Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 591 It is convenient to have an RV

Chapter 591 It is convenient to have an RV
"Although...Although I saw Yaoyao go out in this outfit in advance, but this black light suddenly ran over like this...well, it's quite scary." Tantai Jingyi looked at the man who was waving an engineer shovel in the distance Li Shuyao who was running this way was a little speechless.


The others nodded in agreement.

No matter how you look at it, it looks too much like a person...

"Wahhahaha, comrades, do you miss me? Did you all cook... Uh, you didn't cook..." Li Shuyao ran all the way over, and then looked at these people standing outside the RV... …

It looked like it had just come out of the RV, and there was no fire around!
"Nonsense, you are such a big living person who ran into the mountains and lost contact for several hours, how can we have the mood to cook." Tantai Jingyi was speechless: "Besides, I don't feel hungry after eating so much at noon."

"Ha, I knew it, it must be because I ate too much at noon, right?" Li Shuyao pinched her waist and laughed.

"Yaoyao, hurry up and change your clothes, take a shower or something, and we'll be ready for dinner when you come out." Mrs. Bao Jian said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, we still have a lot of pancakes, rice and so on. I just want to try fried rice on this iron plate. I want fried rice at noon." Brother Yu hurriedly followed Mrs. Baojian. pace.

"Then let's grill some of the remaining seafood and meat. It's not good to save it until tomorrow. It's best to cook it all tonight." Light Yellow Pie ​​said.

"Yeah, you can put it in the refrigerator if you can't finish it, and eat it tomorrow morning." Xiaolu also said.

"It's really convenient to have an RV in this way."


"Well, then I'm going to take a shower, haha, I'll come out and help you cook together later." Li Shuyao waved his hand, then picked up Brother Gou next to him and walked into the car.

Brother Gou had expected such an encounter a long time ago, so he followed along without struggling.

Uh, it might be because Li Shuyao has been so crazy all the way and practiced in the wild that he has lost his strength.

Even if Brother Gou has been genetically modified, his physical strength will still have an upper limit at that time, unlike Li Shuyao, who is backed by the energy stored in the system and doesn't care about energy consumption at all. He doesn't care about the kitty's feelings at all for eating!
However, this long-distance field training also made the little cat see his own shortcomings. It is indeed lacking in this aspect. It seems that he must practice frequently after returning. As a king with ambition and achievements, he naturally cannot have shortcomings. !
Uh, I don't know if the other kittens know about Brother Gou's awareness, will they get into the nest in shame... and sleep late?
After Li Shuyao walked into the caravan, Tantai Jingyi closed the car door very thoughtfully, anyway, all the ingredients had already been taken out, so there was no need to go in again.

It is to put the food in the car when it is ready, but at that time Li Shuyao has either finished washing or has already entered the bathroom, so it should be fine to take it in by herself.

Well, I still have to eat it in the RV at night. After all, there are still a lot of bugs in the wild, even if they are sprayed with insect repellent.

The four headlights in front of the car were not only turned on for illumination, but part of the reason was to attract some bugs...

Of course, it's January anyway, so there are relatively fewer bugs.

Li Shuyao took Brother Gou and Xiao Shuping out of their bags and pockets and put them on the ground, and then began to take off the outer clothes one by one.

She prepared a box in advance, and then threw all the clothes into this box.

Generally speaking, she is quite satisfied with these clothes this time, except that the chest is a little tight, there is nothing wrong with it, but the shoes may have to retire honorably, and the running is too fast this time, so the shoes are slightly worn a little big.

"Huh... It's really easy to take off this whole body." Li Shuyao let out a long sigh of relief, and finally took off the mask and glasses, it was so transparent!

Sure enough, there is no harm if there is no comparison. I didn't feel it when I was tightly wrapped, but I felt so relaxed as soon as I let go.

Then Li Shuyao went straight to the bathroom!
Going to the bathroom was actually the biggest problem for her when she came back from this trip. Going to the bathroom was also one of the reasons why she came back in such a hurry.

She made a good plan at the time, otherwise she would be finished if she had to go to the bathroom halfway through the run. She didn't want to go to the bathroom in the woods. When this thing jumped up and some little thing attacked her, she felt that she was about to expose her cruelty side of...

After draining the water comfortably, Li Shuyao first came out to stuff the clothes into the washing machine, and then dragged the three kittens to take a bath.

She mainly rubbed the three kittens first. After all, the three kittens are in direct contact with the outside, and she is still separated by several floors.

At this time, she still couldn't help but feel that it is really convenient to have an RV at this time. Otherwise, when you go out to camp, how can you take a shower when you want, and you can also wash clothes when you want to do laundry.

Anyway, I can deal with it very clean here, and I don't have anything to worry about. I can clean up and have dinner comfortably.

Otherwise, you have to think about these things when you eat.

The sound of splashing water covered up the sound of cooking outside, and the adults and children were all submerged in the vast foam...

It's a pity that there is no bathtub, so I can't lie down and wash.

Oops, what kind of thinking is this, corrupt, too corrupt!

It would be nice to have a place to take a bath, but I still think about the bathtub!

After taking a comfortable bath, Li Shuyao also took all the clothes in the bathroom in advance, so it's no problem to come out after changing clothes.

Anyway, Li Shuyao felt very at ease when a scent came over her nostrils!
Finally, it can be regarded as returning to the human world, let that Xanadu go to hell!
Well, but think about it, if there are really hermits, that place is really a good place to hide, but it's not certain whether it can beat the cats in it.

You must know that I was not attacked because I was accompanied by Xiaohong. Other strangers don't say whether they can find this place, even if they do find this place, they may not be able to beat the redness inside. animal.

When walking in the valley, Li Shuyao could keenly feel that many small animals were very wary of her, and even had some desire to attack.

Even some herbivores.

If it wasn't for Xiao Hong to lead them, maybe they would really have to fight.

After coming out, Li Shuyao drove the three kittens to disinfect them. They ran around in the woods. It was definitely not enough to just take a bath, and they had to be disinfected properly.

Anyway, this thing is easy, just plug it in and go.

Well, it is really convenient to have an RV, otherwise, where would you go to plug in and disinfect?
Don't worry about the three kittens, they queued up to get disinfected by themselves, while Li Shuyao sat in front of the dining table and took a deep breath: "Wow, haha, today's dinner is quite sumptuous."

All kinds of seafood, barbecue, fried rice, etc... There are also some vegetables and fruits, which still look quite appetizing.

"Where did you go this afternoon? I thought you went hunting." Tantai Jingyi asked as she brought up another plate of roasted vegetables.

"Hey, don't dare to hunt indiscriminately, haha." Li Shuyao waved her hand: "It's almost there, come and eat."

 I have some things to do when I go to work today.

  Today's update

(End of this chapter)

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