Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 600 Live Streaming Horses 2

Chapter 600 Live Streaming Horses 2
Fang Xuening was stunned by Li Shuyao's brain hole. There are also many anchors who live broadcast Mazao 2, but I have never heard of anyone who plans to do something like Li Shuyao. Playing alone, there seems to be some people who make pictures live, but those who make pictures live for others...

This is really the first time she heard of it.

And this kind of operation?

What if you can't pass the level you made for others, wouldn't you just throw it in your hands?
And it takes so long to make a picture, does the audience really have the patience to watch you adjust it over and over again?What the audience wants to see is that kind of fast rhythm and intensive high-energy points.

You make a picture for a few days and live broadcast a P.

"Haha, don't worry, how can I make one picture for a few days? I'm that kind of person. I'm obviously the kind who makes several pictures a day." Hearing Fang Xuening's worry, Li Shuyao haha Smiling and patted her on the shoulder.

My sister is on the hook, you can question my sister, but please don't question her.

"All right, all right, then I'll take a good look."

For the sake of caution, student Fang Xuening didn't set a flag. After all, Li Shuyao had done a lot of incredible things before. What if it happened, so she chose to wait and see before the actual situation appeared.

This person is quite outrageous, and maybe others are even more outrageous.

In order to prevent being slapped in the face in the future, student Fang Xuening is now very vigilant.

Alas, I'm not fooled now, not cute at all, suddenly I miss the silly and flirtatious Fang Xuening in the past, Li Shuyao sighed regretfully.

Seeing Li Shuyao's expression, Fang Xuening glared, "Wow, sure enough, this guy is digging a hole and waiting for me, just say that this guy is not a good person, fortunately I didn't say anything rashly just now, otherwise I would definitely be beaten." Face!
After a bit of fiddling, it was almost time, Li Shuyao pulled up the curtain behind her so that the audience could not see her room.

This is a direct cutout of her, only she appears in the lower right corner of the game screen, there will be no extra things, there is an illusion that the anchor is in the game.

It sounds complicated, but it is actually a green screen.

Some anchors like this, some anchors don't like it, it doesn't matter anyway.

Everything was ready, Li Shuyao took a deep breath, opened the live broadcast software, and clicked to start the live broadcast...

Looking at herself on another computer screen, Li Shuyao adjusted the size of the camera, placed herself in the lower right corner, and then the screen appeared on the switch to select the game, and then placed it on Mazao 2.

Seeing that it was almost done, Li Shuyao said with a smile:

"Come here, hey, haven't you been touching for the past two days...ah no, I'm busy making videos, oops, it's been too hard for the Chinese New Year, haha."

"No, I didn't mention fishing just now. Absolutely not. If you don't believe me, look through this recording. I definitely didn't say the word fish. If I did, I would have the same surname as Xiaoxuexue!"

"Haha, her surname is not Xiao, ah, no, although some people call me Xiao Yaoyao, but it doesn't mean that my name is Xiao Yaoyao. What do you mean, my surname is Xiao?"


Fang Xuening listened to Li Shuyao chatting with Danmaku beside him, and she was also very happy. In fact, Li Shuyao didn't need to broadcast any games at all, but just opened a star show, and then chatted with Danmaku all night, and the whole process was high-energy, basically without boring.

The main reason is that there are too many people, you know, unlike other star show anchors, there are only three or two brothers in the anchor room, but there are too many people in Li Shuyao's room.

Even the top star show anchors don't have that many people in the live broadcast room. There are mainly big brothers, and the big brothers are willing to spend money, and the anchors are also willing to... um... you know.

Anyway, chatting is okay. The better anchors know how to find the rhythm to find the topic. Generally speaking, they mainly focus on acting talents, and there are even some who just sit there in a daze and don’t know what to do.

Then the pk thing appeared.

The two anchors can always chat, anyway, the live broadcast has some content, otherwise why would they give you gifts.

Li Shuyao doesn't need it, because she has a group of sand sculpture audiences.

But Nirvana, Fang Xuening has always felt that the vibe of her live broadcast room cannot be blamed on other audiences, it's not the rhythm brought by you, the anchor.

Fang Xuening smacked her mouth at the side, and she really saw Li Shuyao pinching her waist, angrily confronting the barrage... Well, it can't be considered scolding, after all, Li Shuyao didn't say a single dirty word.

And it's hard to say whether the people in the studio really wanted to scold Li Shuyao...

"Ahem, I don't want to be poor with you guys. Let's play Mazao 2 today. Yes, we don't play League or sing today. Let's play other games, and we will often broadcast some other games in the future."

Li Shuyao saw that the barrage was getting more and more sideways, so she quickly pulled back the tempo. She didn't want to be an anchor purely for chatting, she still wanted to do live content.

She doesn't comment on the kind of anchor who sits there and chats from beginning to end.

But nirvana, if you watch the recording, which one would you choose?

If they were all normal live broadcasts and there was no special topic, which one would you choose to watch the recording?

After listening to the sound of "spit" coming from the earphone, Li Shuyao also hummed along with the music inside.

I have to say that Lao Ren's game is doing well, and the soundtrack in the game is also doing well.

"Tsk tsk, I saw some students questioning my skills in the barrage, I'll show you all, I'm also a famous player, haha."

Li Shuyao smiled and clicked on the multiplayer battle page, and then more than 6000 S+ points appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, I know you don't believe me, let's find out as soon as we come."

Li Shuyao directly clicked Start, and after a small figure in the middle of the screen spun around twice, four guys appeared in the center of the screen, and two more were wiggling their butts...

Li Shuyao's id is naturally the three letters yao, and the image in the game is naturally a famous Chinese paper!
This, of course, is Luigi in green.

Don't you guys know that in this game, Luigi will have a lucky bonus? Look at these two words - Luigi!
It shows that it is easy for others to find the way.

If you really don’t understand, go to Station B and look for the video of “Louis’ Law of Immobility” and you will understand.

"Oh ho ho ho, we are Louis in this set, it just matches my image very well, haha."

"Hey, this disk doesn't jam very much, it's not bad."

After entering the game, Li Shuyao controlled Louis to jump, feeling very smooth, and soon the game started:

"Hey, I've played with this picture before. I have to work part-time before, but after part-time work, don't be the first to enter. You can pretend to give the key to others."


"Hey, right, pretending that I am not good at confrontation, right? Oh, look, pretend that this key was snatched by Xiaolan, and give them an illusion, it seems that our confrontation is not good. "

"Come on, let's get into the tube."

"Hahaha, what's the matter, Xiaolan was smashed to death, haha, this is No.1, and Mario, right? Let me go down! Haha, you dare to take the key given to you by the red name, tsk tsk , it's not me who wins!"

"I have it all to myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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