Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 651 I once dreamed of walking the world with a sword

After greeting the local staff cordially, Li Shuyao returned to the RV and took a nap on the grounds that she was unwell.

When she woke up again, Fang Xuening somehow felt that something was different about this guy, just... before, her face was pale and her lips were dry, but she just went to sleep and came back like Like a normal person.

No, it's even easier than a normal person, and looks like a local.

After Fang Xuening thought about it for a long time...

She was relieved, thinking about it, this guy hasn't lived a normal life, forget it, don't think about it, anyway, there will always be such a little accident when it's her turn, she can already understand it.

"Haha, tell me, when Princess Wencheng came here, she was really sad." Li Shuyao looked at the beautiful scenery and smiled against the wind.

"Who knows." Fang Xuening spread her hands, "Anyway, everyone thinks she's very sad."

"I also think so. Otherwise, why did Tubo build up so powerfully, and then always fight with Datang?" Li Shuyao smashed her mouth: "You said, Tubo was so strong later, and those seeds brought with Princess Wencheng , books and so on, do they have a lot to do with it?"

"It's hard to say." Fang Xuening continued to spread her hands. She was not a historian, so she asked her what she was doing.

"It's a pity that Tubo, which was once so powerful, was able to fight back and forth with Tang Dynasty, but it didn't become like that later." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth with some regret: "But now it is very good."

"Yeah." Fang Xuening nodded lightly, this guy really doesn't seem to be rebellious.

It seems that the altitude sickness is also quite easy, just take some oxygen and sleep.

But it should also be due to the lighter suit.

"Let's go, let's go to the next stop!"

The biggest feature of self-driving tour is freedom. You can stop whenever you want, and start when you want.

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening drove along the road all the way, admiring the vast Qinghai Lake along the coast of the Erlangjian Scenic Area, imagining the vicissitudes of the sea for thousands of years, and also appreciating the soft beauty of the Northwest.

Leaving Qinghai Lake all the way, crossing the Rubber Mountain Yakou, entering the Qaidam Basin, watching the Chaka Salt Lake, and photographing the legendary sky.

Go to Keluke Lake and Tuosu Lake to see what is lush with water and grass on one side and barren on the other. As for the alien ruins in the middle of the two lakes...

Anyway, Li Shuyao didn't feel anything.

During the journey, we walked through the long Gobi, watched the towering snow-capped mountains, and strolled through the quiet Kunlun...

In the uninhabited area of ​​Hoh Xil, I was lucky enough to see bouncing Tibetan antelopes.

In Cuona Lake, I was lucky enough to see wild yaks and gazelles.

The meaning of the journey is vividly displayed on this road.


"Namtso is so beautiful..."

Standing under the Holy Elephant Tianmen, the calm lake in front of you is like a piece of sapphire inlaid on the earth, and the mountains in the distance emit orange light under the setting sun.

Li Shuyao yelled towards the lake, regardless of whether there were other tourists behind her.

But when she yelled like this, some tourists also yelled along with her.

However, there are not so many tourists, so there are only a few sporadic ones. After shouting, everyone laughed.

"Come on, let's go back and get the guitar."

After shouting, Li Shuyao took Fang Xuening and ran all the way to the caravan, followed by three kittens who were already about the same size.

Fang Xuening is somewhat speechless, you go back and get the guitar, just go back and get it, why are you dragging me!Don't tell me you're going to drag me back later!

After running to the car to get the guitar, Li Shuyao ran back with the guitar in one hand and Fang Xuening in the other, and the three kittens also ran back along.

Fang Xuening: "..."

Fortunately, during this period of time, my mother has also adapted to life on the plateau... How many tourists have you seen running back and forth on the plateau?
Back at the Holy Elephant Tianmen, leaning against the corner, Li Shuyao lightly plucked the strings, and a warm melody was created casually.

"You want to sing a new song?" Fang Xuening raised the camera in his hand: "Do you want to record it?"

"Let's record it." Li Shuyao looked at the lake and snow-capped mountains in the distance and said with a smile:
"It's been four or five months since we walked all the way. We crossed the next door, climbed over the snow-capped mountains, ran wildly across the grasslands, and chased the white clouds. When we got here, a melody emerged in my heart."

"I think this song can be used as the title song."

"Okay, you can sing." Fang Xuening smiled, Li Shuyao also sang a lot of new songs along the way, and she could release a new album.

Some songs are about scenery, some are about love, and some are about journey.

This is the first time Li Shuyao said that she can be the title song.

Li Shuyao took a deep breath, first played some melodies at random, and then plucked the strings from top to bottom in a free and easy way:

"I once dreamed of walking the world with a sword and seeing the prosperity of the world..."

Listening to this melody, Fang Xuening suddenly remembered the scene of driving a caravan through the next door in Fang Xuening's mind. It seemed that this song should be sung in the constant forward movement.

The eloquence is full of the fatigue and joy of the journey, free and easy and natural.

When the melody broke out, Fang Xuening felt infinitely disappointed in her heart, and all kinds of journeys kept popping up in her mind.

Is this journey happy?

I want to be happy.

Was it a hard journey?

It should be hard work.

Do you regret going this way?

Probably no regrets.

Thinking about it, Fang Xuening felt that her eye sockets were slightly moist.

Sure enough, no matter when, the most moving thing is not the melody, but a piece of the past evoked by the melody. The memory fragments hidden in the brain's gully may be the most precious thing in life.

Gradually, some tourists heard the melody here and came closer.

Perhaps, this song touched those who are on the road the most. Everyone listened to Li Shuyao's performance quietly, and the mountains in the distance and the water nearby seemed to be intoxicated at this moment.

This moment may be quiet, there is no other sound except this melody.

This moment may be magnificent, and a different world surges in everyone's heart.

"Having experienced the ups and downs of life, this smile is warm and pure."

"Clap clap clap..."

As the last sound fell, several tourists nearby also applauded together, and Li Shuyao also stood up and nodded to the audience.

Along the way, this kind of scene is not the first time. Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening often play and sing with guitars in a certain scenic spot or rest area, and then passers-by often come to watch.

Even before, there were people who put money in the piano case...

After that, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening would take a camera to record every time they sang, so that there would be no misunderstanding.

After all, now that the self-media is so developed, there are quite a lot of people recording locations, so it is understandable.

After singing a song and expressing the emotions in Wan's heart, Li Shuyao picked up the piano and was ready to leave.

At this time, someone yelled:

"Beauty, what's the name of this song?"

Li Shuyao froze for a moment, then turned around and said with a smile:

"Once you."

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