After leaving Namtso, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening went straight to LS. As the end of this self-driving tour, the two played in LS for a whole week before reluctantly leaving.

Although Fang Xuening took medicine twice during the play, Li Shuyao patted his shoulder once and fell asleep, so everyone overcame the more violent high reaction here.

There are quite a few outpatient clinics here, and they have unique experience and understanding of the treatment of altitude sickness, so as long as you feel uncomfortable, just come to the outpatient clinic here, don't hold back.

In this city that lacks oxygen but does not lack faith, Li Shuyao has seen the Potala Palace, which is the closest to the God Realm, and was lucky to see pilgrims walking from distant cities.

Li Shuyao was actually very emotional, she was very lucky along the way, she saw everything she needed to see, and didn't encounter any messy things, and the journey went smoothly.

I didn’t travel much on the way home, after all, I had to rush back to attend someone’s wedding, right?

The wedding was on October 10th, and Li Shuyao estimated that it would take ten days and a half a month to go back, so she drove back directly from LS.

This really spans the entire country. From west to east, apart from eating, drinking, and occasionally looking at the scenery, you are basically driving.

By the time Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening returned home, it was already mid-September...

When I left, the car was full of all kinds of food. When I came back, except for a small amount of food, it was basically souvenirs bought in various scenic spots.

The further east you go, the denser the city becomes. Basically, you rarely stay in the suburbs or no-man's land, so you don't need so much food and water.

Those self-heating food and military rations are not eaten much in uninhabited lands such as the Gobi grassland, so they basically ate delicacies from all over the way back.

Anyway, when I got home, almost all the ready-to-eat foods were eaten, that is, there were some fresh ingredients left in the refrigerator, but it didn't matter, I took it home and put it in the refrigerator at home to eat.

When Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening's RV appeared outside the park, the whole park...wasn't boiling, and no one came to greet them. Anyway, it was quite calm.

However, Li Shuyao and Li Shuyao were very excited.

"I didn't feel it before, but this time I left home for more than 7 months, and I'm really excited to be back." Li Shuyao sat in the co-pilot, looking at the familiar scenery outside the window with a little bit of emotion.

"Yeah, I want to sleep with him for three days and three nights, haha, I'm going to ask for leave, I'm not going live, I'm going to sleep!" Fang Xuening was also a little excited in the driver's seat.

It is completely impossible to be more timid than the nostalgia, and now she misses the big bed at home.

Although the mattress in the RV is the same as the one at home, the size is still different. The big bed in Li Shuyao's room can accommodate four people rolling on it.

Fang Xuening felt that rolling around here was uncomfortable, but rolling around on the bed at home was more comfortable.

"Yo, Yaoyao is back." Da Damengang poked a smiling head out of the window after seeing Li Shuyao's RV: "It's been a long time since I went out this time."

"Haha, I'm back, I'm back, oh, I had fun, haha."

Li Shuyao smiled and said hello to the security guy, anyway, she has a good relationship with the security guy in the far away place, and they usually say hello when they are patrolling.

"By the way, there are a lot of couriers from your home in the past two days, don't forget to come and pick them up then." The little brother continued to shout.

"Got it, thank you."

As the RV drove past the gate slowly, Li Shuyao turned to Fang Xuening with some doubts, "Did you buy something?"

"No." Fang Xuening shook his head: "I put them all in the shopping cart and buy them when I get home. Besides, I don't have anything to buy."

In fact, you can also buy express delivery during the trip, but, both of them thought it was troublesome, so they didn't buy it, and planned to buy it after returning home.

Anyway, there is nothing particularly urgent to buy, so I will wait until I get home.

It’s not like buying, buying, buying every day.

"What is that... Our express delivery? Sister Lu bought it?" Li Shuyao asked suspiciously.

"Never mind him, we'll know when the time comes." Fang Xuening said indifferently: "And Jingyi is also at home, maybe she bought it."

"Yes." Li Shuyao nodded.

Tantai Jingyi is currently on vacation, but she will be going to participate in the World Championship soon.

At MSI, she successfully defended her title. The summer split was a bit bumpy. She fought all the way back from the loser's bracket, but she also successfully defended her title. Now it's time to watch the World Championship.

If it can still be successful, it will really be recorded in the history of League of Legends. If you win all the championships for two consecutive years, it will be two rounds of Grand Slams.

Now CR has a very high reputation in the LPL and even the entire league circle. All kinds of lists rank CR No.1. CR is even soft when receiving endorsements, and there is almost no place on the team uniform.

Many of Li Shuyao's fans feel sorry that Li Shuyao didn't continue to play for another year, but she doesn't care, anyway, she gets what she should get, besides, playing professionally is too tiring...

If Li Shuyao's own tricks could only be played professionally, then she would do it for a small amount of money, right, but her tricks can be used for everything, since she can make money comfortably, why work so hard.

The RV soon drove to his door.

At this time, it was already past 7 o'clock in the evening, and the sky had already darkened. The two of them didn't eat much on the way. Isn't this going home soon? Basically, they drove all the way... Well, they drove back in a law-abiding manner of.

Seeing that the lights at home were on, the two hurried into the garage.

Without taking anything, the two got out of the car and went straight home.

"We're getting fat!"

Fang Xuening dragged Li Shuyao into the house, while Tantai Jingyi and Lu Yao were setting meals in the restaurant.

"Come back, wash your hands and eat." Lu Yao said with a smile: "Look, my time calculation is quite accurate."

"Indeed." Tantai Jingyi nodded, and then said to Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening: "If you two don't come back, I will starve to death."

"Haha, it's so rich, what do you guys do?" Li Shuyao ran to the dining table and said excitedly looking at the big table full of dishes.

"Are they cooking? Let me see, let me see..." Fang Xuening also came over, carefully observed the color of the dish, then smelled it lightly, and then curled her lips: "This is obviously a takeaway !"

"Hey? How did you see that?" Li Shuyao was taken aback for a moment: "It doesn't look much different from what I did."

"Hi, I've been eating takeaway for several months, can I not tell?" Fang Xuening pointed to a jar of chicken next to him and said, "This fairy chicken is delicious, it's their signature dish, I ordered it Several times, hehe."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and wash your hands." Tantai Jingyi put several bowls of rice on the table: "This is specially ordered by Sister Lu, to cleanse the two of you."

"Haha, thank you, Miss Lu."

"Wow Kaka, I can finally eat it open today, haha."

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