Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 648 Really... Got a call?

Hearing the sound of thunder outside, Fang Xuening's little heart flustered somewhat. Although she had never seen it with her own eyes, she still knew the common sense that one should not carry an iron pole in the open space during a thunderstorm. Going out with a stick is really going to die.

Even if it is to induce lightning to generate electricity for the car, is there such a method that can induce thunder by holding a stick?I'm afraid you're not kidding me!
Fang Xuening patted the car door vigorously and shouted, "Li Shuyao! Why are you crazy, come back quickly!"

Then... nothing happened.

Well, people just stop talking!
Fang Xuening hurriedly ran to the window next to her and looked out. After all, that kind of thunderbolt was only seen in the video, and she had never seen it in real life.

And it doesn't mean that as long as the iron rod is erected, there will be lightning strikes, and those lightning rods will not be struck every time there is lightning.

Still need some luck...

Fang Xuening was thinking about it, and then suddenly felt the light outside, and at the same time, a powerful roar erupted.

Fang Xuening's eyes widened immediately, she screamed, turned around and kicked the door, oh my god, there really was lightning coming down, I'm afraid you did something wrong!
Yes, it was indeed a shameful thing!You fucking locked me in the garage and ran out with an iron rod to cause thunder, you are crazy, pure crazy!

This time, Fang Xuening opened the door smoothly, and the humid air mixed with the slight rainwater poured in. At this moment, Fang Xuening didn't care too much, and ran out barefoot without even putting on her shoes.

The inside of the caravan is carpeted, so the two of them usually don't wear shoes in the caravan. Otherwise, when they came out of the forest before, the two kittens would not have squatted at the door and dared not go in.

As soon as Fang Xuening came out, she saw Li Shuyao standing beside the car, motionless, as if she had been shocked by something, and she was lying crookedly next to the iron rod, looking...

It was indeed struck by lightning.

However, Fang Xuening's attention was not on the stick, but hurried to Li Shuyao's side and shouted: "Li Shuyao! Li Shuyao! Are you okay!"

"Ah... I'm fine..." Li Shuyao looked at the barefooted little girl in front of her and shouted loudly, "Why are you coming out? Didn't I let you stay in the caravan."

"Huh? You were struck by lightning, you know, you let me stay in the car? I can stay!" Fang Xuening also shouted: "Do you know how dangerous what you did, Are you crazy you!"

"I'm fine." Li Shuyao looked at Fang Xuening's anxious expression and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I'm not stupid, how could I be struck by lightning."

"How do I know, you are playing a bitter scene with me here, my God, do you know that I was scared to death when the lightning strike just now, you are fine if you were struck by lightning." Fang Xuening said I was about to cry, but I didn't notice that Li Shuyao's hand was always on the charging port at this time.

That's right, it's so dark outside, it's good to be able to see the face, you don't care what other people's hands are doing, and it's normal to hold on to the car door after being struck by lightning.

"I wasn't struck by lightning..." Li Shuyao was speechless: "It was just that I was struck by a stick."

"Cut..." Fang Xuening glanced at Li Shuyao with contempt: "Look at your hair."

"What's wrong with my hair..." Li Shuyao was about to say, but when she raised her hand to touch it, she felt that the hood of the raincoat was pushed up a little.

I reached in and touched it. Although the hair on the outside was a little wet, the hair on the inside was almost blown up by the electricity.

Li Shuyao curled her lips helplessly, there was nothing she could do about it, she was a little close to the lightning just now, although she wasn't chopped, the hair on her body was indeed pulled up by the static electricity.

Just now she was really shocked by the gorgeous scene of the thunderbolt splitting the iron rod. Anyway, she can recall that scene as soon as she closes her eyes.

A ray of light meandered down from the sky, and then it became dazzling. She almost didn't dare to look at it, but after all, her eyesight is still good, so she finally witnessed the whole process of the iron rod being almost shattered.

But it's a pity that her eyes are not super-high-speed cameras, so she can't see the thunderbolt with claws and claws. She can only see a flash of light, and then the iron rod lies there.

Li Shuyao was very thankful that she put the iron bar next to her when she came out, and she was even more fortunate that the water shoes she was wearing were insulated, otherwise she would probably have to work hard.

After all, it's raining under my feet now... This thing also conducts electricity.

But after reading it, she was finally sure about one thing, those so-called people who got adventures after being struck by lightning were fucking nonsense, if they survived being struck by lightning, they would be seriously injured.

The two chatted for a long time, and after making sure that there was nothing wrong, Li Shuyao also took her hand back, and quietly closed the cover of the charging port.

Not to mention anything else, after half a day, my fast charger has already charged a lot of electricity, so it shouldn't... the battery will be damaged.

Well, anyway, it's just an emergency, and I won't use it until the critical moment. Electrical appliances are somewhat fragile.

"Don't be so impulsive next time, it's too reckless, you seem to be joking with me, and you still block the door, you are really..." Fang Xuening walked back while thinking, and let Li Shuyao go first RV, own rear.

"I got it, I got it, go take a hot bath, see if you don't wear shoes when you come out, you'll catch a cold again." Li Shuyao pulled Fang Xuening up and said speechlessly.

"Look at it, look at it, aren't you stupid? We don't have electricity in our car, so there's no hot water." Fang Xuening rolled his eyes: "I'll say you were stunned."

"Look over there... is there any electricity?" Li Shuyao turned on the lights in the car with her backhand, then pointed to the battery display screen and said with a smile.

"real or fake?"

She wasn't surprised when the lights came on. After all, it wasn't that there was no electricity in the car. There was still a little left. Turning off all of them was to save electricity. After all, there wasn't much left, and the car had to start running tomorrow.

"Really..." Fang Xuening rubbed her eyes, and the battery was charged to 56%. Although it was not fully charged, it was enough for them to use for a long time.


Can it really charge with lightning?

Is this... scientific?

But don't worry about whether you can explain it or not. Anyway, people have electricity now, that is, they are charging. The living facts are here. Although it is a bit unbelievable, you can't help but believe it.

After all, facts speak louder than words!
Now think about it, solar panels can be used to generate electricity in sunny days, and lightning can be used to charge in thunderstorms. Does this seem to be all right?
"However, in novels and anime, wouldn't one thunderbolt fully charge the battery? It doesn't seem like it's charging much." Fang Xuening turned her head and glanced at Li Shuyao.

Li Shuyao twitched her lips, thinking beautifully, you have no idea how much the battery of this car can hold, and I spent a lot of energy stored in the system to charge it.

Fortunately, the charging speed of my own fast charging is quite fast. If I follow the normal charging speed, I can't charge much in this time.

"Anyway, the electricity is on, I'm going to take a shower, oops, I'm all soaked, hehe." Fang Xuening picked up the towel at the door and wiped his feet, then went straight to the bathroom with a smile.

I haven't had a good hot shower for two days.

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