Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 621 Xuening's Secret Cake

Chapter 621 Xuening's Secret Cake

After the commotion on the road, everyone started a new day of travel. After all, they came out not only to play in the RV camp, but also to see the scenery.

Today, Li Shuyao drove to the water town, and experienced the feeling of going out to the river. It really feels like crossing through the ancient town in a boat.

"Haha, brothers, what do you think of my Hanfu?" Fang Xuening held up her mobile phone to take a photo of herself and Li Shuyao: "How about it, isn't it beautiful? Haha, Yaoyao didn't want to wear you before." You know, this is being dragged by me...otherwise you can see Yaoyao in the form of Hanfu."

Li Shuyao: "..."

Hanfu is just Hanfu, what the hell is the shape.

But they just changed their clothes and didn't do any makeup, not to mention that makeup is very expensive... The main reason is that it takes time, the whole hairstyle takes half a day, it's unnecessary, it's good to wear it loose.

And she has her long hair draped behind her back, and she is standing on the bow of the boat in a white dress, somewhat like a fairy sister.

"I'm more inclined towards Ming Dynasty costumes. According to Yaoyao, the Empress Ma of Zhu Yuanzhang in the Ming Dynasty gave some costume standards that were originally exclusive to the royal family to the folk..."

"Ahem, it's Feng Guanxia's, and it was worn when she got married." Li Shuyao said hastily.

"Hey, that's right." Fang Xuening smiled and said, "Yaoyao's this one, hers is from the Song Dynasty."

Fang Xuening looked at the barrage with a smile, today's classical style is indeed very good:

"Hey, Yaoyao suddenly felt like a little dragon girl when she changed into Hanfu."

"It's like time-traveling."

"I'm jealous."

"This place is so beautiful, it feels like it's in a painting."

"Oh, not bad."

"Is this background real or fake, haha."

"This place is really nice, I have time to check it out."

"It's beautiful."


Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening were wandering in the river in a small boat at this time, and the master behind them gently shook the oars.

The boat was cleaned fairly clean, and it looked like an ancient boat.

The two sides of the strait are more like ancient times. There are rows of courtyards lined up one after another.

The difference is that it is more beautiful now.

After being maintained and beautified by modern people, it must be more beautiful than in ancient times.

The modern age is definitely better than the ancient times. It is normal for someone to yearn for the ancient times. In fact, what she yearns for is not the ancient times, but the world he imagined.

"I see some people say something like kimono and Hanbok. First of all, their costumes are originally from Hanfu, adapted from our side, and then added some of their own elements, so it seems normal. , after all, they changed it according to our instructions."

Li Shuyao looked at the barrage and said:

"Furthermore, I suggest that some students still need to study more. If they don't even know their own clothes, they are really invaded. In fact, there is no need to study in depth, as long as they know that they are our own things when they see them. gone."

Li Shuyao didn't continue talking. After all, this topic is a bit sensitive, and it's not convenient to talk about it during the live broadcast.

It is normal to absorb foreign cultures. We have always been very good at absorbing good foreign cultures and making them our own. Just don’t forget your own.

Those who call Hanbok as kimono or Hanbok are really invaded, because they have forgotten their own things.

This topic was brushed aside by Li Shuyao, mainly because... She looked at herself in the live broadcast, hey, she is really pretty.

There is another sword in this hand, right? Another point between the eyebrows... Uh, no, no, why did you run to Miejue Shitai?

Having a meal in a small town has now become Fang Xuening's favorite part, and she suddenly discovered Li Shuyao's correct method of using it.

When you see something you think is delicious, you buy it directly, and then throw it to Li Shuyao after taking a bite and tasting it.

Anyway, Li Shuyao is so good at eating without gaining weight!
Li Shuyao didn't realize that she was a tool person at all, she didn't care if Fang Xuening took a bite if she had something for free, she didn't dislike Fang Xuening!

Then she was fed by Fang Xuening all afternoon...

When going back in the evening, Li Shuyao happily followed Lao Kai and the others to continue eating, while Fang Xuening secretly hid in the RV without knowing what to do.

"What's wrong with Xiaofei?" Xiao Fei asked suspiciously.

"Oh, she ate too much in the afternoon, and she can't eat at night, so leave her alone." Li Shuyao laughed and waved her hands.

"ate too much?"

"Ang, little pacai, haha."

Fang Xuening: "..."

The place where they eat is between the two RVs, and their RVs are next to each other, so she can hear everything clearly.

Fang Xuening was speechless, she ate everything in the afternoon, and Li Shuyao ate all of it, but she didn't show any signs of being full.

It's really scary.

Things to eat……

Fang Xuening's eyeballs rolled, and there was something wrong with a chuckle, heh heh, it's a shame that I was splashed with water this morning!

I didn’t sing after dinner today, and I can’t sing this thing every day, and the people who got together yesterday didn’t come back today. Some ran away and fell asleep on the road before returning, and some left to go to the next destination. up.

Anyway, RV travel is like this. You will meet many people during the journey. Meeting is fate. After meeting once, we will soon separate, and maybe we will never meet again.

This feeling is actually very strange.

"Come on, come on, after dinner, do you want to try a little dessert? This is the secret little cake I brought back for you today. It's delicious." Fang Xuening blinked her big innocent eyes , looked at Lao Kai innocently.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Lao Kai nervously glanced at Xiao Fei next to him. Fang Xuening's face was somewhat lethal, and ordinary people couldn't stand it.

"What are you looking at me for?" Xiaofei glanced at the door of Li Shuyao's car and said with a smile, "Eat what they give you."

"Ah... oh... good." Lao Kai nodded and took the pastry.

Li Shuyao was a little strange, and followed Xiaofei's eyes to look at the door of her car...

Hey guys, when did you put a camera in there.

In other words, it's a trick.

Li Shuyao pursed her lips, that is to say, only Lao Kai doesn't know now?Tsk tsk, it's really beautiful and touching.

"Oh... I'm going... oh... mustard, mustard..." Lao Kai felt a puff of breath go straight to his head.

"Come, come, drink water, oops, you're so careless, come and drink some water." Fang Xuening looked at Lao Kai with concern, and then hurriedly brought a bottle of mineral water.

Lao Kai didn't care about other things, he opened the bottle and took a sip...

Li Shuyao and Xiao Fei gave Lao Kai sympathetic looks at the same time... The smell was so strong that it was overwhelmed by mustard.

"Pfft, vinegar... vinegar..." Lao Kai spit it out in one gulp, then quickly took a sip of the water that Xiaofei handed over to him: "Huh...Xiao Ning, Qiang! I will definitely take revenge!"

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Lao Kai running back to the caravan, the three girls looked at each other and laughed.

 I had a bit of insomnia last night, and I fell asleep after two o'clock, and I was sleepy at work today...

  But yesterday I dreamed about youthful love...

  Today's update

(End of this chapter)

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