Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 641 So Beautiful

It has been two days since Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening left the town, and they didn't go anywhere else in the past two days, they went directly to Dali. This place has long been endowed with many, many legends and has become a legend tourist attraction in.

And what is bestowed here is the color of love. I don’t know how many people come here to find love, and I don’t know how many couples come here to let their love fly.

Of course, there are also more people who come here purely for tourism. The scenery here is beautiful, and it is a very good place to take videos and photos.

So this place has naturally become a check-in place for Internet celebrities.

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening came to Dali all the way, there was basically no parking, except for sleeping at night, the two of them just took turns driving in reverse.

"Huh... I finally saw it, it really is so beautiful."

Li Shuyao parked the car on the side of the road, got off the driver's seat, leaned against the window and brushed her hair slightly.

The warm breeze was a bit mischievous, slightly pulling up the blue hair that had just been tied up.

This scene was captured by Fang Xuening, who picked up the camera and took continuous shots. She was going to come down to take pictures, so she couldn't let go of capturing this scene.

For photos, the more photos you take, the better, and then you can find a few usable photos among the vast number of photos, and then retouch them, right, and then you can make a film.

It only takes two or three days to shoot, which is quite simple.

Well, anyway, when the time comes, just throw a bunch of photos to Sister Lu. I heard that last time Li Shuyao edited and edited Sister Lu’s friends, they were all shocked. They should find something for them, otherwise they should Don't worry.

Well, just sauce!

Li Shuyao didn't care, she discussed with Lu Yao on the Erhai Lake this time, and planned to change her style. This time, she would take some photo-like photos and videos.

Then Fang Xuening and Li Shuyao took turns to be the cameraman for each other, leaving their own shadows in this beautiful place.

Such a beautiful place does not need too much explanation. The combination of beauties and beautiful scenery is naturally beautiful, and it is very good when paired with light music with a light melody.

If you want to edit this kind of film, the material is naturally indispensable.

But it’s all about playing anyway, so I’ll shoot while playing.

"This is the legendary husband and wife tree."

After taking a picture of Li Shuyao who had been a "car model" for a caravan for a while, Fang Xuening threw the camera to Li Shuyao, and then ran to the two entangled trees next to her.

Although the types of videos the two want to shoot are similar, there must be some differences in the content after all. They can't be the same except for the people.

And the styles are not the same.

Fang Xuening not only changes clothes in the middle, but also sings a song while holding a guitar, full of sincerity!
Li Shuyao is different, this guy prepares a dress for a photo shoot from beginning to end, if it is not really beautiful, people will definitely get complaints and bad reviews!
In the morning, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening got off the car and took pictures around the Erhai Lake. Although it is not a sea, it is so vast that you can't see the edge at a glance, and the surrounding scenery is easy to capture the effect.

This is naturally due to the beautiful scenery, and the daily maintenance of the staff of the scenic spot.

Pure natural scenery is seldom as perfect as beautiful ones, and it is the presence of people that makes the scenery perfect.

Well, but there are also those who destroy the scenery, and those who throw garbage everywhere are disgusting!
At noon, I went to Xizhou Ancient Town to eat pea flour, cold rice noodles, roasted bait, fat sausage chicken, Xizhou Baba, and then I ate some popsicles with a high value.

In the afternoon, I took pictures of Yuji Island...and a certain big star's mansion.

I rested on the side of the road at night, and took pictures of the night view of Erhai Lake. The next day, I went to Huanhai East Road and took a lot of road movies on the road.

Then I went to Santorini again, and felt the small shock of the collision between the earth and the sea.

At night, with the cool sea breeze blowing, Li Shuyao let out a long breath. At this time, the two of them were not in the car, but were staying in a very nice local hotel.

Where exactly is it good?

The main one is that the room is relatively large, and the other is that the Erhai Lake is outside the wide balcony...

Just, almost a small villa!
I have lived in the caravan for so long, and I think it is quite good to come down to relax occasionally.

"How about it, do you want to compose a poem?" Fang Xuening walked over with a glass of juice, and said with a smile, lying on the transparent fence of the balcony like Li Shuyao.

"Yes." Li Shuyao took a deep breath, the air here is still very comfortable.

"Oh? Sing it and listen to it." Fang Xuening's eyes lit up. Li Shuyao also wrote a few good songs along the way. It seems that a new album will be released. The travel album also looks good.

Li Shuyao thought for a while, then ran to the sofa and picked up Fang Xuening's casually placed guitar, first closed her eyes and carefully recalled the melody, then leaned against the fence and played lightly.

"Wait a minute, I'll record it." Fang Xuening hurried to the side and picked up the camera to record.

Li Shuyao smiled slightly, casually fiddled a few times on the guitar, and gradually played the melody:
"Aren't you dissatisfied with life?"

"I haven't laughed for a long time and I don't know why."

"Since I'm not happy, I don't like it here."

"It's better to go west all the way to Dali."


The melody is not complicated, just a little sad, a little sad, a little free and easy. Li Shuyao sang the song softly with her back against the Erhai Lake.

Warm and natural.

This song doesn't sound as popular as the songs released before, but it sounds distant and peaceful. Fang Xuening put the camera on the table next to him, sat on the carpet and listened to the song quietly, unknowingly Shaking the body along with the melody.

Bright stars and lights gather on this small balcony, and the gentle and gentle melody floats far, far away accompanied by the sea breeze.

At this time, I don’t know how many people are listening to the sound of the piano from nowhere on the Erhai Lake. It’s amazing. Looking at the calm water in front of me and listening to the pure sound of the piano in the distance, the mood is naturally calm. down.

Those who brought their other half to travel together were either leaning closely together and looking at the sea water, or chasing and playing around the Erhai Lake.

Maybe this is a tourist attraction, so most of them are tourists here.

Tourists, perhaps the most carefree group, at least at this moment.

So the Erhai Lake that is reflected is also carefree.

After singing it once, Li Shuyao stopped singing, but played the guitar heartily, expressing her current emotions into the melody heartily.

The latter is no longer the melody of the original song, but now Li Shuyao's own strength is very strong, and both the lyrics and the composition are quite good, so it's natural to play it casually according to the mood.

Anyway, there is no need to participate in any competitions, no need to judge, and there are not so many people hiding behind the network cable to point fingers and comment.

Just follow your own mind, as long as you are happy.

"so beautiful……"

Fang Xuening stared at it dazedly, not knowing whether it was the person, the scene, or the melody he was talking about.

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