Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 617 Leifeng Pagoda Broken Bridge

Chapter 617 Leifeng Pagoda Broken Bridge
At this time, Fang Xuening also woke up in a daze, seeing Li Shuyao getting up and preparing to run outside, she asked in a daze, "What's wrong? What time is it?"

"It seems to be raining outside. I just washed the clothes. Come on, get up and collect the clothes." Seeing that Fang Xuening woke up, Li Shuyao hurriedly called this guy to go outside to collect the clothes together.

Both of them washed their clothes last night, so there are still a lot of clothes hanging outside. Although I said I opened the awning, everything can be covered.

Besides, it's raining and it's so humid outside, and I still have to dry P's clothes, so I might as well take them back quickly.

When Fang Xuening heard this, she hurriedly got up, she didn't have to think so much at this time, and ran out together, her clothes would be completely wet when it was late!

The two of them hurriedly opened the square car door and ran out, only to see the bright and clear sky outside.

"'s raining?" Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao suspiciously, she just woke up, her mind was not clear enough, and then she ran out with her, but it was raining like this, it was raining heavily in her dream Is it?

"No, I just saw rain from the skylight..." Li Shuyao looked at the sky suspiciously, and then suddenly heard the sound of running water next door.

The two of them walked forward and beat them, and then they saw Lao Kai in the RV next door was washing the car with a water pipe. The water flow was not strong, and he wiped it with a rag while spraying water on the car.

"Haha, I'll wash your cars for you too." Lao Kai smiled.

"Ha, so it's you, I just said I heard the sound of water." Li Shuyao pinched her waist in a haha: "I thought I heard it wrong."

"Hey, there is such a fun thing as car washing." Fang Xuening's eyes lit up: "Brother Kai, give me a try."

"Haha, okay, come on." Lao Kai handed over the water pipe.

"Let me try……"

Fang Xuening held the water pipe and poured water on the car at first, she watered Lao Kai and wiped it, then watered turned into a water fight.

"Hahaha, hey...that's not right, haha..."

"Yaoyao come quickly, haha."

"Give me a basin."

"Oh ho ho."


Lao Kai, Xiaofei, Li Shuyao, and Fang Xuening started a water fight around the water pipes and basins... After a while, Lao Kai was completely transparent.

Seeing that the other three people were not very wet, but he was covered in water from top to bottom, Lao Kai let out a sigh of soul: "Don't mess with women."

A small episode made everyone happy. Li Shuyao found that these people who choose to travel in RVs are really relaxed, and most of them are very easy-going.

It may be that I have seen too many scenery during the trip, so most of them are very open-minded, and I can make friends very quickly. It is also very happy to play with these people. These people can always come up with some interesting things.

After going back to clean up, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening drove away from the RV camp.

It's not that they are leaving now, they will come back tonight, they are planning to stay here for a few more days, they are going out to walk around the city, and take a look at the scenery by the way.

Their destination today is West Lake.

"Ha la la, comrades, let's go to the West Lake today to see what the West Lake, which has been beautiful for thousands of years, looks like."

Fang Xuening was broadcasting live again, and Li Shuyao drove straight to West Lake.

Looking at the tall Leifeng Pagoda and the flow of people coming and going in front of her, Li Shuyao said a little funnyly: "Tell me, if that old Fahaier knows that the Leifeng Pagoda has been pushed to the elevator, how would it feel?" what."

"How does it feel? Both Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen have become immortals. How can he feel it?" Fang Xuening pursed her lips: "How, do you have any feelings, such as what song do you want to sing?"

"Hey, don't tell me, there really are." Li Shuyao said with a suppressed smile.

"Really? Two sentences?" Fang Xuening was stunned for a moment and said, "Is it convenient to broadcast live?"

"It's convenient, it's okay, I'll just sing a few words, haha."

"Okay, then you come."

"Fahai, you don't understand love, Leifeng Pagoda also fell down..."

Fang Xuening: "???"

"Hahahaha..." Li Shuyao laughed when she saw Fang Xuening's expression and the string of question marks floating across the barrage.

"What are you singing?" Fang Xuening frowned: "Is it a new form of performance?"

"You don't understand, this is art." Li Shuyao smiled with her lips pursed.

"Okay, okay, you are amazing, if you have the ability, you can do it." Fang Xuening spread her hands helplessly.


Standing on the top of Leifeng Pagoda and looking around, a feeling of standing on the commanding height overlooking the world arises spontaneously. When your feet are stable enough, people still like to stand on high places.

The area of ​​West Lake is a key scenic spot. Layers of green leaves seem to cover the earth with a green carpet, and the West Lake in the distance is also dyed green. The towering Leifeng Pagoda is swaying leisurely in the middle of the lake... …

"Phew... that's really good, let's go to the Broken Bridge later, shall we?" Fang Xuening laughed and said, "But the Broken Bridge doesn't seem to be broken at all."

"Broken Bridge is called Broken Bridge because of the allusion, it's not really broken." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "Maybe there is a meaning of broken love, haha."


Standing on the Broken Bridge, Li Shuyao didn't feel anything special. The scenery here is indeed beautiful, but there is nothing magical about it.

Of course, if you still have a lot of allusions in your mind, then the feeling of this bridge will be completely different. Many scenery becomes more fascinating because of the allusions.

"When I came here, I suddenly thought of another song." Li Shuyao took a deep breath. Although there are many tourists here, the air is indeed quite good.

"Uh, actually, I don't think it's necessary. Let's sing it when we get home." Fang Xuening suddenly remembered what Li Shuyao sang about Leifeng Pagoda falling down, and immediately felt that there must be nothing good about this guy today words.

"Hey, that's definitely not the way it's sung here."

"Then what are you going to sing? Xu Xian, you are so screwed that your own wife can't stand it?"

"It's not smooth."

"You were smooth just now?"

"At least it rhymes."

Fang Xuening: "..."

That thing just rhymes!

"You listen to it before you talk." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "It's definitely different this time."

"Okay, then you have a try." Fang Xuening nodded, considering that this guy had released a lot of good songs before, she decided to listen to it first.

"Listen up."

"The butterfly with broken wings and dead leaves that can't find flowers will never see withering..."

Li Shuyao softly sang the Broken Bridge and Remnant Snow, when was the first time I heard this song?I can't remember whether she was in junior high school or high school, but she still remembers taking out her notebook and copying the lyrics...

I couldn't understand these lyrics at all before, but I gradually understood them, but I can never go back to the past.

But fortunately, she is living a pretty good life now, and she can be regarded as God's favor to some extent.

After all, it was a live broadcast, Li Shuyao simply sang a few words and stopped, otherwise Lu Yao would go crazy again.

But in just a few sentences, this artistic conception was quickly established.

"Broken Bridge... Can Xue." Li Shuyao sighed, "What a beautiful fusion of nature and emotion."

(End of this chapter)

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