Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 647: No Power in No Man's Land

After staying on the edge of the mountain for one night, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening set off again. This time their goal was to go to the plateau. It would be a pity not to go to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau once in their life. Although there may be altitude sickness, But it seems good to experience altitude sickness.

Although it may be a bit uncomfortable, it is still a good experience.

Starting again, we will go through a large section of no-man's land, which may take three or four days.

But neither of them felt that it was a problem. After being outside for such a long time, both of them are very confident in the battery life of this RV. It is no problem to walk in no-man's land for a week. Even if there is no gas, does it still have electricity? Well.

As long as there is electricity, they have nothing to fear!

"Why is it raining for 3 days in a row? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have turned on the air conditioner."

Fang Xuening lay on the edge of the window, looked at the continuous rain outside and sighed slightly. At this moment, the RV was parked beside the national highway with the engine turned off. Apart from the refrigerator, the only electrical appliance that was still on in the car was the mobile phone.

So at the moment the outside of the car is pitch-black, and the inside of the car is also pitch-black.

Although there is still some electricity in the RV, it should be used sparingly.

I didn't turn on the fire when I ate at night, but ate self-heating food.

The main reason is that it has been raining and the sun can't be seen, so the solar panels are useless... Now it's just relying on generating electricity while driving.

But it's obviously not enough for the two of them to splurge, so now it's time to save electricity if it can, and don't turn on the air conditioner, TV, etc. unless necessary.

I'm going to bed at night, so I don't need to turn on the lights.

Li Shuyao was also lying beside her looking at the rain splashing outside the window. After driving in the rain for several days, the inside of the car was also a bit damp. Although it was said that he had brought a dehumidifier, it also consumed a lot of electricity.

So of course it's closed now.

"I thought about it before, after all, it's normal to rain here." Li Shuyao also sighed: "But the rain scene outside is very beautiful."

Aside from the fact that the battery is low in the car, the rain scene outside is really beautiful. Countless water droplets hit the ground, and the faint road leads to a dark distance. There are tall trees nodding gently on both sides of the road. Drops of water weave a curtain in mid-air, occasionally reflecting the starlight hanging from the gaps in the dark clouds in the sky.

If there is a time-lapse camera or something, it can take a very good video or photo.

The two of them did shoot on the first day, but now they are really not in the mood to continue shooting.

"So, why didn't you bring a generator?" Fang Xuening turned her head, and looked at her with a pair of beautiful big eyes without blinking: "You brought so many messy things, you shouldn't bring them!"

"The generator burns oil..." Li Shuyao shrugged, "Do you think we will still have oil when we run out of electricity?"

"We can prepare some oil." Fang Xuening spread her hands.

"The oil belt is so dangerous in the car. Besides, this is not temporary, the dark clouds will eventually clear." Li Shuyao patted Fang Xuening and smiled: "As long as there is sun, we will have electricity! So don't worry La!"

two days later...

At night, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening lay on the window of the car again. It was pitch black outside, and the inside of the RV was also pitch black.

The kittens are already slapping each other's tails to play with boredom, and now even the refrigerator is out of power.

Fortunately, the food in the refrigerator is almost eaten these days, so there is no need to worry about a large area of ​​damage...

Besides, Li Shuyao is also ready to send some telegrams.

It's raining continuously, although it can't be said that it's not heavy, and sometimes it will stop for a while, but it can't stand the cloudy sky all the time. Now, it's finally time for her, a power generator girl, to play her best!


I thought of the sound of thunder and lightning outside, but the little guys in the caravan had already gotten used to it, one or two were very courageous, so now they are not afraid of the sound of thunder and lightning.

In other words, the fear stems from the unknown. When Li Shuyao read the knowledge about thunder and lightning to a few kittens, the kittens were no longer afraid.

In fact, the little cats can't understand it, but if Ma Ma says it's not scary, then it shouldn't be scary!

Anyway, it’s fine for the kittens to listen to Ma Ma.

"I suddenly had a bold idea." Li Shuyao said in a deep voice, watching the lightning flash in the sky and listening to the rumbling thunder after the lightning.

"What do you want to do?" Fang Xuening tilted her head and looked at Li Shuyao amusedly: "You don't want to use the lightning outside to charge it."

"Hey, you guessed it." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "That's right, that's what I thought."

Fang Xuening: "..."

You guys have watched too many TV shows, or too many cartoons, the kind of plot where there is a thunder and a crack, and then the car comes to order is too nonsense.

And if you go out, you are afraid that you will be hacked to death!
"You...are you kidding me, how dangerous it is, just wait for the weather to clear up." Fang Xuening said angrily: "It's not that you can't live without electricity, just stop here for two days Two days, as for going to die."

"Haha, don't worry, I'm sure." Li Shuyao was also amused seeing Fang Xuening's anxious look, of course she wasn't going to attract the thunder from the sky, not to mention whether they could attract the thunder in this place, just Even if it was really lured down, she was not sure that she would not be hacked.

Knowledge belongs to knowledge, it doesn’t matter if it’s written in a novel, it doesn’t matter if it’s drawn in a manga, but let you really use an iron rod to attract thunder...

No one is upset.

That is the real power of heaven and earth.

So she pretended to trigger the lightning, but actually discharged it herself.

If she goes out and gets in the car, it will be fully charged. She can't explain it. Could it be that she is an electric eel and can discharge, and she has practiced for a long time to control the current at a standard voltage?

This TM is more nonsense than Yinlei.

As the saying goes, the two things are trivial, but in comparison, she still thinks that Yin Lei can be talked about.

"You have a grasp of wool, there is no need." Fang Xuening was speechless: "You just want to go out to play, be obedient, don't do such dangerous moves."

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Li Shuyao jumped off the bed excitedly, then put on a raincoat, and went out with an iron rod.

Well, it is the iron rod used to open the road in the mountains.

"Hey, wait for me..." Fang Xuening was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect Li Shuyao to be so decisive, and then hurriedly put on her raincoat, and as soon as she reached the door, Li Shuyao locked her back.

"Hey? Open the door, what are you doing?" Fang Xuening didn't push it open for a long time. The door opened outwards, so Li Shuyao couldn't push it open with her outside.

"Don't come out!" Li Shuyao yelled outside.

"Ah? You open the door."

"No, I won't drive!"

"Huh? No, what's going on? You've watched too many idol dramas, right?" Fang Xuening felt like the veins on her forehead were about to pop out. What kind of nerves did this guy have? It's because he spent too much time in no man's land. Is it crazy because it grows up?
Headache, headache, you don't stay in the RV on a rainy day, you run out with a broken iron rod to perform some idol drama, are you crazy!

"Don't worry, I will definitely get the call for you!" Li Shuyao laughed and shouted.

Fang Xuening: "..."

I tm thank you.


Lightning streaked across the sky again...

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