Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 620 Come on, hurt each other

Chapter 620 Come on, hurt each other
Everyone had a good night's sleep that night. After singing so many songs before going to bed, the brain was somewhat lacking in oxygen. Anyway, after taking a shower and checking the situation in the car, the two went straight to sleep.

Even the kittens slept soundly, and brother Gou slept very comfortably today.

I have to say that sometimes music can really soothe the anxiety in my heart, like Brother Gou, who is worried about something that I don't have, and it is easy to resolve it.

How about listening to slow songs when you are sad...

Sleep well after listening to it.

Early the next morning, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening got up early and began to fight...

"Uh, why did you get up so early?" Li Shuyao looked at Fang Xuening in bewilderment. She usually made this guy wake up early and wanted to kill him. Why is his subjective initiative so strong today?

"Hey, isn't this for exercising?" Fang Xuening looked at Brother Gou next to her with a smile, then pouted her nose: "Brother Gou, what kind of eyes do you have!"

"I can see it this time, it despises you, haha." Li Shuyao looked at Yile from the side, although she was not as proficient in cat language as Tantai Jingyi, but at any rate, after contacting for so long, some expressions can still be understood. understand.

"I finally got up early one day, shouldn't I be given some encouragement, such as rewarding a kiss or something." Fang Xuening said while pinching her waist.

"Tsk tsk, why do I feel that you are purely trying to play a prank." Li Shuyao pursed her lips and smiled, "But they don't get up so early, so why are you up so early?"

"Ah? I got up when I thought about you getting up..." Fang Xuening opened her mouth, then turned around resolutely: "Then I'll go back and sleep for a while."

"Hey, don't even think about going back after you come out, haha, I wanted to ask you to exercise together yesterday, but I saw that you drove for a long time yesterday, and it was the first day out, so I want you to rest more rest."

How could Li Shuyao let Fang Xuening go, and immediately hugged her back.

Xiao Mian, do you still want to run?Come back to me and exercise honestly!

"Well, I'm actually very tired today." Fang Xuening blinked her big innocent eyes, and then suddenly felt that she seemed to be in better spirits, so she quickly helped her forehead and pretended to be very tired.

"Stop pretending, look at the way you smile, the corners of your mouth can't be hooked anymore, it's alright, it's alright, get up, hurry up and exercise, look at your little arms and legs, you won't be sure along the way I can hold on, in case you get sick..."

"It's fine if you cure me... Uh, it's fine if you send me to the hospital." Fang Xuening stuck out her little tongue guiltily, then looked at Li Shuyao with a smile on her lips.

Li Shuyao: "..."

So this guy still doubts that he can cure diseases and save lives, right? Bah, this is no longer doubts, this is certainty, your chicken thief eyes!
Still covering up, what does the latter sentence mean?hum!

Well, she knew that she couldn't hide it from these people. A person who is terminally ill and may die of illness at any time walked around your house, and it would be enough to play a ensemble. No matter how you think about it, it doesn't make sense.

Moreover, she also fainted at the time, and the reason for the fainting was physical exhaustion, which was even more unreasonable.

For a patient, even if a miracle really happened, he will faint if he faints. You are alive and well, no illness or disaster, and it is obviously wrong for the frisky Sao Nian to suddenly faint.

Moreover, Fang Xuening watched helplessly as Li Shuyao fainted after touching Liu Mengxi.

At that time, Fang Xuening's little brain started to fill in the melon seeds. After all, he had read so many novels... Right, it's impossible to practice spiritual energy and immortality, but it is still possible to develop internal strength.

After all, relatively speaking, internal power seems to be more reliable.

Then she thought, the possibility of Li Shuyao having internal strength is still very high, after all, she looks soft and weak, but she can split stones with one palm, look at other people who split stones with one palm, those hands are well practiced Distorted.

So it's still reliable.

Then Fang Xuening completed the logical self-consistency...

In addition to thinking about the system, Fang Xuening has almost seen through it!

Students who know how to make up brains are really amazing!

After Fang Xuening leaked her words, she was always smiling beside her, whether it was exercising or drinking porridge, she was always smiling beside her.

Li Shuyao: "..."

Ma Dan, this smiling face looks like two punches!Huh, don't be angry, don't be angry, it's my best friend, right, don't be angry!

"Crack!" Li Shuyao slapped Fang Xuening's thigh, then gritted her teeth and said, "Can you please stop laughing!"

"Oh, I was shocked." Fang Xuening pursed her lips: "What's the matter, I saw through it, and feel a little ashamed?"

"Shame on you, I've been watching you with a smile all day long, and so are you." Li Shuyao followed Fang Xuening's example and raised the corners of her lips.

"Uh oh, it's really quite intrusive." Fang Xuening nodded: "Hey, I feel like they are about to wake up, let's go quickly, hehe."

"Hmm... almost." Li Shuyao thought about the time they got up yesterday, and most of these people didn't get up too late.

"Let's go, you come first, I'll take a look at yours first." Fang Xuening teased behind her with a camera.

"Okay." Li Shuyao nodded, then went out and poured water on Lao Kai's RV with a hose.

Fang Xuening: "..."

That's it?

Didn't you water it all yesterday... Uh, well, I didn't record a video yesterday, so it's okay.

Hearing the sound of water, Lao Kai also turned on the RVs, and was recording videos with his mobile phone in his hand. It seemed that he had already prepared for it!

"Hahaha, it's still me." Li Shuyao suddenly thought it was quite interesting, and laughed haha.

"I knew something was wrong, it's Yaoyao again... Pfft... Wait, I will definitely take revenge!" Lao Kai said with a smile while holding up his mobile phone.

Apparently Lao Kai was already ready.


Classmate Lao Kai went back wet, and it seemed that he was brewing a new routine. Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening also happily returned to the caravan.

"Well, there are not many tricks, as long as it works, right." Li Shuyao closed the door and said with a laugh: "Be prepared, I don't know what tricks he can make in a while."

After a while, Li Shuyao suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Here we come." Fang Xuening blinked, then set up the camera and followed behind: "Be careful, there might be water when you go out."

"It makes sense." Li Shuyao nodded, then took a basin in front of her, and opened the door of the caravan carefully.

Looking at it, there was no one outside the door.

"Hey, there's a board." Li Shuyao didn't see anyone, but saw a white cardboard board on the ground, which was torn off temporarily.

The board read: "I was wrong."

"Huh? Got it wrong?" When Li Shuyao was in a daze, the door of Lao Kai's car next to him opened suddenly, and then a basin of water poured out, and then quickly closed the door.

Li Shuyao: "..."

He even feigned surrender!

Thanks to my quick response!

Li Shuyao promptly lifted the basin she was carrying in front of her body, blocking most of the oncoming water, leaving only a little water on her body.

Fang Xuening stood in the small puddle with a speechless face, Ma Dan, the city gate caught fire, and the fish in the pond were affected!
 Recently, I was thinking about how the ending would not be so abrupt. I was thinking about how to make this book land smoothly. Haha, it’s not that it’s about to end now, but I’m thinking about how to write it after waiting for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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