Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 633 I feel like I have a lot of Tianwen

After looking around, they originally wanted Li Shuyao to give a speech to the students, but Li Shuyao thought it would be better to wait for Lu Yao and the others to come over for the official filming, so everyone went on to other places.

After all, Li Shuyao came here not only to promote Hope Primary School, but also to promote the town's scenery and specialty products, which required a field trip.

The town is not just a village, so the inspection cannot be completed in a day or two, so I just walked around here when I came here today.

To be honest, there are indeed reasons for poverty in some places. Before the Internet was developed, geographical factors were an important reason for restricting the development of a place.

Even if you have something good, if others don’t know about it, it’s useless if you can’t publicize it.

So Li Shuyao actually came here to use her own traffic to let more people know and know about this place through the Internet.

In fact, this is a win-win result. While you are promoting, the country will also promote you... After all, this is something the country encourages, so the number of her fans has increased quite a lot during this period, and she has even been on trending searches.

In the evening, Lu Yao and the others finally arrived late, and they were officially received in the town.

Of course, I still ate in the cafeteria and lived in a guest house, but everyone was very enthusiastic, and it felt very lively and lively.


"Oh, after going out for two or three months, Xiao Xiao has lost a little weight. No matter how you feel, nothing has changed."

In the evening, Lu Yao, who had finally rested, took Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening for a walk outside.

It is completely different from the people coming and going on the street at night in the city. The night here is quiet, and there are basically no pedestrians on the street.

"I don't know what's going on. This person seems to be fixed at the best moment, and then it doesn't change much. If I can't see and feel it every day, I would think it's a ghost." Fang Xue Ning shrugged beside him.

"You're the ghost." Li Shuyao rolled her eyes: "You know I'm called Zhuyan Youshu."

"Then how do you keep your face so good, haha, tell me, I feel like I'm in the middle of my third year, and my skin is not very good." Lu Yao touched his face and sighed.

"Early to bed and early to rise, exercise your body." Li Shuyao threw the eight-character mantra directly on Lu Yao's face.

Lu Yao curled his lips, okay, you are amazing!
"Have you been to elementary school today? How do you feel?" Lu Yao asked, changing the subject.

"It's not bad, but it's still far behind the elementary schools in the city." Fang Xuening sighed: "But the children's spirits are really good, and I feel that they are really eager to learn something."

"Yeah, who doesn't want a good life, and going to school is the hope for a good life for them."

Lu Yao nodded:

"For them, studying hard, passing the exam here, going to a good university, and finding a good job in the city can change their destiny, and it is even more remarkable to make a difference and give back to their hometown."

"So Yaoyao, you are helping them walk on the path of hope."

"I don't think it's enough." Li Shuyao shook her head.

"Yeah, I don't think it's enough." Fang Xuening also said.

"They have no library, no computer classroom, no plastic playground, no uniforms, no milk in the afternoon, and only ordinary blackboards in the classroom without big screens..."

Li Shuyao thought about it and said:

"They don't have these things that we used to have easily. Even elementary schools may not need libraries and computer classrooms, but I think others are still useful."

"Yes, I always feel that I lack a lot of things." Fang Xuening also nodded and said: "Even if there is no library, at least there should be a book corner, so that children can read more extracurricular books and broaden their horizons."

"So we still have a lot of things to do. These are the things we will equip the children. Before I came, I really didn't think there was anything, but after I came, I really felt that a pair of sneakers may be very important for children. It's all very important." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "I really did it for everyone, and I feel very happy."

"Indeed, I'll be with you." Fang Xuening laughed and said, "Hey, I feel like I'm cultivating Tianwen. Let's make this school more perfect together!"

"it is good!"


At the same time, in an office of the town government that was still lit, two men sat facing each other, smoking a cigarette, feeling a moment of peace.

One of them was Wang Linxi who took Li Shuyao around during the day, and the other was the mayor, Sun Xiu.

"Lin Xi, today you have had the longest contact with Li Shuyao, how do you feel?" Sun Xiu said lightly, taking a puff of smoke.

"It would be great if there were more young people like her." Wang Linxi also said with a puff of smoke.

"Oh? Such a high evaluation." Sun Xiu laughed and said, "It's not easy to break out a compliment from your mouth, hahaha."

"Hahaha... just make fun of me, haha." Wang Linxi laughed and said, "Over the years, I have met many people. How old is she? She is 19 years old. What were we doing when we were 19 years old?"

Sun Xiu was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "During the holiday after high school graduation, I planted rice seedlings in the field with my father, haha."

"Yes, you are a top student, haha." Wang Linxi smiled and sighed: "It's not easy for children to go to school."

"It's not easy." Sun Xiu nodded: "So we must seize this opportunity this time."

"Well, I can see that this Li Shuyao really wants to do something for the children. She said that she will let the children drink milk in the afternoon, wear brand-new school uniforms, and let the teachers have computers and big screens to attend classes. We also need to bring more books so that the children can read extracurricular books.”

Wang Lin let out a sigh of relief:

"Good boy, if there were more Internet celebrities like this, I think Internet celebrities are pretty good."

"Yes." Sun Xiu nodded.

This is not the first time they have come into contact with Internet celebrities. After all, the Internet has flourished in the past two years, and many places have been lifted out of poverty because of the dividends of the Internet.

After several contacts in the past, there are very few people who are really willing to help. Of course, they also clearly know that they are only business contacts with them, and there is no other emotion, but in comparison, this is not more prominent Li Shuyao Is it precious?

Moreover, the previous few cooperations had mediocre effects. Although they also promoted the development of some industries, the results were mediocre.

This time is different, not to mention that Li Shuyao's size and traffic are much higher than the Internet celebrities they were looking for before, and she still really wants to do something for the children.

More importantly, Li Shuyao is free!

This is even more precious. You must know that it is not easy to approve funding. It would be great if things could be done without spending money.

After all, their funds here are already tight, and they also want to recruit some talented people, but they have no money.

Those poverty alleviation cadres transferred here are basically paid by their original units.

"Okay, let's go to rest. In the past two days, we have decided on this publicity plan with Li Shuyao and the others. This time we must succeed." Sun Xiu said.

"Okay." Wang Linxi nodded, put the last cigarette he had smoked into the ashtray, let out a sigh of relief, got up and left.

In the middle of the night, the lights in this office are still on for a long time...

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