Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 650: Gao Tan is so Ferocious

The scenery along this road is really good, but if you see too much, you will feel a little tired and panic, and let's say... the journey is really quite long.

Li Shuyao suddenly understood why the fight with Tubo was so strenuous in the Tang Dynasty, and it was just like this at the beginning, and if there was some altitude sickness later, it would really be impossible to fight.

It's too big here.

You can tell by looking at the map that this is really a piece of the boss.

"It is said that a long, long time ago, this place was still a deep sea, and then the crustal movement, oh, earthquakes, etc., squeezed out this plateau, and that's how Everest was squeezed out."

Fang Xuening was driving in front, and Li Shuyao, who was a bit bored, sat in the back and started the broadcast directly:

"Hey, look, the scenery outside is still pretty good, haha."

"That's right, those saltwater lakes are the pits in the seabed, and then this one was gradually lifted up, and after many, many years of fresh water such as rainwater, it became a saltwater lake."

"Well, there should be a little difference between this thing and sea water."

"Yes, every time I see this kind of natural landscape, I will unconsciously imagine what it was like many, many years ago. It really feels like the sea has changed."

"Wow, look, it's really beautiful here..."

As you talk, the road bends, surrounded by lush green grass, circles of white clouds wrap around your neck like necklaces, if you don’t know that this is a plateau, you would think you are in a grassland.

The scenery is like delicious food and beautiful women. It is always the first bite, and the first sight is the most amazing, and then the feeling will start to decline.

Perhaps human instinct always likes the new and dislikes the old, but most of the time people endow some things with emotion, and emotion is the foundation of maintaining a long-term relationship.

If there is no emotion, everyone will like the new and dislike the old.

After working all the way to the Daotang River, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening walked down with a small oxygen bottle. Anyway, the altitude here is already about 3300 meters, which is already a place where you will suffer from altitude sickness.

So there are still some preparations that should be made.

"Should I say it or not, the scenery here is really beautiful." Li Shuyao sighed while holding up her mobile phone.

The trickling river is inlaid on the emerald green jade like a jade belt...

"I feel that since I went to the plateau, or since the number of active people has decreased, the natural scenery is really beautiful." Fang Xuening said with a sigh.

"Why else would some people become extreme environmentalists? After all, it is easy for people to have the illusion that human beings are the culprits of destroying nature." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Tsk tsk, look, someone said it in the bullet screen, isn't it like this?" Fang Xuening pointed to the bullet screen and said with a smile.

"Actually, along the way, the scenery with people participating is the most beautiful scenery. In fact, many completely natural scenery are not perfect."

Li Shuyao smiled and said:
"Some people may say that nature is inherently imperfect, and that kind of imperfect landscape is the most real."

"This sentence is true, but in fact, the things that make you most aware of extreme environmental protection may be those perfect landscapes that are maintained by people."

"Of course, this is just my personal opinion, and I don't think anything should be extreme. It's not good to be too extreme. There is always a relatively mild method in this world."

"After all, the real world is not a novel, right? In novels, it's cool to see the protagonist lift the table as soon as he says it, but in reality, we can't just lift the table as soon as he says he lifts the table. He is the protagonist, and we are not... Haha, I was about to cry as I was talking...uh..."

Li Shuyao rubbed her temples, feeling a little dizzy, not serious, but a little dizzy.

She immediately realized that this might be altitude sickness...

Hiss... how is it possible!

The person who cheats on me actually has altitude sickness?

This is not scientific... Ah no, this is not metaphysics!

Is it because I set up a falg before?

Ma Dan, this thing is also time-sensitive, sometimes it doesn’t work, why sometimes it’s okay to falg immediately, and sometimes there’s something wrong, this thing depends on the mood!
Then she glanced at Fang Xuening next to her, and there was nothing wrong with this guy being alive and well.

It seems that she needs to find a local to pat her on the shoulder, otherwise she won't be able to get there, she still wants to go to the beautiful Hoh Xil.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Fang Xuening, who was looking at the scenery, turned her head and saw Li Shuyao covering her head: "Dizziness? Hurry up, do you want to breathe some oxygen?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little dizzy. It should be fine." Li Shuyao was startled when she finished speaking, and she accidentally set the flag again. It won't be serious in a while.

Shouldn't, shouldn't be, and it's not something like God, I won't talk about it on my own and think about it in my heart...



Li Shuyao suddenly felt dizzy, and then fell directly into Fang Xuening's arms.

"Hey, hey? No..." Fang Xuening quickly put her arms around Li Shuyao, put the live broadcast phone aside, then took out the oxygen bottle and slapped Li Shuyao in the face.

After finishing the work, Fang Xuening checked Li Shuyao's fingernails, lips, etc., the color is still normal, there is no purple or anything like that, it seems that it is still slightly high.

But why do you faint directly?

It's not scientific.

Fang Xuening was speechless, why did she feel that many things became metaphysical when it was Li Shuyao's turn? Before, she could go out to attract lightning to charge the car with an iron rod.

Anyway, she still doesn't understand how an iron rod can charge the RV. Even if you caused lightning, how would you charge it?
Just change the subject when you ask her, as if I won't tell you.

And now, everything was fine at first, I just finished talking about nothing, and then boasted!You will faint directly.

Those who don't know think that you, God, are fighting here.

Li Shuyao suddenly fainted, and the bullet screen burst instantly, and a large question mark swiped across:


"What's the situation? What's wrong?"

"It's altitude sickness."

"What are the symptoms?"

"It's good to get used to it."

"Don't hold back, hurry up and take medicine, take oxygen, do you have a device to measure the oxygen content in your blood?"

"No, go back."

"The height is abnormal, just take some medicine and you'll be fine."


Before coming here, Fang Xuening also made up for the knowledge about hyperreflexia. After a round of inspection, she found that it was only a mild hyperreflexia, which could be relieved immediately by inhaling oxygen. There were also medicines for hyperreflexia in the car. If there were symptoms Just eat it straight away.

Originally, Fang Xuening thought that Li Shuyao would react a bit if she didn't get LS this time, but she didn't expect to have a reaction when she came here...

"Phew..." Li Shuyao took a breather, and then resolutely started to walk into the scenic spot. No matter what, things like altitude sickness must be resolved!Otherwise, how can she play happily in the future.

Is it possible to rely on the reverse to set the flag? It sounds unreliable.

So wow, this time you still have to rely on yourself!
Ah no, rely on it!

"Hey? Why are you going?" Fang Xuening asked while holding the phone, "Go back and lie down if you feel uncomfortable."

"It's okay, just stay here and don't move around, I'll go and take pictures of some people."

After finishing speaking, Li Shuyao left Fang Xuening with a deep back.

Fang Xuening: "???"

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