Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 594 They played for a long time last night...

Chapter 594 They played for a long time last night...

Then... the next morning, Li Shuyao was naturally the first to wake up, and listened carefully. Everyone in the car was sleeping soundly... Well, except for the three kittens.

Seeing Li Shuyao stepping down from the forehead bed little by little, the three little cats became energetic all of a sudden, and walked over lightly.

Well, it looks like it's time to finish punching and eat.

After yesterday's incident, this family is now very keen on getting up early to practice boxing. One or two want to improve themselves in this way.

Prepare to suppress the opponent again when you go next time!
When they left, they were not just reluctant to leave, but the other party said harsh words, saying that they had to work hard during this period of time, and they must teach them a lesson next time!
And use this to set a long-term appointment!
Uh, in the world of cats, there is no such thing as a few years, it is a long time anyway.

Li Shuyao quietly put the rice that was prepared in advance last night into the pot, and then put it aside to cook. Basically, the inside of the car is powered by electricity. There is a gas stove outside the car, but Li Shuyao doesn’t plan to use it. , She still feels that using electricity is safer in the car.

Soon, Li Shuyao gently opened the car door and walked out. The whole process was very soft, there was no loud or dense sound, so everyone was still awake.

Well, in fact, Li Shuyao was a bit strange, because she still made a little sound. At that time, she listened carefully, and there was some change in Tantai Jingyi's breathing, indicating that she should be getting up soon.

But Mrs. Baojian and Xiaolu haven't changed at all.

It meant that the two of them showed no sign of waking up at all.

Li Shuyao can only sigh with emotion, as expected, up masters can't get up early.

People like Li Shuyao who get up so early every day are definitely a strange flower in the main circle of UP, because everyone basically has to stay up late to edit the film, sometimes it takes several hours to edit, and many times they stay up all night to shoot a scene There are also many.

So most of the up schedule is very chaotic.

After all, not everyone has Li Shuyao who can shoot everything in one go. It is not easy to get a satisfactory shot. The head up masters cut far more shots than they took out.

"They were up late yesterday."

When Li Shuyao was thinking about it, Tantai Jingyi came out of the car, yawned and said.

"Huh? Didn't they go to bed soon? Didn't we sleep together?" Li Shuyao opened his mouth: "They played again later?"

"Ah oh..." Tantai Jingyi yawned and said, "The two of them feel sorry for Brother Yu and Huang Pai who are sleeping outside in a tent, and then they went out together to give them a hot water bottle or something."

"Huh? Why don't I know?" Li Shuyao opened her mouth.

"You sleep like a dead pig, you can't hear anything, what else can you know." Tantai Jingyi rolled her eyes and said, "You don't even know I'm crawling around on you."

"Huh? You're still crawling around on me?" Li Shuyao stared.

"Meow..." Brother Gou patted Li Shuyao's calf, stop talking, hurry up and exercise, drink porridge together after the exercise, what are you talking about.

"The two of them went to the tent last night, and found that the two were playing games there in full swing, and then..."

"Then angry?" Li Shuyao asked curiously.

"Oh... Then they played together for a long time, laughing and joking, and then..." Tantai Jingyi shrugged.

"You watched the whole thing?"

"No, but judging by their current situation, they must have played very late."


The two of them didn't care too much, and started to punch by the river, and the three kittens also followed in a serious way and punched a little bit.

It's also fortunate that they played the game a little late last night, otherwise one or two of them would have been stunned when they saw this picture.

When Li Shuyao was boxing, she was also thinking about whether she should take three kittens with her when she travels in a caravan. If she and Fang Xuening ran away, the three kittens might really have a quarrel at home.

Forget it, let’s take it with you. If you’re staying overnight in the wilderness, you’ll feel at ease with Brother Gou, and Xiaohong has experience in living in the wild. Yes.

After punching, Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi slowly drank porridge with the three kittens.

The three kittens naturally waited for the porridge to cool down before drinking it. Shuping once scalded her tongue in a hurry, and then learned to behave well, following the example of her mother and father.

Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi hissed and sat on the sofa drinking porridge, and then there was no sign of waking up at all, either in the car or in the tent.

Li Shuyao was also speechless, so she could only leave a pot of porridge, and then began to see what she was doing for lunch today.

She estimated that these people should be able to wake up around noon, and then get up to drink some porridge, eat something, and then take a stroll before going home.

After thinking about it, everyone just got up at noon, and they definitely can't eat too much, and they definitely can't eat barbecue or something, so let's make some shredded pork porridge or something.

Wake up after sleeping, drink a bowl of hot porridge, and then add some ginger powder to the porridge to drive away the cold, it will definitely be very comfortable.

After punching, Li Shuyao cleaned up the things in the refrigerator, got out some crab meat and lean meat and cut them into shreds, then added some minced ginger and so on, and boiled them in a pot over low heat.

This thing is in a hurry, and it tastes good when it is boiled slowly on a small fire. Besides, there is no fire, it only uses electricity, and there is a little demon watching, so Li Shuyao is still very relieved.

Artificial intelligence is better anyway, it can control things that use electricity to avoid danger, so since the last incident, Fang Xuening can only touch things that use electricity at home, not things that use fire the...

Although Fang Xuening was educated last time, Li Shuyao still felt that it would be better to have the little demon to know the truth.

After putting away the pot, Li Shuyao took the chair, took the Benming Shilu, found a folding chair and ran to the riverside to read.

Tantai Jingyi strolled around for a while after eating and went back to catch up on sleep. Last night, she didn't sleep as dead as Li Shuyao... Well, she even played two games with her.

So at this time, there is still a bit of a loss.

So, after a short period of excitement, it calmed down again, and the three kittens became lazy after eating and drinking.

"'s a pity that Zhu Biao died." Li Shuyao sighed softly, and then saw Brother Yu coming out of the tent with a confused face, and then the even more confused Pale Yellow School...

Well, the hair of the two of them is more messy than the other, and the kind of eyes that can't be opened.

However, the two of them are still very dedicated to filming with the camera, and it is estimated that they took a lot of pictures last night.

"Haha, hurry up and wash up. After washing and eating, we will go home after eating." Li Shuyao laughed from a distance: "But you'd better knock on the door before entering. I don't know if they are washing or not. .”

The two nodded in confusion, and just as they reached the door, the car door opened...

"Let's do the math. Let you wash up first. After you finish washing, go out quickly, and then we have to wash up." Mrs. Baojian yawned and said, "Oh, this pot of porridge is so fragrant. Hurry up, we will wash up after we finish washing up." Have a meal!"

(End of this chapter)

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