Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 616 Is it raining?

Chapter 616 Is it raining?
Li Shuyao and Lao Kai have established a good friendship. Although they were relatively reserved at the beginning, they have started to tease each other later. It is easy to establish a friendship among car friends when they are away from home.

And Li Shuyao doesn't have the airs of a big star, so everyone became friends easily.

Li Shuyao also joined one of their rider group, which is full of RV riders.

After finishing the work outside, Li Shuyao looked at the three kittens again.

In view of the fact that the mental state of the kittens is a little unstable, and they have come to the caravan camp again now, they don't have to worry about supplies, so there is no need to leave them.

So, Li Shuyao fried some cat food for the three kittens.

Smelling the delicious cat food, the three kittens are not very angry at once. As long as there is fried cat food, all other problems will be no problem!

The three kittens jumped onto the table excitedly, and then stared at Li Shuyao's fried cat food with piercing eyes. For small animals, delicious food always has the highest level of treatment. Anyway, as long as you have delicious food, you are an uncle!
Of course, domesticated smart animals will naturally not eat food given by people other than their owners, but such smart animals are still relatively rare, and most animals have their brains controlled by their appetites.

Well, then there will be a period of life that is controlled by hormones.

However, except for humans, other small animals are still controlled by food most of the time, only humans are basically controlled by two things: food and hormones.

"That... Yaoyao, I think you might be a little high-profile." When the cat food was almost ready, Fang Xuening, who was sitting on the sofa and teasing the cat, suddenly said.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Li Shuyao laughed and said, "It's true that I was a bit high-profile when I started the live broadcast all the way, but I will use your live broadcast room tomorrow. We will be alone for a day."

Both Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening agreed on this point, and each of them started a live broadcast for one day. On the first day, they used Li Shuyao's live broadcast room to show their popularity, and then used Fang Xuening's live broadcast room to broadcast live on the second day.

Change it on the third day.

They don't really want to broadcast live in two live studios together, it's too tiring, and it will divert people, so it's better to focus on one a day.

This will also help Fang Xuening continue to drain.

Li Shuyao will announce where she will live broadcast every day, and her fans basically know that these two are together.

It can be said that part of the reason Fang Xuening's fans are rising is that Li Shuyao's fans want to know what this guy is doing!Why don't live broadcast every day?

Anyway, every time Fang Xuening broadcasts live, fans of Li Shuyao will come to ask what Li Shuyao is doing.

Fang Xuening didn't care, and was very happy to discuss Li Shuyao's topic with the audience. Li Shuyao was also very happy to help Bai Mao drain, everyone helped each other.

"I'm not talking about the live broadcast, what I mean is, do you want to listen carefully to the voices outside?" Fang Xuening said loudly.

"Ah?" Li Shuyao turned off the fire and put the spoon aside, and then heard meowing outside...

Those voices before were covered by the sound of cooking.

Hiss, I forgot that this cat food seems to be able to hook up with the cats around. This place is quite remote, and those RV owners actually have cats, but there are not many of them.

When going out, people usually choose dogs as pets. Apart from being a companion, they can also defend themselves. Right, if someone really plots against them, dogs can also rush up.

You expect the cat to rush up...

You thought they were all dogs.

Li Shuyao looked out the window, and saw a few kittens walking around her RV, meowing as they walked.

This time she fried less, and the fragrance was relatively less, but it also attracted many kittens.

Even a bit of a stray dog.

After all, there is nothing wrong with people eating this stuff.

"Meow!" Brother Gou stood up at this time, and it patted Li Shuyao's leg, motioning her to open the door, and then let it deal with the little wild cat outside who dared to covet the fried rice it had waited so hard for!

"Come on, honestly wait for the cat food to cool down and finish it quickly. If it doesn't taste, you'll be fine." Li Shuyao rolled her eyes: "If you dare to go out and fight with those wild cats and get dirty, I will let you wash it every day." Take three showers."


Brother Gou's outstretched paw froze in the air, why did Ma Ma have such evil thoughts!Forget it, it's more important to eat, those coquettish sluts outside will let them scream by themselves!

While the three kittens were eating, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening took turns to take a bath.

The bathroom space is relatively small, and there is still no way to accommodate two people to take a bath in it.

Although I didn't sweat a lot this day, after all, after a day of running around outside, taking a bath can also relax my body and mind. Anyway, when I came out of the bathroom, Li Shuyao let out a sigh of relief.

The kittens have finished their meal, there is no smell of cat food in the RV, and there is no meowing of kittens outside.

After washing the clothes, Li Shuyao hesitated for a moment. It's quite late today, so let's take them out to dry tomorrow. After a little drying, they won't be so damp.

"Huh, it's comfortable, Yaoyao, go to bed." Fang Xuening patted the big bed next to her after she came out.

Although the forehead bed looked pretty good, it was obvious that the big bed at the back was the most comfortable, and it was definitely more than enough for the width of three people to sleep the two of them.

And this is behind the car, and the height above is also very high.

Lying here doesn't feel much different from lying at home.

Fang Xuening deliberately changed the mattresses on the car. As we all know, mattresses have a great impact on the comfort of a bed. Anyway, it is already like this. Naturally, it is how comfortable it is, and spending more money is not enough. never mind.

Li Shuyao yawned and also felt a little sleepy.

When the system is not used, the spirit is still a bit exhausted after driving and live broadcasting all day.

After checking again and making sure there was nothing wrong, Li Shuyao also turned off the lights and went to sleep.

This is the first night of the trip, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening...uh, they both slept soundly.

Li Shuyao's caravan is very safe. Without a thermal weapon, it is basically impossible to get in from the outside. The windows are also very high, and it is impossible to see what the inside is like when the privacy curtain is drawn.

Although it is definitely not as safe as those RVs built to prevent doomsday zombies, but...there is really no need for that thing, well, this is not a free and beautiful country.

And there are Brother Gou and the others watching, so both of them feel at ease.

Uh, that’s what Brother Gou is most worried about. When he sleeps at night, he wakes up after a while, looks outside vigilantly, nothing happened, then continues to sleep, and then accidentally wakes up again...

The result of repeating this many times is...

When Li Shuyao got up to punch in the morning, he saw Brother Gou sleeping in the nest.

After rubbing Brother Gou's cat's head, Li Shuyao habitually punched and cooked porridge. By the way, she hung out the laundry last night. This time she didn't call Fang Xuening. Bai Mao was indeed a little tired yesterday.

After finishing her busy work, Li Shuyao lay down again, thinking about what she was going to do today...

Then, she suddenly heard the sound of water flowing on the roof of the garage.

It's raining?
Hey, the clothes I just hung out!

 Today I am going to help lift chairs, bed boards, mattresses, etc., and contribute to the grassroots!

  Uh, I was originally a grassroots...

  One more today.

(End of this chapter)

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