Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 593 After dinner...

Chapter 593 After dinner...

Seeing these comments, Li Shuyao couldn't help but start to diverge her thoughts, and Tantai Jingyi saw that this guy started to eat and stare blankly again, so she knew that this guy didn't know what he was thinking about.

Then she randomly found a TV series as "background music", and then everyone chatted while eating.

Not to mention, when you’re away from home, it really doesn’t matter what kind of TV you’re watching, and it doesn’t matter what episode you watch. Anyway, if you catch it, you can watch it for a while, and you can still watch it. It’s amazing. It is completely two states of mind and state.

Then after you turn off the TV, you don't remember what you watched before, it seems that it is purely for fun and to pass the time.

A few people had a simple meal at night, even Brother Yu didn't eat too much.

Then everyone chatted and waited to see Li Shuyao eating...


In fact, there is no way, Li Shuyao has consumed a lot of energy this day, and she needs to make up for it, if there is no support from the system energy, she would not have run today.

"Phew... I'm full, I'm full." Li Shuyao patted her belly, looking at the empty plate in front of her, everyone couldn't help but smack their mouths.


Fortunately, Tantai Jingyi told them not to make everything, and put some in the refrigerator to cook tomorrow morning. Otherwise, why does it feel like Li Shuyao still has something to say?

This is somewhat scary, but everyone was prepared in advance, so although it is scary, it is still acceptable.

After dinner, so many of us didn't want to play with our mobile phones, and we didn't want to go to bed so early.

In fact, the big guy is quite tired physically at this time, but he is still very excited mentally, and he feels a little unsafe. After all, he is in the suburbs and not at home. Even if he knows there is no danger, he still feels a little worried.

At this time, everyone suddenly understood why the ancients built cities...

This kind of magical idea that suddenly popped up is the divergent thinking of the big guy.

Everyone talked about the Great Wall from the fence post, from the tribal era to the feudal dynasty... Then everyone thought, why don't we just play something, because such a dry chat is really meaningless.


Li Shuyao took out the monopoly that he had kept for a long time!
"Haha, I still have the foresight. That is to say, if you bring Monopoly, it will definitely work. Come on, let's have 6 people, no more, no less, haha, come on, let's have a nervous game Exciting Monopoly!"

Li Shuyao walked over holding a big box with a smile, and at first glance, he was not a simple millionaire!
"Such a big box." Tantai Jingyi's eyes widened. She realized that it was the first time she saw Li Shuyao take out such a big box. Although she said she also played with it before, she never had such a big box.

"Ohohoho, this is the upgraded version of Monopoly I just bought, wow Kaka, I call it the fission of the earth that created the world." Li Shuyao patted the box in her hand and said with a smile.

" it written on the box?" Brother Yu opened his mouth: "Is it the same model as the love apartment?"

"No, I made it myself, haha."

"Is it fun?" Xiaolu asked curiously.

"Uh, I don't know, I haven't played it yet, but I think it should be fun, such a big box, right, there must be a lot of content inside." Li Shuyao put the box in the middle with a smile, and after opening it , the contents inside are indeed quite rich...

In addition to maps, dice, various cards, money, and characters, there are also a bunch of small houses and the like.

Li Shuyao read the manual for a long time and then suddenly realized: "Oh, I understand, look at this, when you bought this land for the first time, you put a small house on it, and the second time you stood on it. You can upgrade your own ground, and then change to this medium house, and you can upgrade it again for the third time, and it will become this high-end house, and then if you still have money, you can continue to upgrade directly to place landmarks!"

Several other people were speechless looking at such a large number of props. Each piece of land has a unique small model of a landmark building, and then there are a lot of models from small houses to large houses.

No wonder it's such a big box, it's really...

"Come on, come on, no matter how many, come on!"

Li Shuyao divided the big props into one point, then rolled the dice to decide the order of first move, and then started.


"I'll go, my prop card... take another step, and complete it while raising your head like meowing, this, this... what is this." Brother Yu said speechlessly while holding the drawn card.

"Haha, I have to do it."

"Brother Yu, come quickly, hahaha..."


"Turn around in place three times, and then yell for your life?" The Pale Yellow School held the item card with a speechless expression on its face: "No, are you a Monopoly or a truth-or-dare."

"Hahaha, hurry up..."

"I just meowed like a cat, hurry up."



Among other things, the card of this rich man is really good. A few people have completed the truth or dare of a rich man... Uh, there is no truth, they have been taking risks.

And it's not too much, either doing a simple action, singing a song, yelling something, at most, it's a bit shameful for students who are socially phobic, but it's definitely not too much or dangerous behavior.

Well, there wasn't a single social fear present here... Oh, Xiao Lu was a little lost at most, but everyone became one soon...

So everyone had a great time.

It was almost 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and everyone was a little tired.

Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi went to the upper forehead bed together, while Mrs. Bao Jian and Xiao Lu were on the lower bed.

Originally, everyone planned to let Brother Yu and Huang Pie be at the dining table in the middle. Just push the table down and spread a mattress here.

However, the two chose to go out and sleep in the tent at the door.

Sometimes it is necessary to avoid suspicion. If there is no condition, there is no other way. If there is condition, they still have to separate. If it is not possible, they can also cat in their own car all night. This is no problem.

not to mention……

Li Shuyao's tent is really nice, the two of them have been fiddling with for a long time in the afternoon.

"Hey, this tent is really nice, I can't feel the wind outside at all." The light yellow pie bent down and walked into the tent: "This mat is really soft, it doesn't hurt your feet at all, it's really comfortable in this sea. "

"Yeah...hehe, how was my performance just now?" Brother Yu chuckled, recalling the pitiful look he had just shown, and the distressed expression of Mrs. Baojian, he felt secretly refreshed, and he probably returned home this time It can be majestic for several days!

"Yes, it performed quite well." The Yellow Pie ​​gave a thumbs up, and then opened the skylight above his head.

The two of them lay on the pre-made bed and looked at the starry sky...

"Oh, it's a bit early to go to bed now." The Yellow Pie ​​said, looking at the sky.

"Indeed!" Brother Yu also nodded: "The starry sky is also quite beautiful, but I feel dizzy just looking at it."

"Otherwise, let's play a few more games?"

"I think so."

"Come, come!"

 It has been raining in Dalian for the past two days and the temperature is quite comfortable, which is about 24 degrees.

  Thank you for the reward that I never read the little yellow book, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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