Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 597 Is there a guest at home at noon?

Chapter 597 Is there a guest at home at noon?

For Fang Xuening's sudden return, Li Shuyao was not prepared at all. What is the point of being unprepared? Of course, she is now in a state of natural drying. Although it is not once or twice that everyone candidly meet, but The location on the balcony on the second floor is somewhat embarrassing.

So Li Shuyao fell into deep thought...

If I ran back to the house, what if Fang Xuening came up on the way, wouldn't it be more embarrassing?
run back... run back...

Well, it's just that I just woke up and my mind is a little unconscious. I have rehearsed the scene of running into the room several times in my mind, but my body just doesn't want to move.

I'm a little lazy at this time, and I don't think it matters, after all, it's that white hair... Right, it's not like I haven't seen it before, and it won't be missing two pieces of meat.

Then, she seemed to hear another voice from below...

I still want a P at this time, hurry back to the house!
This idea immediately occupied the peak of Li Shuyao's mind, and when she heard Fang Xuening trotting up the stairs, she stood up suddenly, and her subjective initiative was immediately mobilized.

Then she sprinted out and slammed the door shut before Fang Xuening ran up to the second floor.

As soon as Fang Xuening stepped onto the second floor, she saw white flowers flashing past her eyes. Before she could react, this person had already entered the room.

Fang Xuening opened her mouth: "Fuck, what was it just now... Yaoyao? Yaoyao? Did you have any big pets again? How did you run so fast?"

Fang Xuening yelled twice but no one answered, so she walked to the balcony, put down all the things she brought, and then began to reason on her own:
"It's white, and it's very fast. Could it be the legendary snow leopard? Well, it's possible, but it might be a bit harsh. It can't be kept, and it looks quite tall. It shouldn't be four animals that land on the ground."

"That's the white orangutan? Hiss... I kind of forgot about the punishment, and the speed of the white orangutan should not be so fast, so it shouldn't be."

"That's not it, and that's not it. Combined with Yu Wenwen and Yaoyao's taste that still remain here, I can conclude that Dabai who just floated past is Li Shuyao."

Fang Xuening grabbed the lazy sofa next to her, then sniffed it on the tip of her nose and smiled:
"Hmph, if I'm not mistaken, when Yaoyao is at home...hehehehe..."

But then Fang Xuening curled her lips, it didn't seem to be a big deal, she often did this when she was at home, she was alone at home and no one else was there, yes, it was so comfortable.

That's why you run, why you close the door, they are all sisters from my own family, it's not like we've met each other, besides, it's not like we haven't seen each other before, we used to see each other every day, why are we still shy.

Oops, I haven't seen you in the past few days, we are separated, it seems that we want to cook a good meal for classmate Yaoyao, to make up for the missing sisterhood.

Looking at the special products in his hand, Fang Xuening is very confident.

Although the life over there is very different from here, the ingredients are really good. The ones I brought up are fast food, and there are some chickens, ducks, and pigs that don’t smell delicious. In the kitchen.

Plus the cooking skills I learned from others in the past few days during the Chinese New Year!
She believed that she would be able to conquer Li Shuyao's taste buds and win back Li Shuyao's heart again!

As the saying goes, if you want to grab her heart, you must first grab her stomach!
While Fang Xuening was thinking wildly, the door of Li Shuyao's room opened slowly, and then the neatly dressed Li Shuyao walked out with a smile.

"Oh, isn't this Fang Xuening? Your old man came back so early."

"Oh Yoyo, I'm not worried about you. Besides, I've been sending you WeChat messages, but you don't read them at all." Fang Xuening also said with a smile.

Brother Gou's Xiaohong, who was quietly looking this way at the stairs, suddenly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and then turned around and ran away. Although the danger is not great at this time, it is better not to get involved in the comparison it is good.

Xiao Shuping, who was watching the poop from behind, also turned around and ran along with her, not to mention anything else, let's see what they do first!
Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening burst out laughing watching the three kittens' operations.

"Look at you, how scared you are." Fang Xuening laughed.

"These little fellows are so imposing this time, it's okay to scare them." Li Shuyao pursed her lips and said with a smile: "By the way, I'm serious, why did you come back so soon, why don't you stay longer?"

"Actually, it's almost the same. I went home yesterday, and I came here today, otherwise I'm afraid that those fresh ingredients will not be fresh." Fang Xuening said with a smile: "It's all done, I have to eat it quickly, and I can't put it away." .”

"What?" Li Shuyao asked suspiciously.

"Haha, come on, come on, let me show you something today, not to mention, although the environment there is worse than here, but the people are really warm, I feel like I'm going to get fat there, haha." Fang Xue Ning took Li Shuyao and walked downstairs.

After going downstairs, Li Shuyao saw a chicken, a duck and a big bag of pork in the kitchen.

"Hiss, you brought all these back by yourself?" Li Shuyao was stunned for a moment: "By the way, I heard someone coming just now."

"That's my brother, he brought it for me." Fang Xuening said with a smile: "But I see that you haven't replied to the message, so let him go back first."

"Oh, at least I stayed for a meal or something." Li Shuyao said a little embarrassedly: "I fell asleep at noon and didn't look at my phone."

"It's okay, he just has work to do, let's talk about it when he has time." Fang Xuening waved his hand and smiled: "Come on, let me deal with these ingredients first, you can wait for me to eat tonight Let's eat."

"Really or not." Li Shuyao was skeptical. She was a little skeptical that this guy could make alchemy by boiling medicine.

"Hmph, it's not that I haven't cooked before." Fang Xuening rolled her eyes and said, "And I've been following along for the past two days, and I even made my own cooking stove. I cooked a pot of braised pork for everyone Meat! Everyone agrees after eating it!"

"Well, your braised pork is really good." Li Shuyao nodded, she still admitted this point, although Fang Xuening is often unreliable, but she still knows how to cook, especially the braised pork is good, It is a specialty.

It's just that the cooking has been contracted by Li Shuyao, so she seldom does it. This thing is a skilled worker, just like driving a car. If you don't touch it for a long time, it will degrade a bit.

So now she dares to make braised pork, and other things can be eaten after cooking, but the taste is mediocre, so she always uses braised pork as an example... Sure enough, this time I went home and showed it to people.

"Hey, this time I got the true biography of a culinary master who lives in seclusion in the village."

Fang Xuening smiled and walked to the side of the dishwasher, pressed the switch, and the door of the dishwasher opened suddenly.

Then looking at the full dishwasher room, Xiao Ning was stunned for a moment:
"Um... There are guests at home at noon? How many people are here? They left after dinner? They don't stay here in the afternoon to play mahjong or something."

Li Shuyao sneered: "Ahaha, I just had a casual meal, and then everyone has something to do, haha... something to do..."

 I've been a little busy these two days...running around, moving things, I was so tired that I came back yesterday and lay down on the bed and almost fell asleep, then I got up and wrote some.

  One more today.

(End of this chapter)

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