

Behind these shrubs is a small forest. Li Shuyao looked carefully, and it should be a fruit forest, but she didn't recognize the fruit on it, and she didn't know what kind of fruit it was.

Continuing to walk forward, Li Shuyao heard the sound of splashing water.

In fact, she had heard it vaguely before, but she didn't pay attention to it, and as she gradually walked forward, the voice became clearer and clearer.

Li Shuyao was taken aback.

This sound is not the sound of a creek, and the creek should not have such a loud sound.

She ignored the group of kittens who had already started to have fun, but walked straight forward. The sound of the water became louder the further she walked, and she was basically sure that the sound of the water was the sound of a waterfall.

There is a waterfall in this small valley?

Li Shuyao was a little surprised, there is such a scene here?This is too unbelievable.

When Brother Gou saw Li Shuyao walking all the way inside, he didn't go with the other kittens, but threw Shuping to Xiaohong, and ran to catch up with Li Shuyao.

Seeing Li Shuyao walking that way, Xiaohong hesitated for a moment, then she also walked there with Xiao Shuping in her mouth.

Some of the other cats walked along with them, and some went to other places to bask in the sun by themselves. The sun was about to set, so they had to hurry up for a while, or they would be gone later.

Li Shuyao walked very fast, she ran in the fruit forest at the same speed as she was walking through the woods before, and the bursts of fruit fragrance hit Li Shuyao, making Li Shuyao feel very comfortable.

She was a little emotional. Although these fruits were not yet mature, they began to bear fruit at this time. Obviously, the climate was different from the outside.

It is estimated that meteorologists will have to study it carefully when they come here.

After running for about ten minutes, the forest in front of me was suddenly cleared, and the green grass appeared again, and some small flowers were also dotted in the grass. Looking up, it was a small waterfall.

It was really a small waterfall, completely different from the big waterfall she imagined, and she could even see the stone wall behind the water curtain.

And under the waterfall, there is actually a big pool... beside the pool, there are some small animal cubs drinking water and playing. 80.00% of these small animals are reddish in fur color.

In addition to small animals, there are also some relatively large cats. They glanced at Li Shuyao vigilantly, and then let down their vigilance after seeing Xiaohong and the cat defeated by Xiaohong, and then continued leisurely. lie down.

If Li Shuyao read it correctly, these should be the old cats and younger cubs of this group.

Although the one who fought with Shuping before was also a kitten, it was no longer a cub.

Although I don't know why wild cats live in such a large group, but looking at their unique fur color, it seems to be right.

And some other small animals Li Shuyao felt amazing.

Especially when she saw the little red mouse running over to scratch the old cat's beard, it felt that the world in this valley was crazy.

Could this be the legendary Land Abandoned by God?The laws of nature can't control here?

Li Shuyao quietly walked to the edge of the pool and looked in.

This pool is not too deep, and the water flow is so clear that you can almost see the bottom of the pool. There are some white fish swimming in the pool, and the old cat is teaching the kitten how to use its claws and tail to catch fish...

Although the kitten basically got nothing but splashing water on his face, the serious little cat is really cute.

After watching for a while, Li Shuyao realized something was wrong. There were not many old cats, but they were all red-haired, and there were quite a few cubs, some of which were red and some of other colors.

Unsurprisingly, those who learn to fish in the water are all red-haired kittens, and kittens of other colors are playing freely, and no big cat asks them to learn.

Li Shuyao couldn't help smacking her mouth, good guy, there is still hair color discrimination here.

But on second thought, it is also true. After all, they are a group of beasts. Even if they are a little bit smart, they are still working hard to maintain the development of their own group.

Sure enough, discrimination by fur color only exists among wild beasts. After all, they have no history and no culture, and they think that their fur color is the most honorable in this small world.

Perhaps, for many, many beasts, this place is indeed a paradise.

 I have learned to cook every day for the past two days, haha, I feel pretty good.

  Thanks to Fu Yunxi, for the reward of the shimmering light through the leaves, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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