Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 644 1 Paws Down

For this guy's sudden appearance, the fastest responders were Brother Gou and Xiaohong. The two kittens stood in front of Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening with grinning teeth, ready to meow at him if there was any change.

Because of Li Shuyao's long-term teaching, the two kittens understand that they should not hurt people casually, so when they saw a person jumping out, the two cats were very alert but did not make a move.

If a small animal or something jumped out here, they would have made a move long ago.

Li Shuyao took a closer look at the person who rushed out. Needless to say, his body was dirty and covered with leaves and dirt, and his hair looked like a chicken coop, it must have been unwashed for a long time.

The clothes on his body are very casual sportswear, but they are also tattered, and the dust on his face looks like he is 50 or [-] years old.

But Li Shuyao backed up his previous voice, which was very young.

Combined with what he said before, this is probably not a fugitive!
But if it's purely stealing, why not hide in the mountains?What kind of treasure is this stolen for fear of being hunted down?It's not that bad.

If you simply steal something, even if you are caught, you won't be punished too severely.

When Li Shuyao was looking at him, he was also looking at Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening.

Then the more I looked at it, the more I felt something was wrong. At first glance, I didn’t think it was all that bad, but the more I looked at it, the more I felt something was wrong, but I couldn’t tell what was wrong.

"Raise your hands, plead guilty!" Fang Xuening raised the stick in her hand and pointed at the man in front of her who looked embarrassed. She pursed her lips and smiled, but she was not nervous.

Li Shuyao and the two kittens are here, she really isn't very scared.

Li Shuyao shook her head with a smile. This bastard gave away their old background when he opened his mouth, but she really didn't care too much. If it was really a so-called fugitive, she would not mind helping the police catch a prisoner.

Anyway, after catching her, she left.

It turned out to be a woman!
The fugitive student's eyes lit up. He felt that something was wrong before. It turned out that the figure was not right. Although the two people were tightly wrapped, the man with the sapper shovel could still tell.

And these two people didn't have guns on them!
Although he said that he had never confronted special forces, he had seen ordinary soldiers and armed police forces before. They felt like they were with guns.

Moreover, have you seen any special forces with cats, they all bring dogs, okay?

Cats are so expensive, how can dogs be easy to use.

So he took a contemptuous look at the little kitten grinning in front of him. Just these two, he could kick his feet away.

To sum up, this should be two donkey friends wearing auspicious suits.

Ma Dan, are these people sick? When they come out to play, they come out to play, and when they drill into the woods, they drill into the woods. What kind of auspicious clothes are they wearing, and this equipment is called a professional, from head to toe, with binoculars hanging on their bodies, There is still a military backpack on the back, and an engineer shovel in his hand.

Is it sick, is it sick, why don't you become a soldier if you like military uniforms so much!
Scare me!
The fugitive student rolled his eyes. Although these two should not be some special forces, he didn't want to cause trouble. After all, there were policemen chasing him.

Just now when I saw the two auspicious suits, I didn't react, and I felt discouraged and wanted to give up. Now, let's run!
The fugitive turned around and was about to continue running. He got into the woods all at once, obviously familiar with this woods.

"Hey, don't run, raise your hands!" Fang Xuening laughed and continued to shout.

Fugitive: "..."

I'm stupid, stop, do you think you're holding a gun? Let me stop, who are you scaring with a broken stick?

Hey, could this stick be some newest gun weapon?I heard that some guns now look like daggers, and it is very possible to hold a stick.

Well, unlikely!
How can you use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken, he is just a chicken, and he doesn't need such high technology!

"Ah, he was scared away by me." Fang Xuening scratched his head with the stick in his hand: "It seems that this outfit is a bit intimidating. I suddenly like this outfit a little bit."

Li Shuyao: "..."

Is that what scared you off?As soon as you speak, people will know that you are a fake, so they are not afraid at all, so they just ran away.

Dog Brother Xiaohong: "..."

Is that what scared you off?So obviously we were scared away.

"Okay, okay, this guy has gone into the woods, and it's hard for us to find it, so let's eat ours." Li Shuyao didn't pay much attention to this person who suddenly broke in and then ran away.

If this person is malicious, she doesn't mind teaching him a lesson, but he ran away...

To be honest, Li Shuyao is worried that Fang Xuening is here alone, so she won't chase her either.

"Okay, it looks quite interesting."

Fang Xuening smacked her lips, then took out two big tin cans from her backpack.

"Hey, you insist on taking it, eat it quickly, and take up space in the car."

Li Shuyao also cleaned up the ground, and then sprinkled insect repellant around it, and put a firebreak around it.

Although she is confident that she can control it and definitely not catch fire, she still needs to be cautious, and there are no plants by the creek, it's all stones, so she chose to be here.

After laying out a fire-proof and moisture-proof picnic mat, Li Shuyao happily took things from the backpack.

She took 4 of the same cans and filled her backpack to the brim.

In addition, there are several self-heating rations, which can be heated directly by taking some water from the stream.

Besides... and the wine she brought...

Li Shuyao lit the alcohol stove to cook canned food here, while Fang Xuening fetched water to make self-heating rations. The two of them had a clear division of labor, and soon spread a lot of self-heating rations on the picnic mat.

Three alcohol stoves were cooking canned food on the big stone next to it, and the smell of meat soon wafted out.

These are canned army rations that Li Shuyao spent a lot of money to make large portions, one or two are bigger than the head, and the inside is full of meat, the portion is really big, just looking at it is satisfying!
The two of them and the cat just stared at the bubbling and bubbling super-large can of military rations, and the kitten's hala almost flowed down.

While the big guys were waiting for the can to boil, a fugitive jumped out again.

Then, the three of them stared wide-eyed...

Fugitive: "..."

Are these two people so relaxed?I'm still having a picnic here!
Eating small meat and drinking small wine, right?

Ma Dan, I'm so angry, I was chased by people in the mountains, and these two people actually had food and drink by the stream, they are so angry!
So he was angry from the heart, and the evil turned to the guts. He walked over here slowly, and then kept kicking his hands into his pockets as if he was digging for something.


The fugitive had just opened his mouth to speak, when suddenly there was a whoosh, a black figure jumped up, slapped him on the face, and then he fainted gorgeously.

"Meow." Brother Gou yelled disdainfully, that's it?It's just that you kid looked down on me just now, huh, it's really useless.

"Brother Dog, you did a great job!" Fang Xuening waved her fist excitedly.

"Meow!" Brother Gou raised his head.

"Uh..." Li Shuyao pointed to the 50 yuan he took out of his pocket and twitched the corner of his mouth, "Is there a possibility that he wants to spend money to buy something to eat."

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