Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 635 Speech

The next day, Li Shuyao and Lu Yao's team began to discuss the specific script. After understanding these few days, there are still many ideas. It depends on the main idea.

In the end, everyone decided not to add those bad elements as much as possible, after all, those elements are somewhat incompatible with the content of the video.

Reality is reality, and works are works.

In many cases, the reality is more nonsense than the works. After all, most of the works have a theme, and then gradually unfold the story around this theme, but the reality has no theme, and it often seems more magical.

So Lu Yao plans to divide the video into three parts, and will also shoot two videos.

The first part is Hope Primary School, which is also the most important part. The keynote of this video is mainly motivation and charity. It promotes charity and makes more people pay attention to the education of rural children, and then also gives the audience who watch the video They hope and uplift.

This will be the first video.

The second part is to promote the local scenery and special products, so there is nothing to say about this.

The third part is to talk about the current situation of some villages, such as the left-behind elderly and children in the village.

These two parts of Lu Yao are going to be interspersed in a video, and these stories will be integrated into the food and scenery, so that the whole video story will be smoother and easier for the audience to accept. Much stronger.

And Lu Yao discussed with Wang Linxi, planning to find a more optimistic old man, and add some joyful elements to the video. Blindly lyrical and depressing is not good, and now everyone prefers more cheerful videos.

After discussing the script for two days, everyone finalized it and handed it over to Wang Linxi and the others. They basically passed it without any changes.

This reflects one of the benefits of full support. Generally speaking, it is basically impossible to pass a material that does not allow you to change it seven times or eight times.

Everyone has their own ideas, and the script of a video is full of the subjective wishes of a large number of creators. Anyone who reads this thing can change it a few times, just like a novel. Anyone who reads it wants to change a few times. Everyone wanted to offer their own opinions, and even started to offer opinions without reading a whole chapter.

So a material full of novelty is likely to turn into a mediocre work in a regular discussion.

This must be unacceptable to Lu Yao and Li Shuyao.

Even Li Shuyao's vlog needs to be carefully edited now, a mediocre work is definitely not the result they want.

After finalizing the content, Li Shuyao was ready to shoot the first video.

Fang Xuening didn't plan to participate in this series of videos. They were Li Shuyao's own videos. She was going to take pictures of the local scenery. She took a different route from Li Shuyao.

That is to say, the two will not jointly contribute this time.

"Hello everyone, I am the nursery rhyme in the book."

Li Shuyao sat in the caravan, and there was a camera in front of it. This time the vlog still needs to introduce the cause and effect, so this is the opening scene.

"We are now in Xiaoyun Town, Zhaoxia City. Here, I donated to build a Hope Primary School."

"I haven't told you this all the time. I wanted to show you when it was completed. This was not only built by me, but also built by everyone. Now that the school is completed, I happened to travel here in an RV, so I Let’s take a look at the current situation of the school with everyone.”

"Let's also see if there is anything we can improve further, then... let's go."

After filming the title, everyone went straight to Hope Primary School.

At that time, some aerial shots will be interspersed here, and they will be pushed to the school gate from all angles.

"This is Nursery Rhyme Hope Primary School. Look at the school badge. I designed it."

In the past few days, the school badge on the teaching building has also been hung up.

Walking to the entrance of the teaching building, the camera took a close-up of the plaque, which read nursery rhymes Hope Primary School, and also wrote thanks to Li Shuyao and Li Shuyao's water friends.

This is what Li Shuyao asked them to add on purpose. Putting this plaque here will definitely increase everyone's sense of pride.

And it's true to be grateful, without the support of the water friends, Li Shuyao would not be where she is today.

Next, Li Shuyao has led the camera to every corner of the school, and it will be enough to edit it when the time comes.

"Everyone has also seen that there are actually many things that are missing here. I said a few things before, such as books, computers, etc. I haven't thought of what is missing for the time being. Everyone can brainstorm together. Let's put together This Hope Primary School will be completed.”

"Okay, next, I'm going to give a little speech to the children."

After finishing speaking, Li Shuyao walked into the large classroom next to it. The classroom was full of students. These students all kept their backs straight, folded their left arms under their right arms, and held their small heads up, looking a bit expressionless. nervous.

The moment Li Shuyao came in, all the students clapped vigorously, and their bodies shook together.

Li Shuyao walked to the podium with a smile, smiled and nodded at the students, picked up the microphone after the applause gradually subsided, and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, it's a pleasure to see you sitting here."

"Hi everyone, I'm Li Shuyao, and I have a nursery rhyme named Shuli."

At this point, the children burst into applause again. Naturally, everyone is very familiar with this name, after all, they are called Nursery Rhyme Hope Primary School.

Li Shuyao raised his hand and pressed it with a smile:

"From now on, you don't need to applaud. You can smile more. I still like to hear the children's laughter."


"To be honest, before I came here, I didn't know what it was like here, what the school was built like, and what your learning environment was like."

"After coming here, it's still a bit beyond my imagination. Perhaps in your opinion, such conditions are already very good, but in my opinion it is still very simple."

"I'm not saying this to hurt you, but to tell you that you still have a long way to go in the future. You must study hard, see the wider world, and change your own destiny."

"This is the theme I want to talk about today, changing destiny."

"Maybe everyone has heard this word many times, some understand it, and some don't understand it. Maybe some of you can understand what I'm going to talk about today, and some of you don't understand it."

"But I hope you can remember these four words and what I want to say. One day in the future, you will understand the meaning of what I said today."

Li Shuyao turned around and wrote the words "Changing Destiny" and "Gentleman" behind her.

Speaking of which, Li Shuyao has thought about what to say for a long time. She also thought that these children might not understand, and the fifth and sixth graders might be fine, but those little Doudings would never understand.

But over the past few days, Li Shuyao can feel that many children in the village are very mature in thinking, perhaps even more mature than the children in middle and high school in the city.

So she is still ready to talk, she is going to plant a seed in the hearts of these children, as long as one or two seeds grow into towering trees in the future, it will make a huge change for this town.

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