Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 613 Actually You Can Eat More

Chapter 613 Actually You Can Eat More
"Um... are you going to open a can of military rations?" Fang Xuening asked while cutting the meat.

"No." Li Shuyao looked at the stuffed rice, it wasn't ready yet, but it should be soon, it didn't cook too much, so it didn't take that long.

"Ah... then... do you have enough to eat?" Fang Xuening asked while frying the sugar.

"Enough, why not enough food." Li Shuyao turned her head and saw the three kittens who were staring eagerly at the side: "Oh, you are worried about them, Brother Gou. They eat cat food. I have fed them just now. Let's eat them." our."

Brother Gou curled his lips, indeed, they have already eaten that tasteless cat food.

It stands to reason that cat food is quite attractive to them. Before eating the meal made by Li Shuyao, it liked cat food very much.

The same goes for Xiaohong.

Before Xiaohong and Brother Gou were adopted by Li Shuyao, it was a bit hard to describe what they ate.

And this kind of high-end cat food is like a big meal in a high-end restaurant to them, and it is the kind that is full of food, which is really irresistible to them.

But pinch, after you have eaten the rice and cat food made by Li Shuyao, the feeling will be completely different. The cat food that thieves liked to eat before can't be found, it's just for hunger.

When Li Shuyao was away before, they had no choice but to eat cat food. Now that they came out, they had no choice but to eat cat food.

As a result, San Xiaozhi cast a second shadow on RV travel...

Sure enough, going out is not a good thing!

Well, there is nothing good to do except go back and play awe-inspiring!
Xiaohong smacked her mouth, and then lay down in her own nest. Among other things, she has slept quite a bit by now. She has a hunch that this time, she may be able to make up for the sleep she lacked before.


Well, kittens have no cat rights, not even ideas!
Li Shuyao naturally ignored the resentment of the three little cats, and it was good to eat something when she was away from home, and those things were all good things, and they were quite expensive, and ordinary little cats couldn't eat them if they wanted to.


They have to be cured of their hypocrisy.

There is also Xiaohong, who ate everything outside before, and came here when she was hungry and full, but now she is not enough to eat well, I didn’t see that my old lady took the initiative to eat a normal amount of food, you all give I eat well, I am away from home, and supplies are in short supply, so don't waste them on me!

"That... Yaoyao..." During the meal, Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao who only had a small bowl of rice, and was a little speechless.

"What's wrong?" Li Shuyao glanced at the phone with a smile, then turned to look at Fang Xuening.

"Well, in fact, we are traveling all the way in the city, there should be no shortage of food, you don't have to save so much." Fang Xuening opened his mouth, feeling that Li Shuyao's bowl of rice today is less than hers.

Is this...eight full?

Is this a little full?
You don't even have enough gaps between your teeth!

Good guy, you stuffed the RV so full, even if you open it up to eat, you can still eat it for half a month to a month. If you eat like this, we really can't finish it in three months.

Don't cook three dishes next time, it's a waste!It’s enough to make one dish. It’s enough for the two of us to hold a small bowl and eat one dish.

"That's true, but if you're not afraid of ten thousand, you're just in case." Li Shuyao said earnestly, "In case we accidentally drive into some barren mountains, in case we encounter some kind of flood and mudslide, in case we encounter What kind of wild beasts are besieging..."

Fang Xuening: "..."

It's clear, this guy definitely has persecution paranoia!
Also, this guy definitely wants to drill into the valley!These things are all ready, isn't it a bit impolite not to drill!
However, the protagonist of other novels can meet a master when he drills into the valley, pick up a cheat book or something, we drill into the valley, there is nothing else to do except feed the mosquitoes!
"Why don't you say that if you encounter the end of the world and the zombie siege, why don't you say that if you encounter a climate change and a frozen world, why don't you say that a small star hits the earth and we will drive into the underground air-raid shelter." Fang Xuening said angrily.

"Hey, don't tell me, it's not necessarily true." Li Shuyao slammed her mouth: "You have read so many novels, don't you have any sense of urgency?"

Fang Xuening: "..."

I have a yarn urgency, that's fiction!Fiction!Fiction!

If I can't tell what's fiction and what's the real world, then I'm going to be crazy!
Fang Xuening suddenly felt a little tired, and she didn't usually feel that Yaoyao still had such thoughts. Could it be because she was at home all the time...

Hiss, I see, the root of all this is because she has no sense of security!
Yes, it must be so.

It must be because of the tragic experience that Yaoyao has no sense of security, so wherever she goes, she is always worried about accidents, and she wants to put herself in an impeccable position at all times, this is a kind of self-protection.

Thinking of this, Fang Xuening's eyes suddenly softened, this is normal, indeed normal.

Li Shuyao had been acting normal before, so she ignored this matter, ignoring that Yaoyao might just gradually get rid of the shadow, but deep down she still had a deep sense of insecurity.

Otherwise, why would she broadcast live for so long every time she was alone at home, obviously just wanting someone to accompany her!

I understand you, I understand you!

Li Shuyao looked at Fang Xuening's expression and suddenly became not quite right, and suddenly felt that this guy was thinking about something in his head again.

Alas... There is no way, the thinking in the minds of one or two people around her is too complicated, she can't even understand it!

I don't know how that guy Tantai Jingyi figured it out, could it be that she would feel heartache for him as in the legend?I don't believe it!
Li Shuyao eats so little, in fact, she is a little confused in the barrage. It is reasonable to say that a skinny beauty eats so much, and it is meat and oil. Many girls who are on a diet will not eat it. this thing.

But pinch, this thing looks a bit out of place on Li Shuyao's body.

According to some hero microphone reactions after the game, how many times Li Shuyao was beaten by the opponent because of hunger, you eat so little now, we doubt that you will be hungry and eat a few kittens next to you Yes.

And I've done some live broadcasts before, everyone knows how much Li Shuyao ate during the live broadcast, you... something is wrong.

"Hiss, is this something to put on before the meal?"

"I'm a bit reserved today, maybe I want to eat more after the broadcast."

"Are you worried about not having enough food?"

"Yaoyao is so pitiful, she can't even eat enough."

"Yaoyao is steady as if she has lost something."

"I suddenly felt that the other people in the car were somewhat dangerous."

"As we all know, Yaoyao is passive, hungry and violent."

"If you go down to the city, if you keep going to the city and prepare a lot of emergency food in the car, there will definitely not be enough food."

"Yaoyao is so cautious and cute."

"Actually, I think you can eat more, so you don't have trouble driving when you're hungry."


 Uh, does Dalian have another... Hey... When is it a head...

(End of this chapter)

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