Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 636 Let's Fight

Li Shuyao's sonorous and powerful words, and the flamboyant writing, made the children below stunned for a while, but the teachers frowned, a little confused.

They thought that Li Shuyao just talked about the psychological journey of donation, and then cared about the students' study and life, and then it was over.

Unexpectedly, Li Shuyao would actually give a lecture here.

All right, if people like to talk about it, just talk about it, anyway, the children probably won't understand it, it should be just for show, didn't you see that the cameras next to it are all set up.

"I'll tell you a story."

Li Shuyao could see the slightly changed expressions of the teachers, but she didn't care. Who told her to be the father of the funder? As long as what she said was positive, she would be fine.

Sure enough, there is an advantage in playing at home!
"A long, long time ago, the Qin Dynasty unified the country and opened a new era, but because of very strict laws and very hard work, the lives of ordinary people were very difficult."

Considering speaking to children, Li Shuyao's words are relatively simple, without going too deep, and it is relatively easy to understand:
"At this time, two peasants led a group of people to start rebelling, and they shouted a sentence, 'The princes and generals are better than each other'. The meaning of this sentence is, are those nobles born!"

"This sentence, after thousands of years of evolution, has gradually become a kind of spiritual symbol for us, which is the spirit of resistance."

"I'll tell a few more stories."

"Just a long time ago, ten suns appeared in the sky, and the earth was scorched and the crops were all scorched to death. Nine suns, leaving only one sun to serve the people."

"Besides, a long, long time ago, the land was full of floods, and the crops were washed away by the floods. At this time, a man named Yu stepped forward and led everyone to repair the river, control the floods, and finally overcome the floods. People live and work in peace."

"Who can tell me what these two stories tell us?" Li Shuyao asked with a smile.

As soon as Li Shuyao finished speaking, she raised a few small hands, Li Shuyao pointed to a small hand and said, "Come on, tell me."

"Yes, it's the rebellious spirit that the teacher said before." The little girl said shyly.

"Well, that's right, that's really what it means, is there anything else?" Li Shuyao continued to ask, "Come on, let's talk about it."

"I think it's too difficult to harvest the crops..." The young man said with a local accent, "I was tired when I went to the fields with my grandfather."


The students made a group laughing, and Li Shuyao nodded with a smile, "That's right, it's true, everyone has worked hard."

With Li Shuyao's affirmation, the young man raised his head, and then sat down.

Next, the children spoke enthusiastically. Some said that Yu and Yi were amazing, and some talked about how they did it during the drought that year. Anyway, there were all kinds of things, and the atmosphere was very enthusiastic. The students were not as good as before. Restrained, but lively.

"Everyone said it was very good."

Li Shuyao smiled and said:
"These stories are handed down from our ancestors in China. Everyone will draw different conclusions from this story, but what I want to say is that this is the spirit of our China. When we face difficulties, we will not give in. Weakness, don't ask others, stand on your own feet, use your own hands to change your own destiny."

"Just like the hands on the school badge, I hope all the students can study hard, work hard, and use their own hands to change their own destiny."

wow wow.

After Li Shuyao finished speaking, the students applauded enthusiastically again.

Li Shuyao waved her hands with a smile and said:

"So, students, do you know what a gentleman is?"

Most of the students shook their heads, but some older students raised their hands.

"Come on, tell me."

"I know that a gentleman is someone like a teacher."


The classmates laughed together, and Li Shuyao also pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I still can't meet the standard of a gentleman."

"The spirit of the gentleman is also the core spirit of our Chinese nation. I believe that many students have heard the name Confucius, and the word gentleman was also proposed by him."

"Let me tell you what I think of a gentleman. I think a gentleman should be sincere, kind, positive, optimistic, humble, brave, honest, trustworthy, not discouraged, not admitting defeat, not giving up, not bullying..."

"Many of you may not understand these things now, but I hope you can remember them, and they will definitely be useful to you in the future."

In proposing the theory of a gentleman, Li Shuyao actually thought a lot about it. As a child, it is impossible to understand it, but as long as you can remember some of it, it is good.

Let them fight hard, work hard, resist, these are all right.

But I am afraid that some students will go astray because of this, which runs counter to her ideas, so she hopes that everyone can be influenced by the spirit of a gentleman and be an upright person.

The things she said can't affect everyone present, but there must be some people who will keep these things firmly in their hearts.

As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual.

Not everyone present can be successful, but she believes that this special scene will be deeply engraved in the minds of some students, and then accompany their continuous growth. Maybe her speech today will become a part of the future for some children. belief.

As children grow up, many things will be gradually forgotten, but there must be some fragments left in their minds.

These fragments will become their motto and have a very profound impact on them.

Li Shuyao herself has experienced this point personally.

She has almost forgotten the things in elementary school, but there are a few words that are still in her heart. If there is no accident, these few words will accompany her for the rest of her life.

So she knew, don't look at these children who may not understand anything, but their memory is very good, as long as they remember, even if they don't understand anything now, they will gradually understand in the future.

It's like the "Three Character Classic", "Thousand Character Classic" and "Hundred Family Surnames" that these children are reciting now. If they understand it, they must not understand it, but it doesn't matter if they understand it or not, just memorize it, and they will understand it gradually.

Sitting behind the camera, Fang Xuening watched Li Shuyao's lectures in front, and listened to them quite interestingly. What she said here was even simpler than what she told Kitty. As a serious college student, she Naturally, I also know that Li Shuyao has cut and simplified the story to what she wants.

But it's also really interesting.

And from time to time, she interacted with the children a few times, asking some questions for the children to interact with, and the various answers made everyone laugh. I believe this speech will leave a deep impression on the children.

It seems that Yaoyao is really suitable to be a teacher, and she doesn't give lessons to two little cats in vain.

Hey, why did I think of such a strange thing as teaching cats.

Fang Xuening thought for a long time, and finally made a decision!
Ma Dan, the expression on this guy when teaching children is basically the same as the expression on teaching cats.

In other words, this guy is really teaching cats?

Do you want to be so wicked?

You thought you were writing novels!

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