At night, everyone who had eaten the "celebration banquet" went back to rest. They said it was a celebration banquet, but in fact it was still a big pot of rice. It was nothing else, it was all a big pot of rice, but maybe this time there was a little more meat.

Naturally, there is no such thing as seafood. This place is still a little far from the sea, and it is quite troublesome to transport it here. There are river seafood here, but it is not as cost-effective as eating meat, so it is basically a big pot of farm meals.

Li Shuyao and the others are not picky, and everyone is very happy to eat together. Besides, the taste is very good. Li Shuyao's food is delicious, and they even want to ask the chef how to cook it...

But in the end, I found out that it was a taste that a small pot couldn't make...

After eating, take a walk when you should take a walk, take a rest when you should rest, and continue to work when you should work. Everyone has something to be busy with.

And at this time, it is naturally the time for the little animals to move around.

Most people are reluctant to move at night. After all, people yearn for light... Well, it’s just that it’s too dark to see clearly at night. Even if the night vision is better, it’s far worse than during the day.

Besides, most people still have to sleep at night, especially in towns, unless there are some activities, generally speaking, people don't come out very much after dark.

But pinch, for kittens and puppies, darkness is their home field!
Anyway, there is no difference between day and night for them. Anyway, they see things in black and white, black and white during the day, and black and white at night, and one or two of them have excellent night vision capabilities, so it is better to install night vision goggles. Same.

In the past two days, Li Shuyao has been busy with shooting videos and has no time to deal with these kittens, so Brother Gou started to let himself go after two days of being bored.

Brother Gou first went out for a walk by himself and stepped on a little bit to see how strong the cats and dogs around here are. He was going to take Shuping out to see the world and venture into the rivers and lakes.

Speaking of Li Shuyao's journey, Brother Gou also took Shuping to see a lot of stray animals, but every time Li Shuyao stayed for a short time, even if he cooperated with others to shoot a promotional video, the time was very fast , so I just turned around and said hello to some small animals.

But this time Li Shuyao stayed for a relatively long time. It took a week from the beginning to the end of the first video. Brother Gou also brought Xiaohong and Shuping to the town to quickly open up the situation.

Shuping's genes are very strong, and now she is about the same size as Gouge, and sometimes she has to marvel at the strength of the second generation, Shuping's current body size and strength are much stronger than normal adult cats.

So basically it was Xiaohong and Gouge who were on the sidelines, and then Shuping went up and beat up the other cats and dogs.

Then it is no different from those who come to kick the gym.

So, after three days of hard work, Shuping successfully subdued the cats and dogs in the town.

However, there is still a creature that has not been subdued.

That is the legendary goose.

This thing is tall and has an extremely ferocious temperament, so Shuping hasn't conquered them yet.

Of course, if Brother Gou or Xiaohong made a move, they would be able to defeat the big goose easily and naturally, but this is not to train Shuping.

At this time, Gouge Xiaohong is walking in front, Shuping is following behind, night is coming, and they are ready to start today's battle!
Shuping wants to completely conquer that proud goose today!

Gou, who is walking in front of me, is a bit pretentious, and now he has the demeanor of a generation of masters. He has his own way of educating children and so on. When it is time to let go, he has to let go. Ma Ma can't be with you all the time...

Uh, it seems to be okay.

It also knows that its life span may be slightly longer.

Oh, forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, it's such a truth, that's what Ma Ma said!

What did you say before?

Oh yes, the chick will take off one day, and the kitten will have a day to fly solo. That's right, the prince, you have to start a house to build your own power, so that you can create a world for yourself.

Although it is a bit far here, it is not bad for experience.

Shuping naturally didn't know the messy things in her mother's mind. She only knew that she had a lot of fun in the past two days, and got along with many kittens and puppies.

But pinch, that big goose is very hateful, leading a group of big geese and ducklings to resist them, it can't beat it by itself.

Originally, it thought that Paba Mama would make a move, but in the end it just watched itself being driven around by the big goose.

Shuping understood at that time, sure enough, she still had to rely on herself!

Brother Gou meowed and meowed as he walked, and then some cats and dogs ran out from the darkness. He stumbled and rolled or something, and then continued to run.

After a while, a group of kittens and puppies started wandering around them. Shuping was also very happy. It was the first time for him to feel the feeling of being surrounded by a group of cats and dogs. Feel.

Soon, they came to an open field, and here, there was already a flock of big geese waiting here.

The big goose headed by it is obviously a head taller than the other big geese. Its whole body is snow-white, and its orange beak looks scary. Anyway, seeing this big goose, the cats, cats and dogs next to it are a little hesitant. step forward.

It seemed that they were all chased by this big goose.

What annoyed Shuping the most was the way the big goose looked at it with disdain.

Shuping squeezed her paws, you know that you can't survive a chapter in a novel!
"Meow." Brother Gou called softly, and then sat beside Xiaohong.

After Shuping came out, a group of puppies began to bark, but the other kittens didn't respond, they also sat behind and licked their paws.

"Quack quack quack..."

Seeing Shuping coming out, the big goose spread its wings and started quacking. When it called, the big geese and ducklings behind it also quacked.

The two sides seem to be competing.

"Meow!" Shuping imitated Brother Gou's voice and howled first, among other things, we can't lose our momentum!
"Quack quack!"

A cat and a goose started calling each other here first, and they haven't started fighting, anyway, let's compare whose voice is louder!


"Hey hey hey, it's really fighting, haha, but what the hell is calling out now? Is it a bluff?" Far away, Fang Xuening in the gray RV is holding a night vision binoculars and peeping here .

Naturally, this night vision telescope is also a field survival item that Li Shuyao prepared in advance. It can be seen from near to far, and it is a must-have item in the wild at night.

At this time, Fang Xuening and Lu Yao were lying on the window and watching each other, while Li Shuyao was playing with her mobile phone beside her speechlessly.

She only brought two of these things. At that time, she didn't think about going to the mountains and forests at night. It was too dangerous. She just took them with her for fun, but she didn't expect it to be useful.

Her own night vision ability is pretty good, but she can't see at such a distance.

"You don't understand. In the wild, the animals have to shout a few words before making a move. If you scare off the opponent, you don't need to fight." Lu Yao said with a chuckle: "Yaoyao, do you want to watch?"

"Look." Li Shuyao waved his hand, I've watched Shuping fight a lot.

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