Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 601 Old Silver Coin Map

Chapter 601 Old Silver Coin Map
On the first day of the live broadcast, Li Shuyao let the audience know the self-cultivation of a red name, making keys and other basic operations. After that, she used various terrains to use pits, pads, squeeze, throw, sit, throw turtle shells, Chestnut and other methods to eliminate opponents will open your eyes...

Li Shuyao vividly explained to everyone what a real "Zha Zong" is.

Of course, this is just a joking description, not a real curse, but in the multi-person picture, it is really "swindling and abducting" and "doing all kinds of evil", honest people can't get famous at all!

Those with more than 7000 points are counted as one, let alone the technology, the one or two are definitely "hard-hearted".

Of course, because of the game mechanism, there is a limit to what you can do too much. It’s just in the game. Hanging, without off-site factors such as the transmission, you can play whatever you want in the game.

"Okay, today's live broadcast is almost here. Haha, I saw that many students said that they have never played Mario since they grew up, and they didn't even know that there were so many versions of Mario."

"Actually, I'm pretty much the same. I only realized that there are so many versions of Mario after watching Jiege's live broadcast. Mario Maker can actually play all kinds of versions, but it's not an official map, it's made by players. of the picture."

"Today I basically play multiplayer mode. Tomorrow I plan to play single-player mode. At that time, I won't meet Kirby. Meeting a few Kirby today really makes me feel uncomfortable. "

"Let's play the extremely difficult map tomorrow, let's show you what a real technical anchor is... what's a 'Zha Zong' anchor, that's called red name self-cultivation, haha."

"This game is still very interesting. In fact, it is not only a memory of childhood, it is still very interesting to play now, and people are constantly updating the version. The new version is very good in terms of image quality and gameplay."

"Then, I'm off. Thank you for your support. We'll see you at the same time tomorrow. Bye."

Li Shuyao waved his hand towards the camera, and then directly turned off the live broadcast.

"Huh... It's really tiring to stare at this small screen all the time." Li Shuyao rubbed her neck and her eyes.

Relatively speaking, when broadcasting the league live, I still look at the computer screen. The screen is large, and I feel better in terms of comfort.

But when I play this game, I keep looking at the small screen of the switch, which makes my eyes tired after a long time.

Li Shuyao picked up the eye patch next to her and applied it on her eyes. The cold feeling made her breathe a sigh of relief.

After each live broadcast, she will put on an eye patch.

Although there is a system, she will not get sick or be short-sighted, but she still gets tired. She doesn't want to use the energy of the system to relieve fatigue all the time, so she sometimes uses some products.

And only when there is a tired contrast will you feel comfortable.

For example, she is now wearing eye patches, laying the gaming chair flat, and it is very comfortable to lie on it leisurely.

"Didn't you say that you were making pictures live? Why did you fight with many people all night?" Fang Xuening also came over at this time.

She didn't broadcast live tonight, and she is going to take a break to broadcast live tomorrow afternoon. After all, she just came back today. There are still some difficulties in this journey...

Well, Li Shuyao has been fishing for so many days, so she, Fang Xuening, can't be allowed to fish!
"You just came up, and you haven't made a name for yourself yet. You can't believe you if you just say that you are drawing pictures for others. Even if it's because I am Li Shuyao, at most you are just playing with us, and you won't really use it. Give me your own ideas."

Li Shuyao lay on the chair and said flickeringly:

"You have to become a great god and an authority, right? After you become an authority, people will actively ask you for help, just like before I became famous, no one asked me to write songs, but after I became famous, people who asked me to write songs That's a lot."

"All right, you're right anyway." Fang Xuening shrugged, and then said with a smile: "Then, shouldn't it be time to take a shower and go to bed?"

"Hiss, repeated words, disgusting!"

The next day, Li Shuyao took out the switch again and started the live broadcast.

"Ouhouhou, hello everyone, I'm here again, haha, yesterday we played this multiplayer mode, today we're going to play single player, um, no poke, it's the Mario endurance challenge, right? Haha. "

Li Shuyao directly chose the second-to-last difficult map, and will play the extremely difficult map later.

"Haha, we can play the multiplayer mode tomorrow. Although multiplayer is also a test of skills, relatively speaking, the mechanism is different. Sometimes single-player technical maps cannot be played or can be played in multiplayer. Stealing chickens, and people often get stuck, I can't show my full strength, you know."

"Come on, let's get started, yesterday was just an appetizer, let everyone have fun, today is the time for you to get to know the Mario game again."

"Haha, many of our audience's impressions of this game are still 1-1 when they were young, right, and some of them have seen the later cat Leo, right?"

"Today, let everyone know that Cat Leo is too weak. At most, it can be regarded as an old silver coin map. It is not an extremely difficult map. The backboard will pass quickly, and there is no technical difficulty."

"Ah? What is an old silver coin map? Let's see if we can come across it later. If we come across it, tell everyone what an old silver coin map is, haha."

As soon as she entered the game, Li Shuyao clicked pause directly.

"I heard it, this should be a silver coin map, I heard the sound of clips and there were clips on top of my head."

Li Shuyao took two steps forward after the timeout, and then a black flower fell from above:
"Look, I said yes...I'll go, there are two more, right?"

Dodged the first black flower but not the second...

"Ahem, let's start again, right? We still have a lot of lives. Now that we know this is a silver coin map, then we can't trust her anymore. Look at this question mark and draw an arrow for you to push, obviously to harm you , I feel that it may be a fish, you will die if you stand on it after pushing it up...well, it is true."

"Come on, let's keep going. There is a pit here, but the pit is very short and you can jump over it in one fell swoop, so I think there should be a brick here... Well, there is indeed."

"But there should be no more on this, um, sure enough."

"There are two arrows drawn on the open space here. Generally speaking, there is a hidden brick to give the status, but it is definitely not here. There should be stones on it. How to deal with this. Let's take it easy. Rub it on the side to let the rock come down, um, yes, it’s the rock, the one with the parachute.”

"The stone with an umbrella may be going up. Let's spin and jump and go up together to see."

"Tsk tsk, really, let's go through this pipe."

"After entering, there is poisonous water below. Well, draw an arrow here, it should be the same fish. After the fish jumps into the poisonous water, it will become a poisonous fish, so let's run away after hitting it... Really."

"Don't worry, let's look at the top, next to it... Oh yes, there is a tree, let's climb slowly, in case there is something."

"Okay, let's go straight into this tube."

"Come out of the tube, OK, it's over."


 My friend gave me a cool bridal sedan chair and asked me to help me put it together. I’ve never done this thing before, so I’ll give it a try if I’m thinking about it, and then I’ll give it a’s pretty fun.

(End of this chapter)

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