Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 618 Have a meal together

Chapter 618
There are three theories about why the Broken Bridge is called Broken Bridge, which can basically be divided into three aspects: myths and legends, natural scenery and historical background.

In fact, many of the names that have been handed down are affected by these sayings. Whether it is folk names or official names, they can hardly escape these three dimensions.

Well, except for the kind of brainstorming that comes out once you think it out.

Regarding the theory of the Broken Bridge, the myths and legends are naturally the Legend of the White Snake. This famous Leifeng Pagoda has wooden carvings of the Legend of the White Snake. Although this tower was originally built by King Wuyue to pray for blessings, it is obviously still the White Snake among the people. Biography has a greater influence.

And the original tower fell down...

The natural scenery is that the construction of this tower is very strange. Whenever the snow covers the broken bridge, under the sunlight, the bridge seems to be broken from a distance.

The historical background is relatively mediocre. It is said that there was originally a local tyrant named Duan next to the bridge. Because the local tyrant had a great influence, it was called Duanjia Bridge. Later, the local tyrant’s family disappeared and gradually became a broken bridge. up.

It was actually the song Broken Bridge Remnant Snow that prompted Li Shuyao to look up information on this aspect. After doing the research, she realized that the word Broken Bridge Remnant Snow was not created by Xu Song, but existed in the first place.

And the snow on the broken bridge is originally a scenery here.

As for the reason why it is called Broken Bridge, Li Shuyao thinks that it may be that these three complement each other, and all three elements have together contributed to this poetic name.

But Li Shuyao himself prefers to think that this is a combination of natural scenery and myths and legends. After all, that rich local man with the surname Duan is not a good person at first sight!
Down with Lao Cai, the landlord!

cough cough...

That, mainly because the combination of nature and mythology sounds very romantic at first glance. Thinking of two gods meeting in the scenery of broken bridges and snow, no matter how you look at it, it feels full of poetry.

At this time, adding a local rich man surnamed Duan feels out of place.

"It sounds good." Fang Xuening nodded listening to the song: "A good song, a beautiful story, the combination of the two is even more beautiful, the rich man surnamed Duan is going to die."

Li Shuyao: "..."

Okay, this guy is more radical than himself.

"Hey, did you hear it, haha, okay, okay, let Yaoyao play this song when I get back, haha, anyway, after I downloaded it tonight, I will ask Yaoyao to sing it to me, haha, I remember I brought a guitar When it comes out, it can be played and sung.”

It is naturally impossible to bring a lot of musical instruments with you when you go out, but you can also perform a show once in a while. If you want to play and sing, it is naturally the most convenient guitar.

As long as you have a guitar, you can hold a small concert no matter where you are. It's like wandering around the streets and killing people... Well, it's just very useful anyway.

Then the barrages suddenly increased, and Fang Xuening could always find the style of play that had the most barrages...

"I want to hear, I want to hear, I want to hear, I want to hear."

"Damn it, it hurts not to sing at all."

"Too talented, is this written in advance?"

"It sounds good, it sounds good!"

"Kneel down and sing a few more lines."

"Wow, Yaoyao, it's time to post a song."

"Is it possible to release a travel album after this round of traveling?"

"Let's play and sing tonight, even if you don't sing this."

"Play, sing, play, sing, play!"


In Fang Xuening's live broadcast room, the proportion of fans is actually higher. After all, her live broadcast room is usually mainly for singing. Although there are many Li Shuyao fans here today, generally speaking...

After all, it's someone else's live broadcast room, so the big guy is somewhat restrained.

I went around the West Lake during the day, and even took a boat tour of the West Lake. I saw the surrounding Wusong Tomb, Yue Temple, Pinghu Qiuyue, Quyuan Fenghe and so on. I also ate in the scenic spot at noon. meal.

Although it cost a lot of money, the experience is really good. The most important point is that it saves supplies. If you eat in the scenic spot, you don’t need to eat the food stored in the car, right?

And on the way back, Li Shuyao passed by the vegetable market and added some fresh vegetables and meat, and stuffed the refrigerator to the brim, making her feel safe!
It was almost dark when we got back to the RV camp, and Li Shuyao parked next to Lao Kai's RV again, and I got acquainted with a few neighbors yesterday, and they started playing around this morning, so I can be regarded as acquaintances.

In the afternoon, Fang Xuening even started to study how to do a little prank with Lao Kai under the guidance of the barrage. Lao Kai was also broadcasting live in the afternoon, and then there were water friends on both sides...

Li Shuyao sometimes feels strange, maybe it is because both sides are anchors, and there are so many water friends pulling in the middle, so that everyone can get to know and trust each other so quickly.

"Yaoyao, let's have dinner together tonight." Seeing Li Shuyao's car came back, Lao Kai also opened the car door and yelled.

"Okay, why don't you treat me, haha." Li Shuyao also opened the car door and said.

"Our family can share a table with one dish." Old Kai laughed.

"Yes, I also cook a dish."

"Me too!"


The RVs on the left, right, front and back are also open. They are all buddies who bragged together last night.

"Haha, okay, then the two of us will make one as a family, and we will eat together." Li Shuyao nodded in a haha, and then left the door open to cook.

The doors of the other RVs were not closed either. Some people cooked with the stove outside, and some people cooked with the induction cooker inside the car. The inside of the RV camp suddenly became lively.

Naturally, Fang Xuening still cooks her specialty braised pork. Li Shuyao thought about it for a while, and cooked a pot of prawns. The prawns were bought before departure, and they were plump, almost the size of a palm.

Li Shuyao didn't make it too complicated, just added some salt and boiled it directly, which can preserve the original taste of the ingredients to the greatest extent.

The ingredients were good enough, but it made her a little lazy.

Not long after, the big guys walked out with a bowl of vegetables.

It has to be said that the meals made by the people who are wandering outside are particularly large and full, and they don't pursue any refinement. One or two are either holding a pot or a pot, and the things in the pot look quite attractive.

People usually don't pay attention to what to eat and how many dishes to eat. Most of them just come out of the pot and eat directly with the pot, so as to save washing dishes and so on, and save water.

That is to say, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening, who just came out, only pay attention to putting dishes and so on.

"Haha, come, come, try my stewed rice. Let me tell you, when I was on the plateau, I was uncomfortable, and then this stewed rice saved me."

"My pot of authentic ground pot chicken, haha, it doesn't cost money if it's not delicious, haha."

"I've got a true biography for this pot of stewing, haha."


Everyone, you say what you say, and you use one pot and one pot, and soon the table is full. One table is not big enough, so everyone put together several tables and put them together.

Although the height is a bit different, it can still work together.

Anyway, when you are away from home, everyone doesn’t talk about it, just highlight a practicality.

In view of the fact that there are more female compatriots, in addition to beer, everyone also brought out some drinks and juices.

"Come on, let's make a toast."

"It's not easy for people from all over the world to get together. If you have wine today, you will be drunk today, haha."

"Cheers, cheers."


 The music is pure, love V absolute.

  Haha, Brother Song is getting more and more pretty now.

(End of this chapter)

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