Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 634 Full Support

In the next three days, Li Shuyao, Fang Xuening, and Lu Yao followed Wang Linxi and the others to visit several villages under the town to learn about the local customs.

In fact, after a lot of understanding, to be honest, Li Shuyao almost didn't want to cooperate, not because of Wang Linxi and the others, but because of some local people, it's a bit too bad.

For example, there is a family that is really clogged with rubbish. The man in his 30s does not go out to work, but lies in bed all day waiting for relief. At first, Li Shuyao thought it was some kind of disease.

But people told her that this man was a rascal, he was healthy, his limbs were sound, his mind was normal, he was pure laziness.

And not only him, but also his father, too, who lay in bed all day long.

The most abominable thing is that such a person then asks the government for a daughter-in-law.

Which girl is blind and out of her mind to marry into your house.

That guy really disgusted the three of Li Shuyao and the others, howled through the window, and asked if he had brought his wife here, said it was so beautiful and he was fancy or something.

Li Shuyao really doesn't want to deal with someone who is shameless and shameless after being scolded by others, but the government can't.

The harmonious society really saved him. If he had been in ancient times or in a foreign country, he would have starved to death long ago.

This is quite excessive, and there are some that are not excessive, but they also take the government's gift for granted. They don't thank you, but just think that you should support me.

It's lazy, and some bad...

Li Shuyao believed that what she saw was a minority. Wang Linxi and the others would definitely warn these people in order to welcome her. She didn't know if it was effective, after all, there were still many people in the village that she hadn't seen.

Of course, there are still some really old, weak, sick, and disabled people, but in fact they try their best to follow the route planned by the government. They live a good life and live in good conditions. Live well.

Such a person Li Shuyao is willing to help.

Li Shuyao didn't go too deep into the places that Li Shuyao had visited before, basically just looking at the scenery and special products recommended by others, and then cooperated after experiencing it.

This time she had a superficial understanding.

She still remembered what Wang Linxi said to her on the way back to the guest house: "Children are hope."

This sentence immediately made Li Shuyao understand that some people are rotten, unless they disappear physically, there is no way to change their thinking.

These people cannot be saved.

But children can be saved, or education can be saved, most of those rotten people have a low level of education, and children can receive higher education and understand more principles.

Universal education is the way to get rid of those reincarnations.

So Li Shuyao became more determined to devote her philanthropy to education.

Whether it is building hope primary schools, or subsidizing poor students to go to high school or university.

This is enough to change the fate of those people.

The ancients said that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

Investing in education is teaching people how to fish.

"Sure enough, only by going out for a walk can I understand some truths that I didn't understand before." Lying on the bed, Li Shuyao said with some emotion as she recalled the road she had traveled in the past few days.

"Yeah, I feel like if I don't come out for a walk, I really can't see these things. I never thought there would be such people in this world." Fang Xuening lay on the bed next to her, still a little annoyed.

There's no way, I get angry when I think of the man who said he had a crush on the two of them. That man hasn't showered for many days, his unkempt upper body is still undressed, and his house has become a garbage dump. It's disgusting.

"I think maybe they let us see this on purpose." Li Shuyao laughed.

"On purpose?" Fang Xuening turned over and looked at Li Shuyao: "You mean, they acted?"

"That's not true. It should be real. I mean, if they don't want me to see the state of those people, we can't actually see it." Li Shuyao smacked his lips: "We are foreigners, they are Local snakes, what we see is not what they say."

"Then what do they mean, deliberately disgusting us." Fang Xuening pouted.

"Let us see that these are telling us the real situation here, telling us to save those children, so that the children can receive a better education, and then they should test us a little bit to see if we are sincere for the children. Good." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "I think so."

"It still needs to be tested. We have invested real money."

"It's different. Many people are too rich. For them, money is just an uncle. Charity also has a purpose, and they don't really want to do charity." Li Shuyao shrugged.

"Whether he's sincere or not, it's better to do it than to do nothing." Fang Xuening frowned.

"Yes, that's the case, but their attitudes towards those who are sincere and those who are not sincere must be different. There is still a big gap between whether they fully support or do business." Li Shuyao laughed: "These people are really Powerful, they found your bottom without knowing it, every step they take, every word they say, is useful."

"Tsk tsk, is it true or not, should it be so complicated." Fang Xuening rolled her eyes: "It's not good to be simple."

"For them, thinking too much about many things is a disaster." Li Shuyao put his arms behind his head and said, looking at the white ceiling.

"Then I think you can tell that it's not even stronger." Fang Xuening said with a smile.


Li Shuyao recalled Wang Linxi's deep gaze after saying "the children hope"...

"He should have reminded me in the end, he still wants me to see it."


"Because if I see it, then I understand that the other party knows that I really want to help the children, so it will be more sincere and more down-to-earth, because he is telling me that he will support me."

Li Shuyao smiled and said:
"And if I don't see it, then needless to say, he will support me, because I will be a simple little girl, and the result will be the same."

Fang Xuening opened her mouth lightly, feeling that her brain is not enough, why can't she understand.

"No, I have another question. They originally invited us to promote it. It's not like fully cooperating." Fang Xuening asked with some doubts: "They should have cooperated with us in the first place."

"Not really." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "Actually, this is a cooperation. They want publicity, and I want traffic. Of course, I don't charge any fees, and I am indeed doing charity, but I also get some from it after all." stuff, whether it’s the traffic or the reputation of the video.”

"A lot of things you want to shoot are in-depth and meaningful, and they need their cooperation. For example, some local villagers. If you want to shoot them, without the cooperation of these people, you can't shoot."

"What you think is too complicated."

"Go to bed, haha, the filming starts tomorrow."

"Well, you smart people have a rich inner world."

Li Shuyao: "..."


An office of the town government in the middle of the night.

"How is it?" Sun Xiu brought Wang Linxi a glass of boiled water.

"All support, she will cooperate with us." Wang Linxi nodded and said.

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