Chapter 606
"Tell me, can Brother Jie survive?" Fang Xuening said while eating potato chips.

"Yes." Li Shuyao nodded: "Although this map is said to be a bit difficult, the difficulty is actually limited. It is simpler than the previous extremely difficult map."

"Then what happened to the flag?" Fang Xuening asked.

"Although it is said that he will definitely be able to pass in the end, but hey, it may not be possible to pass in 40 minutes. This map is too big, and it is basically full. If you choose the normal path correctly, you will almost pass the level. There is no time, and the normal difficult map is not so long, this is pure torture."

Li Shuyao stuck out her tongue:

"I told Brother Jie yesterday that if you don't want to play, don't play, but Brother Jie still feels that he can't let down the efforts of my water friends and me, so I decided to give this picture."

"Fortunately, you re-made the pipeline and added the middle flag on the correct road. Otherwise, you would have to pass one to get one coin. There is no middle flag and you will die again in the next level. The mentality will explode."

What Fang Xuening was talking about was that Li Shuyao finally decided to add a middle flag to the correct path after getting the coins, so that the hard-won hurdles before could not be lost all at once.

After all, the correct 5 coins and the last path are not small, and it is easy to die.

It can be regarded as reducing some difficulty.

"Look, I can definitely pass it in the end, but it's up to him whether he can pass it 40 minutes ago." Li Shuyao ate a piece of French fries with a smile, and then watched Brother Jie chatting happily on the screen...


"I'm going to open a quiz, can you please don't say it, say it on the fish ball, I'll start it for 30 minutes, okay, the little brothers should know which side to use."

"Come on, come on, keep going."


"After going through all kinds of dangers, we still found the right way. Although there are many false paths, I still found the way. As long as you, Brother Jie, find the way, everything will be fine." Brother Jie entered the A pipe and then a bit over the middle flag.

"The road with the middle flag is definitely the right road. This is common sense. Don't think about it. Moreover, the road inside is starting to be difficult. This is in line with Yaoyao's technical level. This kind of road requires a lot of skills... ..."

"Aw..." As soon as he finished speaking, Mario fell into the abyss with Brother Jie's screams... But this time Mario didn't die, the bottom was not an abyss, but a piece of water and a pipe.

The water will not drown directly, unless you do not operate and sink directly to the bottom, otherwise you can jump out of the water.

"Good man, good man, good man, he didn't die directly." Brother Jie jumped out of the water and entered the pipe. After falling for a while, Brother Jie returned to the starting point...these pipes are placed at the top of the starting point.

"I'm embarrassed..." Brother Jie took a deep breath, and then suddenly reacted: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm going to die, I just got the middle flag, and when I die, I will be resurrected from that place, I will be resurrected directly That's it."

Anyway, there is no limit to the number of fatalities when playing this game. The preliminary quiz he opened is whether he can pass the level within 30 minutes, so the fastest speed is what Jie Ge pursues.


"It's finally here. The time is now 23 minutes. You, Brother Jie, are already standing in front of the finish line of victory. Which side should you be on? The little brothers should have a little idea." After countless times of revisiting After arriving at the starting point and starting again, Jiege finally passed this road and came to the front of the last pipeline of this road.

Mario enters the pipe.

The scene switches, and Mario returns to the starting point.

"Fuck, is this a false road?" Brother Jie yelled, and then slowly calmed down: "I understand, I understand, he deliberately put a middle flag there, in fact, the middle flag is also To confuse you, although the road with the middle flag is definitely the true road, he can go back to the starting point directly from the middle flag, and then take the right road.”

"Ma Dan, this is really a beast." Brother Jie patted the table and shouted: "This half an hour is enough. If he designs ten or eight points, I will have two hours to get by."


After tortured back and forth on this fake road several times, Brother Jie came to the end of a road again: "Now this is still within 40 minutes, this life came in within 40 minutes, so as long as it is this life If I pass, I will pass within 40 minutes."

"Please, it must be the right way..." Brother Jie muttered, and then entered the pipeline...

Then back to the beginning...

"Ah... I'm pissing you off!" Brother Jie yelled, then threw the handle on the table, and slumped down on the chair.

"Ah... beast, it was so difficult to do, but it turned out to be a false road, beast! You really did it." Brother Jie patted the table vigorously.

"What, women's clothing? Wow, won't your conscience hurt?" Brother Jie shouted: "I was just like this, you are still wearing women's clothing, okay, you wait, I am now wearing women's clothing, you wait for me on."

While shouting, Brother Jie walked out of his room, and poor Mario stood alone in the game.

After about ten minutes, Mario had fallen down again because of time running out. After a long time, a "Smurf" walked into the live broadcast room.

Uh, why is it called the Smurfs? The main reason is that Jie Ge wore a dark blue dress, a blue hat, and a blue glove... Then he came in with a pair of flip-flops on his feet up.

Seeing Brother Jie's outfit, Li Shuyao, who was watching the live broadcast, shook her hand and sent out a super rocket.

"Yo... Thank you Yaoyao for being super hot." As soon as Brother Jie sat down, he saw Chao Huo flying out...suddenly sat on the chair and laughed.

"Yaoyao, you are going too far. Do you think it is so difficult for you to make a picture? It is too tortured. How long did you make the picture yesterday." Brother Jie patted the table and said: "And if you give it away, you can give it away, but this time is chosen."

Before Brother Jie finished speaking, Li Shuyao's bullet screen floated over: "Ahem, I actually slipped my hand and made a mistake."

"..." Brother Jie suddenly looked at the screen with resentment: "Even if you slipped your hand, don't say it..."

"I have to pass this picture today. No matter how many false roads there are in this picture, I will definitely pass this picture to you. If I can't pass it, I won't download it today!" Brother Jie was also stubborn …Jiege often has the kind of live broadcast for a few hours, and the time when life and death will pass.

Although this kind of chart is called "light-speed financial management", this kind of perseverance and stubbornness is very admirable.

That kind of Tujiege usually opens a quiz to pass the level in 10 minutes, and checks out directly if you can’t pass it. Many pictures have a dozen or countless 10-minute quizzes, and they don’t pass each time until the final lore.

Then Brother Jie saw Li Shuyao drifting past another barrage: "The 2 fake roads you just passed were quite easy, and the 2 roads are longer...the next 5 real roads are more difficult."

"You guys are really good at it, goose goose goose goose..."


 Today I moved to the unit to apply for a certificate, and more than 100 sheets were handwritten one by one... I am somewhat speechless, and I will update it today

(End of this chapter)

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