Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 595 They are all their own fans...

Chapter 595 They are all their own fans...

Everyone was very satisfied with this RV outing. Although Li Shuyao suddenly ran out for a while and didn't know where he went, he actually got a lot of material.

Although Tantai Jingyi said that she almost called the police, she was quite at ease with Li Shuyao, knowing that although this guy was a little tricky at ordinary times, she basically wouldn't do things that she wasn't sure about.

So she was more or less confident, but after a long time she was a little worried and made a call, but when the call didn't connect, she was shocked...

Well, Li Shuyao happened to enter that magical valley at that time.

So sometimes it's such a coincidence.

Everyone started to eat directly after washing, and the female compatriots didn't put on any makeup.

First of all, Mrs. Baojian and Xiaolu don’t have any idol burdens. When the time comes, it will be fine to open a beauty mask and add a filter. Even Mrs. Baojian used no makeup when she made a beauty video, so she didn’t feel anything .

That's right, Li Shuyao is so disgusting, I don't know why she has no makeup... Hey, she seems to have always been without makeup, and she didn't wear much makeup yesterday...

come two...

The porridge made by Li Shuyao has been emitting a fragrance, which is unbearable!They have been hungry for so long and their appetites have been hooked. They want nothing but porridge for dinner.

So, Li Shuyao is too hateful!How can one bear to make such a fragrant seafood and meat porridge. This makeup takes at least an hour. Can you bear watching people eating there at this time?

I can't help it!
So after everyone got up and washed at noon, basically there was a sound of porridge drinking in the RV.

After finishing the porridge, everyone packed up and prepared to go home. This time, we have prepared enough material, which is enough for everyone to edit a very good quality video.

At that time, everyone can jointly contribute.

Regarding the editing, everyone discussed it, and Brother Yu will edit it, and then post it on his account.

After finally making a joint contribution together, we can send out two more issues, and we can also rub each other's heat or something.

Another advantage of the RV is that there is not too much garbage outside. A lot of garbage is thrown directly into the trash can on the car. There is very little garbage left outside, so everyone cleans up quickly and goes back.

According to what was said before, everyone went back to their respective homes after traveling together for a while. In fact, everyone was very satisfied with the shooting this time, and they worked while having fun.

Well, Tantai Jingyi just went out to relax, she didn't shoot videos or jointly contribute, so she just enjoyed this outing.

And because I have been in the RV this time, this guy happily ran to play games when he came back, and he didn't look tired at all!
Li Shuyao sighed helplessly. When she came back, she was driving in front, and this guy was lying on the bed behind.

Because Mrs. Baojian and Xiao Lu had returned to their respective cars, this guy slept in the car all the way!
Simply insane!
After thinking about it, Li Shuyao sent a message on her Bilibili account, accompanied by a few photos of going out to play before. Of course, it was only herself and the RV, and no one else was brought along:
"I really didn't touch fish. Didn't I go out to shoot a video? It will be updated in a few days, and then I will broadcast live tomorrow night, haha ​​[Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [picture]"

After Li Shuyao finished posting, soon a group of people commented below:

"Yaoshou, Yaoyao posted a newsletter."

"If I didn't know about Chinese New Year, I would have thought Yaoyao had quit the Internet."

"The front row violated the little fairy!"

"The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss! The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss! The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!

"Brothers, haven't you noticed that the song Lonely Brave is starting to feel a little bit wrong now?"

"Finally it's going to be a live broadcast. Do you know how I got here these days!"

"Yaoyao scolded me!"

"Giving red envelopes is soft, it's better to watch Yaoyao's live broadcast."

"Wow wow wow, Yaoyao ghost is back."

"It's okay, I thought Yaoyao would broadcast live after seven days of Chinese New Year."


After Li Shuyao returned home, she took a comfortable bath first, and after she came out, there were a lot of comments below, looking at it... well, I deleted and blocked a lot.

Of course, the main thing to delete is the rhythmic, cursing, and rude ones, and she still keeps those teasing ones.

Uh, in fact, Lu Yao told her not to delete other people's comments casually. Naturally, someone will report something, but she still feels... We can't stand this anger!

After deleting and blocking some people, Li Shuyao is very comfortable. You can scold me, but please do it where I can't see it. I can't see it!

But generally speaking, I still feel very comfortable after reading it, because most of them are "boasting groups", there are also some "playing meme groups", and some "front row invasion groups", "violent ghost groups" and "sisters". Scolding my group" "Longing to be trampled on"...

Ma Dan, what kind of mess is this? Hey, can you be a bit normal? How do you make passers-by think of my comment area?
Why is the comment section running in the wrong direction!
Li Shuyao put down her phone helplessly, these are her fans, she can't be angry, her fans have to bear it by herself, don't scold them, otherwise this group of people will be endless!
These people are just waiting for her to curse people live!

Because there are some regulations in the live broadcast, and she can't scold too hard, she will be blocked easily, and then she can only shout "soul light" and "knock in?" Emoticon packs, and even voice packs!

Simply insane!
So now that Li Shuyao has also mastered it, she must not give this group of people a chance!
"They're all my dear fans. No matter how lively the scene is, I can't 'kill them'. I still have to be calm, calm, which mother doesn't have a few rebellious sons, it's normal, it's too normal."

"The world is so beautiful, but I am so irritable, it's not good, it's not good."

Li Shuyao took a deep breath, then let out a long breath, and then she took out her phone to take a look, and saw a relatively hot message:

"You said, if a ghost like Yaoyao came to your house in the middle of the night, would you be afraid?"

Then there was a heated discussion on this issue as follows:

"Hey, why are you running away? It must be a joint promotion of Pai Gow [doge] [doge] [doge]"

"Hey hey hey hey [funny] [funny] [funny]"

"Is there such a good thing? [Knowledge increase] [Knowledge increase] [Knowledge increase]"

"Then I might turn into a ghost, hahaha."

"Then...then we can't let this ghost run away. When it comes, I'll put a talisman on the house in advance, quack, open one side to let the ghost come in, then close the door and the ghost can't get out, and then the talisman emits golden light to weaken it. The ability of ghosts has been sealed in the room by me since then, quack【Two breads with cheese】"


Li Shuyao: "..."

You are so professional, why don’t you become a Taoist priest, good guy, if you don’t go exorcising ghosts, you’ll be so talented, come on, come on, report the id of your fan group, I don’t think my fan group can hold you anymore, Please let this great god go wherever he should go!
Li Shuyao slapped the phone and threw it on the street stall, no, I can't watch it, a bunch of lsp!

 It's the weather now, it's a bit cold if you don't wear too much, and it's hot if you wear too much... It's tangled.

(End of this chapter)

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