The activities of the three kittens in the town were just a small episode. Apart from giving Lu Yao some more inspiration, nothing extra happened.

Naturally, big goose stewed in an iron pot is not available here, but the three kittens have become the tyrants in the town, and now they lead a group of chickens, ducks, geese, dogs and cats to run rampant in the town, snatching good kittens... Uh, not at all, At most, it was just running around, and it didn't attract any other attention.

Lu Yao felt that he could take pictures of small animals in the countryside, which could be added as some shots, so that the whole video would not look too monotonous.

The recording of the second video started soon. A decent family was selected in the town. There were two elderly people in the family who usually worked in the field.

In this video, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening help to work in the field, and when they are working, they will directly introduce the special products in the village.

After working, the two came to their grandparents' house and told stories about the two old people while eating.

In fact, the main thing is that the children all go to the big cities to find jobs, and then the two of them are left here or something.

The lunch is also an authentic local farm dish, which is very distinctive.

As a... well, half a food blogger, obviously there is a very good meal in the video, which will be the cover of the video when the time comes.

It is obviously a better choice to use this meal as the core clue, and then slowly expand the entire video, so that the video can be spent in a gentle and interesting process.

Just put on a sad music and start crying...

Anyway, Li Shuyao himself doesn't watch that kind of video.

This video is relaxed and happy from the beginning to the end, and the grandparents of this family are also optimistic and positive. This kind of video that gives people a very warm feeling actually resonates with everyone more often.

It can be regarded as presenting the main idea to the audience in a plain way.

After all, the video is to convey the beauty of the capture to the audience.

This video was shot for two or three days, and it captured a lot of local beauty, as well as many special products. This will appear in the video at that time, but it will still be edited.

The content shot in two or three days will eventually be edited into a video of more than 20 minutes, which will not exceed 10 minutes. If it exceeds, the number of clicks will decrease.

And those cut materials are not completely useless, and some can be included in the first video.

After the filming was completed, everyone gathered together for a celebration dinner.

Among other things, the food and cars they provided these two days basically revolved around Li Shuyao and their production team. Although the conditions in the town were not very good, they basically gave everything they could. .

It's just a matter of giving Li Shuyao a preparation...

Li Shuyao and the others naturally reciprocated, and started editing the video on the spot.

This time Li Shuyao also joined the editing team. In other words, she is the main editor. She doesn't have to look at it bit by bit to find the material. After going through all the videos at 3x speed, she can know where the material is at her fingertips.

The kind of rough cut video that originally took a week to process, she finished it in one day...

The editor who followed wanted to resign on the spot.

However, thinking of the feat of making a song in a day, I still endured it. He can make a song from scratch in a day. What happened to editing a video that day.

With Li Shuyao's participation, everyone stayed for two more days, finished the two videos thoroughly, and showed them to others. After they were satisfied, they discussed the release time before leaving.

Lu Yao and the others naturally wanted to go back, while Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening continued to drive west.


"Sister Lu, Yaoyao is so good, why don't you edit it yourself? With her speed, that kind of high-quality video can be updated every day or two."

On the plane, editor Xiao Xi couldn't help asking Lu Yao quietly.

Bilibili is updated daily, but the video is relatively simple, not because the quality is poor, but because the content is relatively simple and repetitive, and the editing is easier and faster.

It is more difficult for those relatively high-quality works, so most of the up masters are weekly updates, and the weekly updates are almost the same, because even weekly updates do not mean that they are lazy, but they have to repeatedly polish the video, and even edit it. If you come out and feel bad, you will just give up and not send it out.

They have to constantly think of new ideas, and constantly think about how to make the video more brilliant, so naturally the update is slower. If there is some force majeure, it may be discontinued.

And Li Shuyao's editing ability is too strong, coupled with the crazy speed when she records the video herself, it is really not impossible to produce a high-quality product in a day or two.

"She's lazy." Lu Yao glanced at Xiaoxi, who had obviously changed a bit during this time, and smiled, "You don't know her yet?"

It's not about how it is, the main reason is that they didn't expect to come here for such a long time, didn't bring so many skin care products, and then they were exposed to the wind and sun for the past two days, so there was a little bit of vicissitudes.

Of course, just a little bit.

Still delicate.

"Uh..." Xiaoxi opened his mouth, and then sighed helplessly, it's really hard to compare people to others, and you have to throw away the goods: "If Yaoyao enters the industry of editors, how many editors will lose their jobs. "

"Her?" Lu Yao said with a smile: "Forget it, she won't edit videos day and night."

"That's right... Yaoyao has a lot of ways to make money..." Xiaoxi nodded: "I feel that our editing can be compared with that programmer before, no, I feel that I can stay up late than them, I feel like I started losing my hair when I was 25..."

"Haha, don't worry, Yaoyao won't edit frequently in the future, editing is still your job." Lu Yao said with a smile: "What she likes the most is to throw the finished videos directly to us, we are all her tools people."

"Hey." Xiaoxi scratched her head in embarrassment. She was indeed a little scared. Li Shuyao's move shocked her, and she was afraid that people would not want her in the future.

"Okay, don't be too happy too early, there are still tasks to go back, and this time it took a lot of time." Lu Yao also sighed, the place is a bit remote, he also took a car, then a train, and then a train The plane took a lot of time to toss along the way.

From this point of view, it is not as enjoyable as Li Shuyao and the others driving the caravan straight to the next target.

However, according to what Li Shuyao said, he will not walk slowly in the future. After going to Erhai Lake, he will transfer from Sichuan to Qinghai to the plateau, which is quite far away.

Come here, I must go to the plateau to see.

Of course, Li Shuyao calculated the time and decided not to waste time along the way, and went straight to the destination. Firstly, he had to rush back to attend the wedding, and secondly, he had been out for so long. After playing for two or three months, he would go back to rest. up.

She didn't think about traveling in a RV all the time, it would be too hard, after all, traveling is a time-consuming, labor-intensive and money-consuming activity.

Li Shuyao is so lazy, it would be nice to go out for a trip every few years, how can he come out every day, just driving is quite tiring.

"Yaoyao, it looks like we're going to spend the night in no man's land again tonight." Fang Xuening, who was sitting on the co-pilot studying navigation, sighed.

"It's just right, let's go to the wild to see." Li Shuyao smiled with her lips pursed.

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