Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 590 I'm here to eat

Chapter 590 I'm Back for Dinner
One person and two cats walked through the woods again. In fact, today's long-distance high-speed running is already a bit of a burden for Xiaohong, but she can still persist.

Li Shuyao and Brother Gou didn't feel anything at all, running up the tree was very easy.

Now that she was running, Li Shuyao had almost forgotten those strange thoughts, maybe it was just a sudden whim, and it was already hidden in the gully of her brain at this time, and she would jump out to talk to others someday in the future. Use it when bragging about beer.

Anyway, it's not very useful now.

When Li Shuyao ran on the tree, he basically didn't need any tools. He had to be careful about the position in advance, and he could land wherever he could. Basically, he didn't need any tools.

And because you need to grab the trunks and branches, it's not easy to hold tools.

At this time, I can see the benefits of not having her nails done normally. At this time, she doesn't have to worry about any problems with her fingernails when she jumps up the tree wearing gloves.

Xiaohong was quite satisfied with this short return. Not only did she defeat her previous opponent, but she also showed off her spouse and children.

The most interesting thing is to distribute food to everyone, and it is very proud to see everyone eating what it brings!
It seems that I can come back every year in the future, so that I can show off every year, that's a lot...


Just as she was thinking, Xiaohong suddenly felt that her feet were empty, and then began to fall downwards.

Xiaohong was startled, she was a little distracted, and ran away without looking at the landing point, but it didn't matter, as a kitten, she could still land smoothly at this height.

And this area is quite familiar to me, there are thick fallen leaves on the ground, even if I fall on the ground, I will not be injured, I can even land on four feet!

Xiaohong is very confident, and even planned to step on the tree trunk next to her to adjust her falling posture, but when she kicked, she suddenly felt her feet go soft. As a result, she not only failed to adjust her posture, but even made herself kick up in the air. Come on.

It took a long time to say it, but in fact it was just a split second. At this moment, Xiaohong panicked and rolled wildly in the air. She couldn't stabilize her figure at this moment.

It even heard Brother Gou's anxious barking and some clattering sounds.

But it heard it, but because of the viewing angle... well, it didn't see anything for the time being.

Just when it was about to fall to the ground, it suddenly felt a sound of piercing the air approaching, and then something wrapped itself around it.

Immediately afterwards it felt a force taking it upwards, and then...

It continued to roll in the air, but now it was rolling upwards.

After rolling for a while, Xiaohong felt that she fell into a familiar embrace...

Xiaohong looked up... well, it should be Mama, but she couldn't see Mama's face.

That's right, Li Shuyao is covering her tightly now, Fang Xuening may not be able to recognize her even standing in front of her, that is to say, the few of them can do well by smelling.

"I'll take you with me, too. For you, the run today is indeed a bit far, and it's normal to have a lot of physical exertion." Li Shuyao grabbed the tree trunk with one hand, and the nine-section whip with the other, and then hugged Xiaohong.

After Li Shuyao found out that Xiaohong was rolling down, she quickly jumped down, then pulled out nine pieces of the whip and flung it over. After hooking Xiaohong, she swung it back, basically without stopping.

After all, the nine-cut whip is not a rope, so it can't entangle Xiao Hong, so it can only be pulled up with this strength.

Then Li Shuyao threw the nine whips into the backpack, and now there is no time to tidy up these things.

"Meow..." Xiaohong quickly shook her head. It's not that it can't run anymore, it was just thinking wildly, and then it stepped on the air and fell down. At most, it didn't adjust well when it shot you. I ran back and absolutely No problem!

"Meow..." Brother Gou also ran over, looking at Xiaohong with contempt, he couldn't run for such a short distance, sure enough, you have fallen, do you remember how many kilometers you ran back then?

More practice, more practice at home!

"Meow!" Xiao Shuping also yelled softly twice while lying on her stomach, and then quickly shrank back. It is still very comfortable to lie on her stomach...

Xiaohong was helpless, and then struggled to jump down to prove herself, but she was still firmly held by Li Shuyao.

"Oh, ok, ok, I know you want to prove yourself, but now is the time, right? Let's stay well, we have to go back quickly." Li Shuyao stroked Xiaohong's head to comfort Xiaohong.

"Meow meow..." I don't want it, I don't want it, I'm going to go down and walk by myself!

"Oh, don't move, or you won't be able to make dinner, and those guys will definitely eat up everything. What is the most important thing at this time? Of course, eating is the most important thing. Okay, okay, don't struggle..."

"Meow meow!" It's hard for anyone to come today!I must run back by myself!

"If you move again, I'll beat you." Li Shuyao's face darkened.

"Meow..." Xiaohong stopped struggling immediately, blinked her eyes and stayed in Li Shuyao's arms obediently, wouldn't I be obedient if you said that earlier.

"Brother Dog, let's go, let's hurry up." Li Shuyao put Xiaohong in the backpack behind her. After all, the kitty had finished eating all the food, and now the backpack contained some water, compressed biscuits and the like.

She didn't even want to eat this thing herself. After running around here, she had almost digested what she had eaten at noon, and she happened to have a good meal when she went back. Why would she eat compressed biscuits?

Then Xiao Hong squatted in the middle of the water bottle depressed, and pressed the compressed biscuit on her head.

Feeling that Li Shuyao started to run again, Xiaohong hugged her head helplessly, this time her reputation was ruined, why did her feet go limp.

But fortunately, only a few people in my family know it, and no one else knows it. You can still show it off to those guys next time!
Li Shuyao went faster on the return trip, uh... this is definitely not because she wants to eat, but mainly because the road is more familiar after walking all the way, and the road has been opened up to some extent, so it is also convenient when returning a lot.

Under the setting sun, Li Shuyao's figure continued to stretch among the trees.

It was almost night, and some small animals began to appear, and occasionally they would attack Li Shuyao, and she basically avoided them when they were on the tree.

When Li Shuyao jumped down from the tree, these small animals would be more unlucky, because at this time she was holding a sapper shovel in her hand...

Well, I don’t know if there are any people who shouldn’t have been photographed, but no one in this wilderness should know about it, and they took the initiative to attack her, so I can’t blame her, right...

Well, for sure!
You said that you jumped out at this time and refused to let me go back to eat, did it just affect my life safety? Yes, I am emergency avoidance!
Who told you to attack me.

It took less than an hour to run this way, and the dog brother was so tired that he was panting. Li Shuyao was still in high spirits. Looking at the four headlights on the front of her RV in the camp, she felt very safe.

"Hahahaha, comrades, I am gaining weight, hahahaha, have you prepared a good meal, I have come back after running a long way, oops, I am starving to death, hahahaha... I will come back Let's eat!"

 I have been reading Dream Master of Myriad Worlds for the past two days. It is very good. I feel that it will inspire my next book, but I always stay up late and read it a bit sleepy...

(End of this chapter)

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