Chapter 589
For a long time, Li Shuyao sincerely believed that Confucius was a saint, not because of his profound thinking, nor because of his strength in martial arts. Since ancient times, there have been many people with both civil and military skills, but there are very few saints.

Li Shuyao is purely because of the saying that there is no difference between teaching and learning.

At a time when everyone cares about sectarian opinions, when bullshit is passed on from men to women but not from inside to outside, he proposed that there is no distinction between education and that everyone should receive education.

Li Shuyao believes that this is the brilliance of that era, as well as the brilliance of human beings. The reason why people are human is to inherit some things left by the ancestors of human beings, and then invent more things for future generations.

Generations of people stand on the shoulders of their predecessors and continue to go on from generation to generation.

As for his unworthy disciples and grandchildren in the later dynasties, they actually have little to do with Confucius. If those rotten Confucians who have no power to restrain chickens are seen by Confucius, they might be beaten to death with a stick.

The spirit of teaching without discrimination has gradually become an excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and it has also made this land free of discrimination rooted in the heart.

At least there is no need to legislate for discrimination in this land...

The inheritance from generation to generation let everyone know that there are high and low abilities, but there is no distinction between people.

Of course, you can't expect there to be no idiots among the billions of people. There will always be some people who are scum, and they will not only discriminate against others, but also have many other problems.

Li Shuyao has always felt that some behaviors of foreign countries are quite ridiculous. They are obviously a manifestation of backward civilization, but they are self-righteous and show off.

Well, the most interesting thing is that many people believe it, and then continue to show off ridiculously.

Whether it is their own people or some people in the country.

Li Shuyao does not think she is a narrow-minded person, she is still very tolerant of foreign cultures, she is rooted in Chinese traditional culture, and also absorbs excellent foreign cultures.

After all, China has been like this since ancient times, insisting on my own culture and absorbing excellent culture from outside.

Li Shuyao never thought that the culture in this land was backward, and it was nonsense to talk about being beaten if it was backward. It was too ridiculous to describe the failure of the rulers of that era as the backwardness of the entire civilization.

Technology is only a part of civilization, and spirit is the core of civilization.

The inheritance of spiritual civilization in this land has always been leading the world.

Of course, it is not advisable to be arrogant because of this. After all, every era will also produce some dross, which needs to be cleaned up little by little.

So whether it is kneeling and licking or deliberately rejecting all other civilizations is actually wrong, this has been proved countless times in history, and the best thing is to get rid of the chaff and save the chaff.

Or, it can also be said to be the mean.

Li Shuyao's understanding of moderation is not about harmony, but about not being radical and not shrinking.

Standing in front of this pool, Li Shuyao thought a lot. No one would know that she would think about these things when she saw this group of wild cats, and no one would know that she regarded some people as worse than wild cats.

After all, these feral cats are really smart.

"Three main roads...go in the middle." Li Shuyao walked to the lakeside with a smile, took a deep breath, and felt the afterglow of the setting sun and the water vapor blowing towards her face.

Time to go back.

She didn't want to take a photo, after all, she didn't want to disturb the peaceful life of these red-haired creatures.

Maybe in the future, these cats can really evolve their own civilization, but that will be at least tens of thousands of years later.

And with such a powerful neighbor as human beings, I don't know if they can really rise.

Maybe, after the extinction of human beings, there will be civilizations developed by other species, and they will examine the civilizations of this era like humans do now.

So, when the next era of civilization has the ability to start archaeology, what else can human civilization leave behind?

Perhaps, like those previous civilizations, they completely disappeared with some powerful forces, leaving only some residues and broken bones.

Li Shuyao looked up at the waterfall flowing down from above, and wondered in her mind when the civilization before human civilization was still ruling the earth, would human beings be like this group of cats, hiding in a paradise and silently maintaining their own blood? , waiting for the arrival of the secret?
Maybe, maybe not.


"Nice view."

Li Shuyao slightly hooked the corners of her mouth, then turned and left without the slightest nostalgia.

She is very happy that she can come here, see this primitive small society that can no longer be primitive, and give herself a brainstorm that may not be useful.

Maybe one day when the interest comes, she will use this brainstorming to create something, and then maybe it will give a little inspiration to a scientist, and then maybe a brand new theory will be born.

Many of the theories that have been handed down to the present were born by chance.

If you say that birth is inevitable, how do you know that certain theories have not been born because of the absence of this accident.

"Hahaha..." Li Shuyao was amused by the tongue twister in her mind, and then bounced back in the fruit forest.

She is not going to take anything here, let everything here develop quietly.

Well, Xiaohong doesn't belong here anymore, and she didn't take her away, she followed her.

After thinking about it, Li Shuyao picked up Xiaohong who was following her, tapped its forehead and said with a smile: "Tell me, is there a certain god in human history who walked out of that peach garden and came into contact with him?" Arrived at the civilization of the ruler of the earth at that time, and then brought civilization to human beings?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, will your kid be regarded as a god by the evolved cat after 10,000+ years? Haha."

"Meow..." Xiao Hong looked at Li Shuyao in a daze, not knowing what kind of nerves she was having here today, anyway, since she came in, she didn't feel normal.

"Let's go, the future God of Creation, let's go back to the camp!" Li Shuyao put down Xiaohong, and then walked back with Brother Gou and Shuping.

On the way back, Li Shuyao saw more small red-haired animals, some of which she couldn't even name.

Perhaps this is really a carnival place for biologists, with red animals, unknown flora and fauna...

Uh, maybe it's not unknown, it's just that Li Shuyao doesn't know.

When they reached the entrance of the valley, the kitten who was defeated by Xiaohong pulled Xiaohong reluctantly, and the other kittens also looked at Brother Gou and Shuping reluctantly.

Uh, there are some stupid looking at Li Shuyao.

"Meow." Xiao Hong called out to these cats, and followed Li Shuyao out without the slightest bit of nostalgia.

As for Brother Gou and Shuping, let alone, they didn't even look this way.

Xiao Shuping is already a little tired at this time, and she even misses the time when she was run with her mouth in her mouth, and she didn't seem to need to move at that time, which felt really good.

Li Shuyao walked out of the valley, and then the phone rang in his hand.

"Crooked? What's the matter?" Li Shuyao laughed.

"My aunt, what a broken satellite phone of yours, you didn't get through after several calls, we almost called the police, you know?" Tantai Jingyi's voice came from the phone.

Li Shuyao glanced at the valley behind him strangely and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll be back in an hour or two, haha, before the sun goes down."

After hanging up the phone, Li Shuyao picked up Xiao Shuping and put it in his pocket, then smiled and said to Brother Gou and Xiaohong, "Let's go back to eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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