Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 645 Help the police catch the criminal

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. This guy is planning to attack us. He just looks at our two beautiful girls and then becomes malicious. Anyway, there are few people here, right, just a few of us. If he really does it No one knows anything, when the time comes to kill people and dismember them... Oops, why are you beating me?"

Fang Xuening was talking vigorously when Li Shuyao slapped her on the head.

"You've read too many novels, why are there so many murders and dismembered corpses?" Li Shuyao said angrily.

"It's imperative to be on guard. In this wilderness, it's hard to tell what happened. We two weak girls... er, a weak girl and a strong girl, we have to be careful." Fang Xiao Xiao pouted, feeling aggrieved.

"Yes, yes, you are right." Li Shuyao pursed her lips and smiled: "But there is one thing you said is wrong."

"Which point?"

"This is not an inaccessible place, there are even a lot of people." Li Shuyao's ears moved slightly, and she heard some movements in the forest. Although there were not many people, it couldn't be said that there were no people at all.

Presumably he should be the one chasing this guy.

This time I came in to have a casual meal. I thought it was the same as the roadside picnic before, but I didn't expect to encounter many things.

Well, sure enough, you can encounter anything during your travels.

"Huh? Is there anyone else?" Fang Xuening didn't have Li Shuyao's sensitive ears, but she couldn't hear anyone in the woods.

"It's okay, don't worry about them, let's eat ours, I think it should be ready soon, tsk tsk, bring that jar of beef sausage."

Li Shuyao didn't want to care about those things, and it was getting late now, so hurry up and go out after eating, or you have to wear night vision goggles to go out, which is troublesome.

"Oh..." Fang Xuening nodded, and then she and Li Shuyao took the three jars down with big tongs and put them on the mat, and put the other three jars on it to cook.

Then the two of them took a box of rice and began to eat the meat in the can.

Two kittens are waiting beside them. They can't eat too hot ones, and they don't want to eat the ones that are so cold after opening the can, so they wait until they are boiled and then let them cool down a bit. They are just right to eat when they are warm.

Well, these two cats are already hypocritical and don't want them!
"Well, this tastes good."

"Hiss, this meat is so good, it doesn't look like canned meat anymore, it's quite strong."

"Hiss, not bad not bad."

"Huh, a sip of meat and a sip of wine is so comfortable."

"Meow meow meow……"


When the two of them were eating hachihachi, two figures also came out from the woods, both of them were wearing camouflage uniforms, and they were full of dust.

But Li Shuyao could tell that these two people didn't have armbands on their arms, so they shouldn't be soldiers, or they used to be soldiers, and now they have changed jobs, so there is a high probability that they are the policemen who are chasing this guy.

The two were stunned for a moment when they saw this scene. Two people in auspicious suits were eating in front of them, and two kittens were eating around a can. The prisoner they were chasing passed out beside them.

Still holding a 50 dollar bill?

This... what's the situation?
The sky was a bit dark, but they couldn't see Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening's fair faces at this moment, so they couldn't react for a while.

"Comrade, we are from the XX Public Security Bureau. My surname is Mu. Who are you?" one of the policemen asked.

"Ah, we're here for a trip!" Li Shuyao waved his hands in a haha: "Uncle the policeman is tired, come here, let's eat something together, we brought a lot."

"Yes, yes, let's drink some water. I have a special lemon drink here. Although it is a granule, it tastes good. It is an energy drink, which can replenish energy." Fang Xuening also held an iron pot and smiled road.

Two police officers: "..."

How do you feel, this style of painting is not right, shouldn't these be two special forces members, why... are they two tourists?
Are all the tourists now playing in such a fancy way, and come here for an outing dressed like this?Also ran into the mountains?Don't you know that it is dangerous for people who are not familiar with this place to run into the mountains?
And it looks like two little girls?

But it seems that people also know it, so they cover it tightly, but it's starting to get hot at this time... Although it's not thick to wear so tightly, it must be a little hot, and then I'm still eating hot pot...

Who is hot if you are not hot.

Wait, what is the other girl holding in her hand?
It seems to be wine?

Come here for a drink?
It's really elegant!

Also, why did the person they chased lie on the ground with banknotes in their hands? This scene is really weird. If it was just two donkey girls wearing pirated auspicious suits, how could they beat this person to the ground? down.

You know, the two of them have been chasing this person for half a month...

Both of them pursed their mouths together, apparently somewhat caught off guard by the situation in front of them. Although the two of them were quite familiar in this area, it was the first time they had met this situation.

Just as the two of them were about to speak, the fugitive lying on the ground groaned and woke up little by little: " hurts..."

The two policemen reacted immediately, rushed up and held the guy down, then took out handcuffs from their waists and handcuffed the guy.

"Hiss, wait, wait, I won't run away, you asked me to rub my face, oh, damn it, what is that..."

When the fugitive was screaming, the two policemen also saw the fugitive's face, and then they gasped.

At this time, the right half of his face was immediately red and swollen, and it seemed to be still bleeding, and there seemed to be three faint bloodstains on it.

"It's too bad."

"It's broken."

The two policemen were a little amazed, and they didn't know how this guy became like this. It was obviously related to the two donkey friends in front of him. It seemed that these two people were not good at fault.

But it is impossible to let go, let you run away for a long time, how can you let go.

"What is that? I just want to ask you for something to eat. It's not that I don't give money. If I don't give it, forget it, and beat people!" The prisoner tried hard to open his eyes, and then saw Brother Gou Squeezing her paws, she stared at him covetously.

As soon as the prisoner woke up, he felt a burning pain on his face, and he didn't dare to speak.


Seeing the backs of the two policemen holding the prisoner away, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening also smacked their mouths slightly.

The four of them exchanged pleasantries just now, and the two police officers were relieved after knowing their identities, thanked them for their action, and asked them if they would like to be rewarded for their bravery.

Of course Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening didn't want it, if they wanted it, it was for Brother Gou...

The police thanked her, and Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening took out water and food. Although she didn't eat, she still drank some water, and then Li Shuyao forced two packs of compressed biscuits for her.

In the end, they pressed the prisoner and hurried back, Li Shuyao and the two...

Naturally, we are still leisurely eating hot pot and looking at the scenery.

The little supporting role whose author didn't even bother to come up with a name naturally couldn't affect the taste of the two protagonists. The two of them continued to eat... until it was getting dark, they packed up the leftover garbage and took it away.

Before the police left, they also told them not to leave rubbish or anything.

"Oh, look, it's getting dark." Fang Xuening mumbled while walking while wearing night vision goggles.

"It's not you, who chatted so enthusiastically with him before." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Oh, this is not a chance encounter in the forest. By the way, why do you feel that you are not drunk now? I thought you were going to lie on the ground."

"I did it!"

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