Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 656 Are you poisonous!

After putting the blue cheese aside, Li Shuyao continued to open the next courier. She didn't have to worry about the mess after the courier was dismantled, because Fang Xuening was there to help her clean it up.

Well, in return, she will also help out when people have birthday parties. In fact, everything is the same. Even if her own things are a little more, she won't unbox them all.

Uh, the main reason is that it’s not easy to unpack. Unboxing looks like nothing, but it’s actually very time-consuming, so it’s impossible to unpack all of them in one day, but most of them can be unpacked.

Almost 80.00% to [-]% can be disassembled. After all, there are still relatively few water friends who deliver things. That is to say, the network and logistics transportation have been very developed in the past two years. In addition, there are guides in the group, otherwise they would not As there are so many.

"This... looks like a T-shirt."

Li Shuyao opened the courier. Inside was a white round-neck T-shirt with several League of Legends characters printed on it. She looked at Sword Fairy, Lucian, Camille, and Calista...

Anyway, some of the heroes she is good at and has played are all printed on it, and it looks like it is specially customized.

Li Shuyao showed the T-shirt to the camera, and then put it on her body. In an instant, Jian Ji's head grew bigger...

"Exactly, haha, thank you for this water friend's T-shirt. It looks like it is specially customized. It has my name on it, as well as two Silver Dragon Cups, and one MSI and S competition trophy."

After putting it on, Li Shuyao took a closer look at it. There were still a lot of little easter eggs on it. Surrounded by these heroes, there was a photo of her holding the S competition.

This photo is quite classic. After the end of the S game, the fist official also changed the profile photo to this photo on Twitter.

Well, it's not specially changed for her. After every major competition, they will change their profile picture to a photo of the winning team holding the trophy.

"Hey, here's another letter."

"Hello, Yaoyao, I am a college student who graduated the year before last. I just entered the society. I am very depressed at work every day. I have no time to do other things when the working hours are full. I have to go to the morning meeting in advance every day, and I have to do it automatically at night. Working overtime is the kind without money.”

"Stepping from a relaxed university life to a stressful work life made me feel uncomfortable for a while. I started pulling my hair, drinking, and smoking. Anyway, I didn't get contaminated in college before, but I got contaminated after work."

"Sometimes there is no way to do it. You have to drink and socialize together at work, and you have to take the cigarettes that the leader distributes to you. If you don't smoke, you don't give people face. If you come and go, you will drink it if you don't."

"Speaking of it, I'm quite depressed. I never thought I would smoke and drink, but I've learned everything after working for only half a year, and this stuff makes me feel that it's hard to get rid of it once it's stained."

"When I didn't experience it before, I always felt that there was a layer of separation. Now that I have truly experienced it, I understand the hardships of life. When I know that this is only a small part of life, and there will be more ups and downs in the future, I really Some breakdown."

"The time that makes me feel most at ease is when I listen to Yaoyao's songs, and I'm still a League of Legends player. Listening to songs and watching you win again and again really inspires me."

"So I ordered this T-shirt, which I designed myself, and I hope you like it."

"A dream of rain."

"By the way, don't read this letter during the live broadcast... Hey... this rainy dream classmate, next time you put this sentence in the first sentence, I will read it all arrive."

Li Shuyao slammed her mouth, this letter is pretty good, but are you sure you didn't mean that last sentence?

"This T-shirt is very nice, I like it very much." Li Shuyao showed the clothes on her body to the camera again: "This classmate may be a designer, don't be discouraged, come on!"

"Come on, let's move on to the next one, let's open another big one!"

Based on the principle of one big and one small, Li Shuyao brought another big piece, which couldn't be placed on the table, so she just put it on the ground and opened it.

As Li Shuyao continued to cut open the plastic sheet, a wooden stick and a knife head appeared, both unedged and with red spikes...

"Ah... who is this! Who gave me a Guandao, right?"

Li Shuyao squatted on the ground speechlessly, and then assembled the knife head and handle. The guy is about the same height as her:
"Is this what you gave to the female anchor? Huh? What kind of image do I have in your hearts?"

Li Shuyao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then put the knife beside her:

"I want to see what else you can give me."

Li Shuyao picked up a bigger box, and then...

"Damn it... You guys are really good, damn it... Who gave this armor? Let me go. This box is the second largest. I was expecting something at the time, but you gave me a pair of armor. The armor is a horn."

Li Shuyao picked up the leather armor in the box with a shocked expression on her face. Although it is not the kind of heavy armor like Mingguang armor, this leather armor is also very impressive. Do you think that ancient soldiers can wear leather armor?
The armored troops are all the elite among the elite, and most of them are private troops, either the emperor's private army, or the private army of a certain leader.

"If this was in ancient times, the things you gave me are enough to give me a name of rebellion. Let me try wearing it? Wait a minute, although this thing is not as troublesome as iron armor, it is not easy."

Li Shuyao took out all the leather armor, from top to bottom, including helmet, breastplate, arm armor, battle skirt, leggings and so on.

With Fang Xuening's help, Li Shuyao passed it on after losing her grandma's energy, mainly because the breastplate was a bit small...

Then Li Shuyao came out boasting.

But he saw that man was dressed in fiery red general armor, with black auspicious cloud boots on his feet, a sterling silver phoenix sword on his waist, and a green dragon Yanyue knife in his hand.Loyalty pierces the sun and the moon, arrogance soars above the clouds, generosity and generosity, and fame spreads throughout the universe.

If you want to ask who this person is, the jade-faced ghost Xiao Yaoyao!
Well, modern chi five chi is about 1.6 meters six, and it is about the same if it is more than five chi.

"Pfft hahaha..."

Looking at her own image in the camera, Li Shuyao couldn't help laughing:
"Hahaha... Fuck, I can go out to fight with one more bow, why don't you send a horse..."

"What? There is a horse, the biggest box."

Li Shuyao stared blankly at the barrage, and then she and Fang Xuening turned their attention to the biggest box, and then...

"You guys are poisonous!"

After Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening opened the box, a cute little wooden horse appeared, but this is the kind of rocking chair, the kind of toy that children can sit on and rock back and forth.

Li Shuyao sat on the wooden horse with a speechless face, and suddenly felt that it was quite interesting, so she directly raised the Qinglong Saber: "Drive! Haha...don't say it, it's quite fun, haha..."

Fang Xuening: "..."

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