Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 607 Where is the road?

Chapter 607 Where is the road?

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening couldn't help laughing when they saw Brother Jie come out in women's clothing. Naturally, she didn't give gifts with slippery hands, but she wanted to tease Brother Jie.

Among other things, Brother Jie's mentality is really good, and he does what he says, and he wears women's clothes directly, without ink stains at all.

But... why do you always have women's clothing at home? Hey!

"Brother Jie is such a treasured anchor, it's so interesting." Fang Xuening laughed and said, "Sure enough, wherever Brother Jie is, the effect of the live show is the result."

"Haha, it's really good, haha."


With great grief and indignation, Brother Jie once again devoted himself to this picture. Speaking of which, the low pass rate of this picture is not without reason. Even if you did not take the wrong path, you found 5 at the beginning The right path is still difficult to follow.

Not to mention anything else, just say that the two roads leading upwards and connected to the card switch are not so easy to walk. This road alone can make you stuck for an hour or two.

As for the road behind the key door, it is a new 3D version of the parkour road. After passing the card switch, you will be given a flag, and then there will be a section of parkour using turtle shells, bombs, cat forms, and switches. the...

Run to the end and enter a tube, and you can go directly to the blocked finish flagpole.

In order to prevent the flagpole from being stolen, the surrounding area is completely surrounded by thorns. It can only be entered through this pipe. If you touch the flag, you cannot enter in any other way. Even if you steal the chicken and fly to the final point, you will not Can't touch the flagpole.

The mechanism of Super Mario is that no matter where you go or what you have experienced, only those who touch the last flagpole or the axes and blocks in the previous version are considered victorious.

Brother Jie is really stubborn, wearing women's clothing and smashing the false road. After falling off the false road, he can go back to the starting point directly, so there are many layers of pipes on the starting point.

Jie Ge returned to the starting point again and again, repeated suicides from the flagpole again and again, took false paths again and again, then returned to the starting point again, and then took another path again.

After coming here again and again, Jiege realized the concept of what he said before the barrage said that he took the easiest path at the beginning. There are difficult and relatively easy paths in the future, but the previous two paths are really the same. The two easiest ways.

Every time I go to the end after a lot of hard work, and then go straight back to the starting point as soon as I enter the pipeline, it really explodes my mind.

"This is the last road. I'm convinced of the four false roads in front of me. Nima is also a real beer. Why are you making the false road so difficult?" Brother Jie let out a sigh of relief and entered the checkpoint.

After half an hour...

"Touch!" Brother Jie hammered the table vigorously, then looked at Mario who had returned to the starting point again and shouted at the camera: "Where's the road?"

"Isn't this the last road? Why is it still a false road? Where is the road?" Brother Jie scratched his hair vigorously: "Fuck, my hands hurt from playing, why is it still a false road?"

There is a heartbeat display at the bottom of Jiege's screen. Currently, Jiege's heartbeat is around [-], and the entire live broadcast screen is flashing white...

After calming down for a while, maybe my sanity has returned to Jiege's head, and then Jiege turned around at the initial place, thought for a while and said: "Every level has a middle flag, and each level has a middle flag. When you go down, you can go back to the starting point directly, which means that the real road should not be far from the starting point."

"Could it be in the water?" After Mario jumped into the water, Brother Jie saw five pipes in the water...

"I'm going, right? I still have to choose a pipe...Oh my God... there is no false road here..." Brother Jie screamed, but B, who was installed by himself, desperately wanted to continue Put it on, so Jie Ge rushed to one of the pipes without hesitation.

"No, it was said that there are 5 real paths, so there should be 5 real paths, what the fuck, it's really awesome."

Two hours later.

"Bump..." Looking at Mario who died again, Brother Jie wished he could smash the game console and computer: "I'm don''re so angry that I can pick it up."

"Huh, come again!"

"My God, I finally collected all the keys, this one must be right, it's stuck on the switch again."

Brother Jie felt dizzy when he thought about the card switch level just now. The level just now was too difficult. It took him more than an hour to pass it with difficulty. Unexpectedly, he entered a false road and started from the beginning. .

Just thinking about the nightmare of the hour and a half before, Brother Jie felt a dull pain in both hands, oh no, it was real pain, and it still hurts now.

10 minutes later...

"Huh... I still have a little foundation now. It's not that difficult to get on this one. I feel that the clearance is already in front of me." Brother Jie laughed.

At this moment, Brother Jie's gloves flew to nowhere, and his clothes were about to be lifted up, as if he was about to use his prehistoric power. If this is a female anchor, he will be warned by the super management .

But for Jie Ge, a rib-savvy spirit, it doesn't matter.

"Here we come, the middle flag, this is definitely the last middle flag, definitely the most correct middle flag." Brother Jie took a deep breath and finally came to the final picture.

"This seems to be a picture of parkour." Jie Ge tried to run, and found that the last level was also very difficult. He was very good at using turtle shells, bombs, statuses, flashing bricks, switches, etc. exquisite.

Two 10 minutes later...

"It's really difficult..." After falling lava again, Brother Jie started a new attempt.

Fortunately, Li Shuyao was soft-hearted and added the middle flag here, otherwise the key would have to be taken again.

"Just another 10 minutes, I think I'm going to pass." Jie Ge started the quiz for 10 minutes again and started the final sprint.

As soon as Jie Ge opened the quiz, millions of fish balls were pressed to the side that could not pass in an instant, and it was still rising, because Jie Ge had not passed this afternoon, and there were many false roads passed, but in the end this The road is obviously very difficult.

Brother Jie didn't pass the first two calls for 10 minutes, so it doesn't make sense that the third wave can pass.

And the crazy drop in the first 5 minutes also caused the number of people who can't be overwhelmed to rise sharply. The amount of fish balls has reached more than 5 million in the past 8000 minutes.

If this road fails, it will not return to the starting point, but will be killed directly. This also tells you that this is a real road, not a fake road like before.

After about 7 minutes, the number of fish balls that could not pass had reached 1.1 million, and the number of fish balls that could pass was only 100 million...

The main reason is that the pressure went smoothly this afternoon, sometimes it was negative and sometimes it was good, and it was always good when it was negative... Poor Brother Jie was reduced to a fish ball machine, and everyone has won all afternoon.

Although it may not be many wins each time, but the number of times can't stand it, it will rise slowly.

And it's so cool to win one. I always lost at Jie Ge before, but this time I finally won it back.

At 9 minutes, the number of fish balls under the pressure is close to 2 million... and there are fewer and fewer people who have opened the bank, and there are basically few people who can pass the pressure...

(End of this chapter)

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