Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 611 Departure

Chapter 611 Departure
This night, the two of them slept... er, they were very solid. The two of them had seen big storms to some extent, but they were going out to play tomorrow. This small matter would not affect the quality of their sleep.

In the end... the only person in the family who couldn't sleep was probably Brother Gou.

Xiaohong has no concept of going out to play, and she is wild, so it is very comfortable for her to be able to go out for a run.

Shuping simply didn't know what to do, so she did whatever she was asked to do.

Brother Gou understands everything and is a little worried.

After all, it has read a lot of books, watched a lot of TV series, movies and the like, and knows that once it goes out, it may encounter danger of one kind or another.

That's how it is played in TV dramas and movies. As long as the protagonist goes out, there will be absolutely no peace along the way, and all kinds of gods will jump out and get involved.

Didn't you see that Monkey King is so powerful, and he was pinched with a golden gong, so it's too dangerous to travel or something.

Brother Gou actually wanted Xiaohong and Shuping to stay at home, and let him protect Mama and that white hair.

But, it doesn't matter if you think about it, these two are obviously stupid, and it's worried that when it protects Ma Ma and that white hair and comes back, Xiaohong can take Shuping and become two little wild cats.

This is unacceptable to Brother Gou. No matter what, his cub can't become a wild cat, and he has to pass on what he learned from Ma Ma, and he can't just break it off here.

As the "prophet" of the cat world, Brother Gou still has his own sense of mission.

But I can’t ignore everything, just let Mama and Baimao go out, without the protection of cats, what to do in case of danger, if you take them with you, in case of danger, you can’t take care of so many cats and people How to do.

Alas, Mama can make a fuss, so she can't just stay at home honestly, running around all day, it's too worrying for the cat!

So, for this RV trip, other people are not doing well, but Brother Gou is worried.

The next morning, Li Shuyao stared at Fang Xuening, who would never wake up, and Brother Gou, who looked sluggish, and froze for a moment:
"You two...did you dance together last night?"

Li Shuyao remembered that when they went out for an outing in a caravan a while ago, Tantai Jingyi crawled on top of her while she was asleep...

That night, Li Shuyao also saw from the video sent by Brother Yu that after she fell asleep, this group of people actually ran together to play black games!

Just playing games is fine, they are still saying behind their backs that they went to bed early or something...

Sure enough, you must not fall asleep when others are playing together, otherwise you will have no idea how they arrange you behind your back!
Well, but everyone was just joking, and they also posted it in the video, which added to the effect of the show, and Li Shuyao also found it quite interesting watching it.

So what did these two do behind my back last night!
"Huh? What dancing?" Fang Xuening said while yawning: "We are going to set off today, so let's stop punching, or I'm afraid I won't be in a good state of mind when I drive."

"You don't need to drive it at first, you sleep in the back first, and you can drive it in the afternoon." Li Shuyao said with a smile, and then turned to look at Brother Gou: "Tell me, did you dance together last night?"

"Meow..." Brother Gou rolled his cat's eyes helplessly. What kind of nerves did Mama have in the morning? I was just thinking about the future last night, so I danced together. I'm the kind of person who just dances casually the cat?
Brother Gou is just a little weak in spirit, but after all, he is not an ordinary cat. He followed Li Shuyao to practice Tai Chi slowly, and this thing is strange. The more he fights, the more energetic he becomes. After sweating layer after layer, he feels very comfortable all over his body .

In fact, this is one of the reasons why Li Shuyao insists on waking up early every day for Tai Chi even after she stopped playing professionally.

If it weren't for the system to interfere, she felt that she must be more than a vest line!Definitely at least 8 pack abs!
After punching and having breakfast, Li Shuyao took the big guy to take a bath thoroughly. It would not be so convenient to take a shower after going out. At most, he would take a shower in the RV, or find a bath in the city Rub it, right, it's not as comfortable as being at home anyway.

So before you go, you still need to feel comfortable.

Then the three little cats had their first shadow on the RV travel.

After washing up and changing into fresh clothes, Li Shuyao started the live broadcast directly. This RV trip is not only because she wants to go out, but also because she wants the whole show.

Anyway, she thought about it many times, and the fans should get used to it.

Besides, it's not without foreshadowing. One is that she mentioned this matter in the live broadcast before, and the other is that she posted a video of a caravan outing before. Many people know that she has a caravan.

So in fact, in the past two days, some people have asked about RVs, some asked about the price, and some asked whether they are planning to travel or not.

And she didn't broadcast live yesterday and the day before yesterday, that is to say, she will prepare for a caravan trip, and she will broadcast live when she travels. Many viewers know this.

"Haha, hello everyone, we are getting ready to go, and we have been basically preparing supplies for the trip these two days, planning routes and so on."

Li Shuyao walked to the side of the RV with a smile on her mobile phone:
"Hey, this is my RV. I have worked hard to prepare a lot these two days, haha."

Li Shuyao took everyone to look at the lockers at the back of the car. Of course, it was just a general look, and she didn't go into detail one by one. She felt that she should keep it a little secret about what supplies she brought.

There are so many people watching the live broadcast, and she is planning to go on a trip, who knows if there will be something to worry about, even if she is not afraid, it will be troublesome.

"Then let's go to see the inside of the RV, haha, there are many people who want to see the inside of the RV under the previous video."

Li Shuyao entered the caravan through the door with her mobile phone.

"Come here, here is the front of the car, you can come in directly from here, you don't have to go out and go around again, hehe, it's still very convenient."

"Here is the forehead bed, yes, I slept here in the last video, and then the forehead bed was pushed up, hey, there is a TV here, hehe, then you don't want to watch TV, turn around, There’s a big screen here, you can put it down to watch movies or something.”

"It means that I can watch movies while lying on the bed on the forehead, and watch TV while lying on the bed over there. It's very comfortable."

"Here is the bathroom, here is the kitchen, here is the refrigerator, here is the living room, here is the washing machine, here is the cat litter, here is the white fur... How about it, are they all complete, haha."

Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao tossing back and forth with her mobile phone in a speechless expression: "Okay, okay, it's almost time for us to set off, have the water, electricity, gas and so on at home been turned off?"

"It's closed." Li Shuyao nodded, and everything at home has been cleaned up, and then it's enough for Lu Yao to come over occasionally to take a look.

"Then quickly give me your phone and drive!" Fang Xuening stretched out her hand: "You know you can't broadcast live while driving."

"I know, I know." Li Shuyao handed the phone to Fang Xuening, and then ran to the front driver's seat by herself. She had already checked the condition of the car before, and everything was ready at home and in the car.

"Haha, let's go!"

 Black Mythology released a new real machine demonstration, haha, everyone, hurry up and watch it.

(End of this chapter)

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