Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 639 Don't talk about martial arts

Shuping's fighting ability is naturally top-notch among the kittens of her generation, but it's not necessarily the case against the big goose, and last time those little red cats were more or less practicing. It's not a bad thing to suffer.

You fight in a daze like this, and after the fight, you get hurt all over your body, and they won't give you an extra piece of meat, why bother.

So Li Shuyao always felt that those little cats were acting with Shuping, that is to say, Xiaohong really had a fight with that little cat.

None of the wild animals are stupid. In addition to being fierce, one or two are also very smart. They have long understood the truth that they should not be easily injured, so naturally they should not be injured if they can not be injured.

Because if the injury is serious, it means that you are not far from death.

It's a good deal to suffer without being injured, and to have good food to eat.

And it was the first time that Shuping walked out of the house, her paws were gentler than those little cats usually playing around, and they didn't even hurt...

But domesticated ones are different. First of all, these domesticated cats, cats, dogs, and geese are basically not afraid of getting hurt, or there is no string in their minds that they cannot be injured.

Anyway, even if you are injured, you can still eat and drink, or become someone who eats and drinks...

"This big goose looks really imposing. Hey, look, the wings are really big, but it doesn't mean that big geese are very fierce, why don't they take the initiative to attack." Lu Yao saw that Li Shuyao didn't want it, She continued to read by herself.

For her, this kind of small animal competition between villages is quite novel and wild.

"Oh, sister Lu, this is my major. You don't know, I'm the best at fighting." Fang Xuening said with a chuckle.

"When did you become good at fighting?" Lu Yao asked strangely.

"I read a lot of novels."

"That counts?"

"Then it doesn't count. Let me tell you, it's all based on the routine of the novel. At the beginning, you know the part of talking harshly. If you don't talk harshly, the fight will be boring. .”

Fang Xuening said excitedly:

"This look must be fierce, the head must be raised, yes, it must be the feeling of looking down on you, you know, the feeling that I am the proud son of heaven, and you are worthy of fighting with me suddenly appeared Aww."

"At this time, I want everyone to watch here, I want to speak harshly in front of my face, I want to look like the boss is my second child, and I want to trample you under my feet in front of everyone. !"

"And the protagonist, that is, our classmate Shuping, looks very weak and petite, but he is not afraid at all, because our protagonist only looks weak, but he has so many tricks!"

"When everyone looked down on our protagonist, the protagonist did not show any weakness, and stood opposite the mighty goose despite the contempt and ridicule of all chickens, ducks, geese, dogs and cats!"

"Actually, our protagonist is humble and easily satisfied. If it wasn't for the opponent's repeated provocations that touched our protagonist's bottom line, the protagonist would never face it and launch a counterattack. All of this is the opponent's own fault!"

"It's started, it's started, the goose looks very powerful, both in size and speed, it is stronger than Shuping, look, it can only dodge in embarrassment when it throws Shuping, and the big goose and duckling behind are all laughing So happy, the cats and dogs here are also a little discouraged."

"Let them laugh. Only those who have no eyesight will laugh at Shuping at this time. See how its steps are not in the slightest panic, how determined its eyes are, and how its mouth is tilting upwards little by little. past!"

Li Shuyao: "..."

What the hell is the crooked mouth? You can still see this with your telescope?I'm afraid you didn't make it up yourself!What kind of art processing are you playing with me here!
Why is it that an ordinary kitten fights with a big goose and is said by this guy as if it is some kind of martial art contest? If he can't beat it later, will some ancestor, some master, etc. come out to disrupt the situation.

Thinking about it, Li Shuyao suddenly froze for a moment, isn't this Shuping's ancestor her own...

Hiss, unconsciously, this sense of responsibility and desire to win and lose has arisen.

Shuping, beat it up for me, if you can't beat it, let your parents do it later, if your parents can't beat it, then I have to do it myself.

It’s no wonder that in the novels, the young ones are always typed out to be the old ones. You can’t blame others for this, right? Isn’t it wrong to protect the calf?

Besides, our Shuping is not the cat who picks things up at will, our Shuping is so cute and cute, if something goes wrong, it must be the other party's problem!
No problem!
Jie Jie, it is still useful when the old man makes a move, although it is somewhat invincible to deal with you big geese, but I can't take care of that much, whoever is my dear kitten, also I can only wrong you, maybe there will be an iron pot stewed on the dinner table tomorrow... Cough cough, big goose!

"Look, look, let me tell you, after a period of detours and trials, Shuping finally started to attack, directly aiming at the bottom of the big goose, a sweeping leg... What the hell, why is a little cat It's unscientific to sweep the hall's legs!" Fang Xuening exclaimed.

Lu Yao also couldn't help shouting: "You can even lift your genitals and claw your heart... What's going on? Hey, you're so ruthless, you don't talk about martial arts."

Then the two involuntarily put down the binoculars in their hands, and looked at Li Shuyao who was pretending to be humming.

"Ahem, don't you explain to the person next to you?" Lu Yao coughed and said.

"Ah? Explain what?" Li Shuyao pretended to be stupid, pretending not to know anything.

"What do you usually teach that kitten? Now it almost stands up and yells and slaps. You know, is this normal? Is this a decent kitten?" Fang Xuening said.

"Haha, I hate it, what are you talking about, how is it possible, absolutely impossible!" Li Shuyao decided to play dumb to the end, anyway, you didn't catch my neck, right, anyway, you can't record the video at such a distance!

You have no proof what you can do to me!
But when you go back, you still have to teach Shuping well, don't just use your kung fu just because there is no one around, who knows if there are some perverts peeping nearby!

That's right, if you can't beat me, you can call me the ancestor, the ancestor can save you.

Jie Jie...

No, it's not funny, you should use this:

Well, right now!

I am obviously a decent person, a protagonist, right? How can I use such a weird laugh? It's obviously not right.

Lu Yao rolled his eyes, and then immediately rolled his eyes at Fang Xuening.

It's all your fault, she was a nice girl, but now she's been spoiled by you, she's starting to talk nonsense with her eyes open!
Fang Xuening was speechless, what was going on with all of this, and everything was spoiled by me, what a wonderful person I was, how innocent, kind, lovely, and sincere...

Fang Xuening raised the binoculars and looked over there: "Oh, it's all over, oh, Shuping can do it, this martial art also inherits the essence of Yaoyao."

Li Shuyao: "..."

What inherited my essence, flirtatious legs?I've never done this before!

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