Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 599 Preparing for the live broadcast

Chapter 599 Preparing for the live broadcast
Although I suspect that Li Shuyao has a wife... er, a young lover, Fang Xuening still diligently completed the craft she learned. Li Shuyao also nodded after tasting it. The taste is indeed good.

Although the taste and texture of chicken, duck and pork are slightly different from those sold outside, the taste is really good.

And Fang Xuening has indeed learned something, although Li Shuyao strongly doubts the authentic flavor of her boast, but it would be good if someone brought it back from all the way.

She also cooks by herself, right? Although she is always talking about her reasoning in the process of cooking, it can be regarded as cooking for you anyway, and the taste is not bad in the end, so that's fine!
In life, there is no such thing as perfect.

Before Li Shuyao ran to prepare for the live broadcast, she saw Fang Xuening quietly looking for Brother Gou and Xiaohong... It seems that this guy still doesn't give up, and wants to see if he can get something out of these two kittens Come on.

Uh, why does it feel like something is wrong...

By the way, why did you find two little cats to talk, you think you are Tantai Jingyi, I can't understand what the little cats are saying, can you understand me?

Do you want to wait for Tantai Jingyi to sum up a cat language before you study it carefully?

Outrageous, outrageous!

Li Shuyao doesn't care about Fang Xuening anymore. This guy has also broadcast live in his hometown for the past two days. Although the live broadcast is outdoors, it is still very popular. It seems that occasionally an outdoor live broadcast can also increase the distance between the anchor and the audience. .

After a while, I basically live broadcast outdoors.

Ignoring the nagging Fang Xuening, Li Shuyao ran back to her live broadcast room and began to put on makeup...

Well, that's right, although it is said that she has simple makeup, she has done it a few times anyway, not completely without it.

Tsk tsk, classmate Li Shuyao has also started to pay attention to her own image, unlike when she was playing professionally and came out to broadcast without washing her hair or face.

In fact, both Lu Yao and Fang Xuening have reminded her of this point, saying that she is naturally beautiful, and she looks very good-looking without makeup, so many people use makeup to cover up their flaws or even change their face, but her makeup is to highlight her own characteristics.

That is to say, for many people, cosmetics are the protagonist, like painting a facial makeup on the face, what other people see is the content of the facial makeup.

But Li Shuyao is different. For her, the cosmetics are a supporting role, which highlights her own beauty.

So as long as you put on a little makeup, you can definitely have a higher popularity.

Li Shuyao didn't care at first, but later Lu Yao showed the data, and she was indeed more popular with makeup than without makeup!
Humph, a bunch of LSPs, think I don't know what you guys are thinking!Humph, makeup is makeup!
Then Li Shuyao happily watched a group of people praising her for being beautiful every time she was on the live stream...

Of course, classmate Lu Yao lied to... Uh, it can't be said to be a lie, because she really became more popular when she put on makeup.

But nirvana, if Li Shuyao came out in the hands of a professional makeup artist for a whole hour or two, she would definitely be as beautiful as a fairy and amaze the world.

But Li Shuyao had no interest in makeup, so she could only settle for the next best thing and let Li Shuyao simply put on light makeup.

This way her makeup is fast and easy, and the results are good.

Later, Lu Yao also thought about it, that kind of amazing people really shouldn't appear all the time, beautiful things shouldn't always appear in the first place, if people get used to it all the time, they don't think it's beautiful anymore.

So whenever there is a more important event, you can shock the world again, and the absolute effect will explode!

Lu Yao didn't tell Li Shuyao about this, anyway, she was the one who found the make-up artist, and it's not up to her to decide how it will look, anyway, it's not like this guy hasn't had it done before, some make-up artists had itchy hands during the previous competition It was shocking, otherwise how would she know.

Since it was acceptable that time, it must be acceptable next time.

After all, there are only zero and countless times.

Having said that, after Li Shuyao's simple light makeup just happened, she looked at the small mirror in front of her and looked beautiful twice, uh... she can accept makeup, besides being praised by the audience, there is another point...

My mother is so fucking beautiful.

Looking at myself in the mirror is pleasing to the eye, and I don’t even want to live broadcast anymore, I just hold the mirror and watch it all night.

Suddenly she understood why some people are so narcissistic that they look in the mirror every day, and there are even some perverts who look at themselves in the mirror wherever they go.

It turned out that they all thought that they were too beautiful, and then they couldn't extricate themselves.

Li Shuyao let out a sigh of relief, and forced herself to put down the mirror. When it's time to make money, I still have to make money.

"Tsk tsk, such a beautiful little fairy is still self-reliant and making money by herself, it's so touching." Fang Xuening ran behind Li Shuyao at some point, and said speechlessly as she put down the mirror with a look of reluctance. .

"Yeah, I went to the bathroom myself, haha." Li Shuyao laughed a little: "How is it? Did you get any results?"

"Ask the cat, I might as well go check the monitoring." Fang Xuening rolled her eyes: "Forget it, forget it, don't bother me, I will trust you today, let's broadcast live, the whole group is in trouble."

"Cut." Li Shuyao waved her hand, and then connected the switch and the capture card. She also has two computers here, and one is responsible for streaming, so that the picture quality for the audience will be better.

"Live console games today." Fang Xuening asked from behind.

"Well, Ma Zao 2." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Haha, you're finally going to broadcast this live, tsk tsk, the poor Mazao 2 players are finally going to meet their most shameless opponent." Fang Xuening laughed.

Li Shuyao: "..."

"Why are you shameless?"

"I've seen you play the multiplayer mode a few times, tsk tsk, it's too shameless... That means you don't play too much, otherwise you will be mad at both of you." Fang Xuening slapped her mouth.

"Tch, can a red name be called shameless? It can't be good at all, and although I am also planning to broadcast the multiplayer mode, I am actually planning to broadcast another thing." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"Ah? What are you planning to broadcast live?" Fang Xuening asked.

"I'm going to live broadcast the drawing, or help those who can't upload the finished picture to pass the level and upload it, haha, many people who play this game have a little tricky operation in their minds, but their own strength is not good enough, just having an idea can't do it Come out with a picture, or you can make a picture but you can’t pass the level, so you can’t upload it, so I can help them make it and fulfill their dreams.”

In this game, players can make maps by themselves, and then upload them so that players all over the world can play. However, you must play the maps before you can upload them. If you can’t pass the level yourself, you can’t upload them.

It can be roughly divided into single-player and multi-player modes. Not all maps can be entered by multiple people. Some single-player maps cannot be played by multiple people, but some maps are very interesting.

What Li Shuyao wants to do is to help those who have some ideas but cannot realize them by themselves.

It could be that Li Shuyao helped him draw the picture, or it could be that Li Shuyao helped him register and upload the picture he had finished but couldn't clear.

Li Shuyao believes that if he can't pass the level, then there is either a bug in this map, or he can't pass it at all!

 It rained heavily in Dalian this morning, so heavy...

  Well, but I don't feel it when I'm sleeping, la la la.

(End of this chapter)

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