Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 612 This... 8 points full?

Chapter 612 This... Eighty percent full?

"Haha, actually I was quite sleepy today, but why am I not sleepy when I drive this car, Wuhu, so we are going on a trip, hahahaha..."

Li Shuyao helplessly listened to Fang Xuening blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

It is also to avoid traffic accidents. After all, the live broadcast will be distracted while driving, and distraction will easily lead to traffic accidents, so she is forced to drive in front alone.

Fang Xuening occasionally showed Li Shuyao a camera, usually teasing the cat behind him, or showing everyone the facilities inside the RV based on the barrage.

There are actually quite a few bloggers traveling in RVs, but most of them shoot videos and post them, and there are very few live broadcasts, or even if they are live broadcasts, most of them are live broadcasts in a certain scenic spot, or for dinner at night.

It's the first time I've seen this kind of live broadcast when it's directly opened.

Maybe there are, but those of Li Shuyao's size are definitely rare, and the caravan is still a bit far away from everyone, and the high price is no different from buying a house.

For many people, it is not impossible to buy a RV for travel, but there are too many things to face later. First of all, this thing will depreciate after buying it. It is impossible to wait for the appreciation like a house.

Secondly, this product actually has a lot of pitfalls. It took Li Shuyao a long time to choose this one, and then he also decorated some interiors by himself.

In the end, you spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy an RV, where will you live when you come back from a trip?What about work?
So for many people, buying a RV is a very distant thing, and it is not very useful except for travel.

It is true that there are people who work in other places and do not want to rent or buy a house, so they just buy a cheaper RV and park it near the unit, which is much more convenient.

"Here, here and here are decorated by Yaoyao and I together, isn't it very cute, very warm, very homely." Fang Xuening arranged the small decorations on the bedside, sofa side, window and so on.

There are some cute little dolls in these places, one or two big ones, and a group of small ones, which look very warm together.

Although it may not be useful, but in the trip, these small surprises in the corners can kill the restlessness and irritability during the journey.

Sometimes it's the little things that make you happy.

At noon, Li Shuyao parked the car in the service area, then took out some vegetables from the refrigerator and started cooking. Although the service area had everything, it was too fucking expensive!

And since Li Shuyao said that she is traveling in a caravan and is still broadcasting live, she will show you how good it is to cook in a caravan.

"Today's first meal, let's keep it simple, let's have a scrambled egg with tomatoes, a cola chicken wing, and a braised pork. "

While chopping vegetables, Li Shuyao smiled and said to the live viewers:

"Haha, Xiao Xiao, they don't believe you can cook."

"Huh? Who doesn't believe it?" Fang Xuening turned around to look at the barrage: "I'm going, so many people don't believe it, why, isn't it normal to know how to cook these days."

Then... the barrage suddenly increased.

"Hiss, it turns out that Lazy Bi is actually me."

"Speaking of which, I'm not surprised that Yaoyao can cook."

"What? Xiao Xiao can even cook?"

"Didn't Xiao Xiao blow up a pot before, and dare to cook?"

"666 Xue Ning's soul torture, I would have believed it if it hadn't been blown up last time."

"Indeed, it's not difficult to cook, just think about it."

"There are so many tutorials on the Internet, it will not be difficult, but it is still more difficult to master."

"Damn it, I don't know how to cook..."

"I don't believe it unless you show it to me!"

"Sure enough, my snow baby is the most powerful."

"Hiss, I suddenly feel that Yaoyao and Xiaoning are both in the living room and in the kitchen."

"I don't know which bastard will be cheaper in the future."

"It is said that although the big brother on the list has added Yaoyao's contact information, but after adding it, he has never been in touch again."

"Yaoyao, I love you!"


"Hey, I saw a barrage saying that learning how to cook is not just serving people. I think what you said is wrong my friend."

Fang Xuening looked at the barrage and shook it and said:
"As the saying goes, not having a sword in your hand and not using it are two different things. Don't make excuses for your laziness. You won't know how to use it when you really need it. Then you will be numb."

"Tsk tsk, look at you, I thought you were so independent, and you said that you let others do it for you, so you are still dependent on others? If you are really independent, you can do it yourself. Look at classmate Yaoyao, when will she rely on it?" over others?"

Li Shuyao, who was scrambling eggs, curled her lips. This is nonsense. She has relied on many people, such as a certain tool man Lu Yao... Yes, of course, the system she relies on the most is naturally.

But she definitely won't refute Fang Xuening. In Li Shuyao's opinion, Fang Xuening is much better than those who can only type, and then turn around to find this one for a meal or that one for a gift.

Not only Fang Xuening, but also Lu Yao and Tantai Jingyi, everyone is working hard to walk their own path, not relying on others, and will not take others' benefits for granted just because of their own laziness.

She feels that this is true independence.

Lu Yao wanted to pursue ordinary happiness, wanted to find an ordinary person who liked him to spend the rest of his life with, and he didn't want to marry some imposing chairman or someone's son.

She feels that this is true independence.

Everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness. Li Shuyao thinks that it is right for someone who wants to marry into a wealthy family, but if you use this to say that you are noble, it is a bit exaggerated, and it is also a bit biased.

Li Shuyao had fun watching Fang Xuening, who was bickering with the barrage, and quickly cooked a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and then went on to make Coca-Cola Chicken Wings.

Fang Xuening is also an old anchor, and with just a few words, the atmosphere of the barrage was enlivened, and the topic just now was touched, and she didn't go deep at all. It soon turned into a debate with the barrage on how to make braised pork good to eat.

Li Shuyao is very relieved to hand over the live broadcast room to Fang Xuening. This guy is old-fashioned. After four or five years of live broadcasting, he has long been able to handle it with ease.

"Okay, don't be poor, it's your turn." After Li Shuyao finished the Coca-Cola chicken wings, she bumped into Fang Xuening and said with a smile, "Show everyone."

"Okay, look at you." Fang Xuening chuckled, and then looked at Li Shuyao suspiciously: "Uh...why did you cook so little today, is it enough?"

"Of course you can't eat so much when you're out, you just need to be [-]% full." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

Fang Xuening looked at the two plates of normal dishes on the table, and then looked at the normal amount of meat on the side...

She suddenly felt that today's lunch was not so good, but it was only [-]% full?

She felt that Li Shuyao couldn't be full even after eating all these things.

Do you want to eat some canned food?

Well, it is possible!With so much rations in reserve, it's also a show to have something to eat!

(End of this chapter)

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