Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 619 Eating Dinner and Singing Songs

Chapter 619 Eating Dinner and Singing Songs

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening also cook a lot, after all, they want to take them out to eat with everyone, so Li Shuyao almost boiled all the prawns they brought. The big pot looks very tempting, and it is the first time for Fang Xuening Cooking such a big pot of braised pork, during the period of non-stop tasting salty, afraid of not doing it right and ruining their own signs.

So when looking at the food on this big table, Li Shuyao had an illusion...

Are these people going to die here?

Everyone naturally has their own ideas. In their opinion, Li Shuyao didn't eat well because of anxiety before, right, or just ate a little, how can it work, can he be full!

Going out, among other things, you must be full!

So in order for Li Shuyao to have enough to eat, and for her future car life to go smoothly, everyone decided together to let Li Shuyao eat more this time.

Eat well and hit the road!

Hey, it feels a little awkward to say this sentence.

Forget it, that's what it means anyway!
During the meal, no one started the live broadcast, not to mention that the influence of these men smoking and drinking is not good, and it is not easy to broadcast the live broadcast after a while, everyone will be a little cautious, so they all turned off the live broadcast.

Lao Kai actually wants to start a live broadcast. You know, meeting Li Shuyao yesterday directly made him gain more than 8000 followers on Station B overnight, and it is still rising. The click-through rate of the video has also increased a lot. Most of them asked about things related to Li Shuyao.

The Douyin side is actually similar. You know, when you open Douyin now, 10 of the 6 videos have Li Shuyao’s background music as the background music, and he often uses those songs as the background music.

The Lone Brave has a trend of flooding now, and he doesn't like to use it very much.

But this also shows Li Shuyao's current influence.

Li Shuyao currently has an exclusive contract with Station B. After the contract expires in a few months, Li Shuyao will directly settle on other platforms as soon as the studio is built.

At that time, the influence will be even higher.

So in fact, Lao Kai has also surged more than 1 fans on Douyin. This is also a night. At the beginning, if he can stay for a few more days, it should be no problem to increase his fans to 10,000+.

But he still decided that when Li Shuyao was not live broadcasting, he would not live broadcast. If Li Shuyao did live broadcast or other people agreed, he would broadcast live again.

After all, once the broadcast starts, it is equivalent to entering the working state. The working state must be different from usual. If you force others to work together, they will definitely not be happy.

No matter what you say, Lao Kai has traveled from south to north, and he is very precise in terms of human relations.

Apart from other things, these good buddies of his are also stuck in the aspect of emotional intelligence.

Anyway, Li Shuyao's feeling is that these people are very easy-going, they don't try to curry favor with you, and they don't deliberately alienate you, as if they were real old friends having dinner together.

And these people will never be cold when they are together, the atmosphere is always warm, it will not be too enthusiastic to make people feel superior, and it will not be too deserted to make people feel embarrassed.

All in all, very comfortable.

Both Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening enjoyed the process.

Lao Kai and the others all adhere to the saying of relying on friends when going out, so traveling along the way is also making friends along the way, and how to deal with people has long been proficient.

And they also make friends sincerely, and they will help their friends if they have any difficulties.

Then when she was happy, Li Shuyao ate too much...

Lao Kai and the others can be regarded as people who have traveled far and wide, and they were also somewhat shocked by Li Shuyao's appetite... From their understanding, a girl with such a good figure, even if she doesn't eat vegetable leaves all day, her appetite is very small. And there are many things not to eat.

It's not like this, don't look at the fact that every bite is not much, but it can't stand the high frequency of people for a long time...

No wonder she knew that the audience was worried before. This is indeed a bit exaggerated.

After eating happily, Fang Xuening took out the guitar, and sang while playing the piano under the moonlight.

Li Shuyao also sang two songs, and even sang the complete song of Remnant Snow on the Broken Bridge.

Singing "the cold moon in the water is like snow" at night is suitable for the scene, and there seems to be some regrets about not being able to see the beautiful scenery of the broken bridge and the remnant snow in the song.

As they sang and sang, the number of onlookers gradually increased. In the applause and cheers of everyone, Li Shuyao still felt quite strange.

She just plays and sings simply, without any more effects or anything, but the guitar has such magic power.

A girl was sitting there with a guitar in her arms, playing the guitar and singing at the same time. The surrounding pets were running around, and beside the girl playing the guitar was a white kitten lying on her stomach. The picture was immediately beautiful.

"Has it ever snowed on the Broken Bridge..."

"I'm still that boy..."

"Look, the butterflies in spring..."

"Remember when you said that home is the only castle..."

A song was sung by Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening, and Brother Gou was also quietly listening to the song beside him. The warm guitar and soft voice soothed the melancholy of the homeless people.

Suddenly the atmosphere became youthful and literary. A group of people from all over the world quietly watched Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening who were slowly playing the guitar under the light.

Music can always quickly shorten the distance between people.

After a song is sung, everyone cheers and applauds together.

This is not a stage.

There is music, there are audiences, maybe no matter where it is, there is a stage.

Li Shuyao has never really performed on stage, nor has she held a concert, but this small concert made her feel really good.

When Fang Xuening started to play and sing, Li Shuyao went to get a video camera to record by the side. This is not a live broadcast, but you can record a video or something.

Along the way, she also planned to post more videos or something. Anyway, the videos can be edited, so it doesn't matter what was recorded.

Back in the caravan, both Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening were a little bit unsatisfied this time.

"Huh... come out for a walk, see the world and meet more people, it's really good." Li Shuyao breathed a long sigh of relief: "No wonder so many people like to travel, this world is really fascinating."

"Tsk tsk, the scene of you sitting at the door of the RV playing and singing is really good, haha." Fang Xuening watched the playback in the camera from the side, and three kittens, Gouge, Xiaohong, and Shuping jumped up from the outside, automatically and consciously Went to take a shower to disinfect.

Anyway, if you want to go to bed, you will definitely not be able to go to bed without a bath and disinfection.

"By the way, what do you think of what sister Lu said? Do you want to do it?" Li Shuyao suddenly remembered the message Lu Yao sent her before and asked with a smile.

"Fuck it, why don't you do it, haha, Lao Kai agrees, everyone depends on their own abilities, haha, besides, he will definitely be happy to cooperate with you, haha."

Lu Yao asked Li Shuyao, Fang Xuening and Lao Kai to make some videos of friends pranking each other, and Lao Kai was also very interested in it...

"That's right, it's just a feeling, it's not good to have some utilitarian things between friends."

"Thinking too much." Fang Xuening patted Li Shuyao with a smile: "I also got a lot of traffic from you, we are not friends anymore."



"It's a good friend, haha."

"Screw you."

"Tsk tsk, then don't sleep in my bed tonight!"

"Wow, you actually threatened me! Hmph, then be a good friend."

"Ha ha……"

(End of this chapter)

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