Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 596 I'm here to kill again!

Chapter 596 I'm Back!
This afternoon was naturally another afternoon of fishing. Li Shuyao opened an account and played two games in Hanbok, but she hadn't played for a long time. The Hanbok fell to diamond.

Well, she often played a few games during the live broadcast years ago, although not many, but she was also a master before.

Then she frantically "slaughtered" two sets in Diamond, and lamented that her skills were a little bit backward, and she only killed the opponent's top laner 3 times by solo.

The top laner on the opposite side was crying and passed out in the toilet... I don't want to play this game anymore.

Li Shuyao sighed and looked at the switch next to her, why don't she play the league tomorrow?

After such a long time, she would occasionally play other games, and she didn't kill the League right away. After all, no matter before or after playing professionally, an important part of her fans must be League of Legends Fans, she can't just throw away these fans after she retires.

So in addition to cooking, in her updated videos now, there will still be videos of League of Legends. These materials come from some wonderful or interesting operations she performed live.

Although this type of video has always been the least played among her many videos, she still keeps updating it.

But pinch, after all, he has already retired, and there is no point in broadcasting the league every day. The game will be annoying if it becomes a professional. It was a bit annoying when I was playing professional before, but now I just play one day every two days.

"Why don't we live broadcast Mazao 2 tomorrow?" Li Shuyao rubbed her chin and felt that she could do it. She usually plays by herself. Although she doesn't play much, she is still a famous player with a score of 6100. coming.

Well, occasionally, Brother Jie can be in line.

She also appeared once in Jie Ge's video, but no one knew it was her.

Of course she found out by herself, after all, she is the handsome Biloui who watches the video every time, haha.

After deciding what to broadcast tomorrow, Li Shuyao continued to fish with peace of mind.

Anyway, I don’t plan to release a song for a while, and I will give other people some opportunities, right, I can’t keep dominating the list by myself, but if I stop posting it and you still can’t make it, then don’t blame me.

Li Shuyao doesn't think she can always dominate the charts, even when she first released a song, it is relatively difficult to climb the charts.

After all, although Lu Yao will also promote her songs, but he doesn't use some operations such as swiping tickets, so many times he can't beat certain people... Right.

Moreover, Li Shuyao's business model is still different after all. Relatively speaking, her fans are much smaller than those traffic stars.

Whether it's more fans' votes, or some swiping of votes, it can push certain people's songs to the top of the list for more people to see.

In addition, Li Shuyao, who often broadcasts live, can actually directly influence the audience through herself, so in fact, her audience is relatively Buddhist. There are people who make the list, but there are also many people who just listen to the song .

So Li Shuyao basically relied on word-of-mouth accumulation.

The next day, Tantai Jingyi bid farewell to Li Shuyao and returned to the base. For her, the next year's game is still very important. Last year's transfer period was not only the "earthquake" of Li Shuyao, many teams were completely dismantled during the transfer period last year. came.

So this year's spring split is not easy to play.

Although it is said that the new team will have problems such as running-in, the new team also has an intelligence advantage over other teams. After all, no one knows how strong you are or what style of play you have.

Last year, CR actually used this intelligence advantage to get through the weakest period from the beginning...

Li Shuyao felt a little ashamed looking at Tantai Jingyi's back. Look at her, how hard she worked, and her current state and physical condition, there should be no problem in another four or five years.

Look at others, then look at yourself!

Uh, as soon as Li Shuyao turned around, she forgot about it, the fish that should be fished still had to be fished.

After finally catching up with himself at home, isn't this a little more casual?
Turning around and running around the hall excitedly, Li Shuyao suddenly realized that since she traveled here, the days she was at home were few and far between. Hey, they are not here, so I can let myself go! .

"Finally alone!"

Li Shuyao ran upstairs excitedly, then slapped on the bed and rolled around twice vigorously, throwing Xiao Shuping who followed her out of the door.

The old lady finally waited for the exclusive time, what are you doing here!

Brother Gou and Xiaohong at the door turned around and ran away, not caring about Xiao Shuping who was thrown on the ground...

Xiao Shuping learned another knowledge today, relying on no one is worse than relying on oneself!
Well, there's also Ma Ma's Ma Ma, who is abnormal and must not go up. Not only will I get beaten up, but Papa and Ma Ma won't help me either!

At noon, I cooked a large table of dishes by myself, and then ordered a large table of dishes, and I ate lunch for a dozen people alone!I ate for two hours just to eat!
"Huh... so cool..."

Li Shuyao looked at the pile of empty plates on the table, and patted her stomach in satisfaction.

This time, she ordered all the things she wanted to eat around, and made all the things she wanted to eat, and the energy of the system was replenished a lot.

She wouldn't dare to eat like this when other people were around. At most, she would eat for two or three people. Only those people were scared to death. If she ate like this, these people would have to call the police on the spot.

It’s just a bit troublesome to clean up, but it’s fine to throw it into the dishwasher all at once. When the time comes, take it out and put it in the cabinet, so no one will know that I ate so much at noon today!

Simply perfect!
Sorting the other garbage, and then almost taking it out, and throwing it all the way into the trash can in the park is considered a yogurt.

After returning home, Li Shuyao took a shower, then lay comfortably on the balcony on the second floor to dry naturally, quietly feeling the afternoon sun.

After sleeping for a while and waking up, Li Shuyao took a deep breath, collapsed on the lazy sofa and continued to yawn. The whole house was quiet, she just wanted to sleep except for sleep.

But I can't sleep anymore. One is that if I fall asleep, I may miss the live broadcast at night. I still need to prepare before the live broadcast.

Another one is that if you sleep now, you can only let yourself sleep by upgrading at night.

How is that different from taking medicine?
I need to rely on that method to make myself fall asleep!


Li Shuyao sighed lightly, it was a little uncomfortable to be so deserted today after it was so lively yesterday.

If you think about it, Sister Lu is also very busy these two days. Apart from these anchors, she is still preparing for the studio. Various registrations and such...

In the past few months, I haven't had much time to play with her.

In addition to avoiding family urges to get married, I rested here for a few days during the Chinese New Year before, and I also adjusted my state and then devoted myself to work.

"Huh... a bit lonely." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth pretentiously, anyway, no one here sees me, so I'm so pretentious, you bite me!

Li Shuyao had just finished yelling when she suddenly heard the sound of the door opening from downstairs, followed by a certain white hair laughing arrogantly: "Wow, my Fang Xuening is back again! My RV ! My beloved little car!"

Li Shuyao: "..."

 I'm a bit busy today, I have to run back and forth to check the dormitory number or something, so I'll change it for now.

(End of this chapter)

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